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[IC] Gemeris Station [Everyone]
(11-16-2021, 08:44 PM)Dez Synn Wrote: "Stall.  Ubi follow their direction, but just take your time about it. Give Zero a chance to plot those coordinates."

Ubi will slowly maneuver our ship, to make it appear we are attempting to follow the Imperial's instructions.
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Ubi slowly tuns the ship to the new heading, he doesn't have to really try to be slow, this ship moves like a flying bathtub.  You all make a mental note that unless you want to gear this ship as simply a floating gun platform and hangar for other ships, you may want to improve the sub-light  engines.

As you settle into the new heading, the Imperial Customs Frigate settles in behind you, about 6 km (4squares) back.

~"Maintain heading to Fedje. And you are again requested to turn on your transponder to identify yourselves."~

[OoC you cannot reprogram your transponder without signifigant time, so you either have to comply and turn it on.. Giving them the equivalent of your license plate number, or leave iot off and see how they respond.]
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[[Don't think we'd want to turn a carrier into a snubfighter, but I guess some sort of upgrade is valuable.]]

Kortsyn sits in the cockpit of her snubbie, waiting for an update on what's happening.  Tired of waiting, she sighs and asks the droid.  "What's happening?  Are we engaging or is the med droid...what's his name?  Zero?  Something like that.  Is he calculating another jump?"
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The astromech beeps and warbles at Korstyn in Binary, and then a countdown appears on Korstyn's HUD.

-"Estimated time to hyperspace jump 18 seconds."-
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(12-09-2021, 06:58 AM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: [[Don't think we'd want to turn a carrier into a snubfighter, but I guess some sort of upgrade is valuable.]]

Kortsyn sits in the cockpit of her snubbie, waiting for an update on what's happening.  Tired of waiting, she sighs and asks the droid.  "What's happening?  Are we engaging or is the med droid...what's his name?  Zero?  Something like that.  Is he calculating another jump?"

[OoC: The Com to the cloakship are on.]

(11-15-2021, 12:14 AM)Dez Synn Wrote: Dez reaches over from the co-pilot seat and hits the comms button. "R4-T6, can you keep comms to the cloakshape open?"

(12-08-2021, 10:08 PM)DM Vitkyng Wrote:  settle into the new heading, the Imperial Customs Frigate settles in behind you, about 6 km (4squares) back.

~"Maintain heading to Fedje. And you are again requested to turn on your transponder to identify yourselves."~

Jendu replies, "I am attempting to comply.  As you have probably detected, I have already adjusted my heading as per your request but as I said before, I'am having some trouble with one of the ship's systems and having difficulty narrowing down the problem. Please stand by..."  Jendu is trained in computers so he will even attempt to add a little static to help with his story.    

Deception: [1d20+16]=9+16=25
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(12-13-2021, 08:10 PM)Jendu Verbenti Wrote:
(12-09-2021, 06:58 AM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: [[Don't think we'd want to turn a carrier into a snubfighter, but I guess some sort of upgrade is valuable.]]

Kortsyn sits in the cockpit of her snubbie, waiting for an update on what's happening.  Tired of waiting, she sighs and asks the droid.  "What's happening?  Are we engaging or is the med droid...what's his name?  Zero?  Something like that.  Is he calculating another jump?"

[OoC: The Com to the cloakship are on.]

(11-15-2021, 12:14 AM)Dez Synn Wrote: Dez reaches over from the co-pilot seat and hits the comms button. "R4-T6, can you keep comms to the cloakshape open?"

(12-08-2021, 10:08 PM)DM Vitkyng Wrote:  settle into the new heading, the Imperial Customs Frigate settles in behind you, about 6 km (4squares) back.

~"Maintain heading to Fedje. And you are again requested to turn on your transponder to identify yourselves."~

Jendu replies, "I am attempting to comply.  As you have probably detected, I have already adjusted my heading as per your request but as I said before, I'am having some trouble with one of the ship's systems and having difficulty narrowing down the problem. Please stand by..."  Jendu is trained in computers so he will even attempt to add a little static to help with his story.    

Deception: [1d20+16]=9+16=25

Ubi will try to pilot the ship so that it appears to be having mechanical difficulties.
Pilot Skill = [1d20+9]=8+9=17
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(12-13-2021, 08:10 PM)Jendu Verbenti Wrote:
(12-09-2021, 06:58 AM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: [[Don't think we'd want to turn a carrier into a snubfighter, but I guess some sort of upgrade is valuable.]]

Kortsyn sits in the cockpit of her snubbie, waiting for an update on what's happening.  Tired of waiting, she sighs and asks the droid.  "What's happening?  Are we engaging or is the med droid...what's his name?  Zero?  Something like that.  Is he calculating another jump?"

[OoC: The Com to the cloakship are on.]

[[She's not communicating with the bridge, she's communicating with the on-board astromech.]]
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Jendu's point was that you have an open mic to the bridge. You would be able to ask Zero directly.
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~"This is your last warning. Turn on your transponder or you will be fired upon"~

[2 rounds]
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(12-14-2021, 01:09 PM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: Jendu's point was that you have an open mic to the bridge. You would be able to ask Zero directly.

[[Maybe she doesn't feel like bothering them while they're dealing with the Imps.]]
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