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[IC] Chapter 1-3: Mansion of Hate
Giant is swearing and drops his whip. Grr, you bastard undead. What kind of are you?
He steps closer (20ft) and make an attack again with his magical axe. (If he can then he charges)



AC: 16 (18 if charge)
Dmg: 16 (18 if undead)
Merri swings again and her sword cuts straight through Cloak's throat... like through thin air.

"Merri, get behind us!"  Lugar calls out then cautiously moves closer to attack. The elf acknowledges the advice with a brief nod.
The heavy pick passes through the opponent who hisses silently... or was it a cackle?

Giant is swearing and drops his whip. "Grr, you bastard undead. What kind of are you?"

He moves closer, unable to charge through difficult terrain and makes an attack again with his magical axe. The axe makes contact with thin air.

Cloak laughs hysterically and turns on the half-orc, but the ghostly attack is too clumsy to get anywhere near the ranger, even if he were flat-footed. Disappointed, the figure sinks down right into the floor, disappearing from view!

Maul's head pops into view through the crevice as he finally manages to scale the rubble.

"Destroy the evil spirit!" Goo calls out encouragingly and stumbles a bit closer.



A - mAul
* - this is where Cloak disappeared.
Where are you evil ... bastard .... spirit??? - he shouts and looking for the figure's return (ready)
"About time you showed up!" Lugar says to Maul. He slips his dagger back into it's sheath as he moves to assist Maul up through the hole, still holding his pick. "We were just attacked by some spirit and there's a scrawny human over there. I uh, may have shot him, uhh, once."
"Friend or foe?" Maul asks Lugar, glaring at the human who's just got rid of the goo as it became brittle.
As he approaches the man, mace on the ready, he adds, "I just arrived to see it disappear. Better watch your backs everyone. And feet." apparently indicating the cloaked figure.
Giant is still in ready. (at least two minutes)
Lugar will stick next to Maul actively scanning for the Cloaked figure. "Well, I doubt he's a ghost. But one can never be sure." He tells Maul. "I don't trust creatures waiting in the dark." Ooc - is there any illumination here?

To the human he says, " That thing probably wants us dead or gone, so if I were you I would helps us out, or else."
Who are you and why are you here? How did you come here? Are you a spy? - he asks the human firmly and suspiciously
"Whoa whoa one at a time," the man raises his hands, one still holding fast onto the wand. "I'm no ghost but a mere craftsman who ventured a bit too far from home in search of arcane knowledge. Me called Murkatos, and weaponry is my trade. I came to this sunken castle because legends say there are unique artifacts of war lie somewhere underground. But I was assulted by these undead, trapped here on the attic. And I fear there's even worse. My only hope was that someone would eventually free me and that my wand would last long enough to keep them at bay. Thank gods you came."

Maul inspects the man closely. Flesh wound, he says as he tends his wounds.

"Arcane weaponry?" is all Merri asks. "Dealing with arcane wands needs some arcane affinity. Or roguish talent. So spill."

Murkatos nods. "Arcane affinity, yes. I didn't mean to keep it secret. I have academic training, though not too much, and I can craft magic weapons as well. But currently I'm here for days and my energies are drained to bone."
"Hm, hm." - he says and leaves them speaking about uninteresting arcane things. He is looking around to find another exits from this chamber.

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