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[IC] Gemeris Station [Everyone]
Korstyn drops the hatch, sealing herself inside, and begins startup procedures. She does not lift off, however, but all the better to be ready now as she orients herself within the cockpit and its controls.
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(11-15-2021, 02:00 AM)Dez Synn Wrote: Dez looks at Jendu "You gonna get that?"

"Oh, so now it's ok to talk to them," Jendu says while rolling his eyes.  

Jendu takes a seat and casually puts his feat up on whatever's available and most comfortable.  He then taps the comms button and says, "Good Evening. I'm your friendly Neighborhood cruise director.  How may I assist you?" 
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[[Okay. Now he's definitely *not* allowed to speak to them Tongue]]
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The Imperial on the other end completely ignores Jendu's greeting, not confused in the least by Jendu's attempt at banter.

"Unidentified vessel, please turn on your transponder and head to the attached coordinates for landing and cargo inspection."

Thecoordinates attached to the message direct you to a landing pad on the planet below.
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Jendu says through the person comms or the ship's internal Comms, "So...  Would that be a yes or no?  Or should I just stall for time."
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"Stall.  Ubi follow their direction, but just take your time about it. Give Zero a chance to plot those coordinates."
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“I say we follow through on what they want and spring a trap.  Target their communications first and then engines.”
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"Better yet, Avoid a fight entirely. If we simply look like we are complying and then jump to hyperspace, they will not be able to stop us.  We just need to keep them from shooting."
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"You're no fun.  Tease me with an 'Attack the Imps' plan, then sweep the bantha rug out from under me."
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"It appears we're having some trouble with one of our systems," Jendu replies. "We're trying to narrow it down."

Deception: [1d20+16]=5+16=21

Jendu hoped his vague description of system trouble would give them the few extra seconds they needed.
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