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[IC] Field Trip!
Suddenly a black cat bounds into the kitchen.  It slowly weaves its way though the students legs until finally it's body begins to morph and Donya grows to full size beside the kitchen island into human.  "Good morning," she says to everyone with a smile.  "I hope every slept well.  Last night it was cold out so I chose to sleep on a giant pillow instead of outside.  It was a nice change."  Donya pours herself a large glass of lactose free milk and takes a seat with the others.
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Niall nods, head and shoulders moving in an enthusiastic wave as he finished chewing a bite. "I like the little tartness to contrast the sweetness."
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(10-15-2021, 09:11 PM)Niall Glacian Wrote: Niall nods, head and shoulders moving in an enthusiastic wave as he finished chewing a bite. "I like the little tartness to contrast the sweetness."

"The last time I had it, I think I was maybe 5 years old.  I don't remember being impressed.  I think it was the tartness that turned me off.  But it's not bad.  It must be from getting older.  Like how old people suddenly switch from liking regular ice cream to soft serve. Or going from being cool to yelling at kids to get off their lawn."
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He took another bite, finishing a slice, and once he swallowed added, "This is pretty good, although it is a little on the tart side.  The best I ever had was from a little old lady that lived at a campsite near Albany.  She used local oranges that she stole from a nearby orchard in season and sold to people at the site.  Just the perfect balance with a bright citrus aftertaste."  Niall sighed at the memory.  "So good."
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From the hallway PsiJack peeks through the door into the kitchen.  "Hello?" she says while stepping in.  "This place is huge.  I thought maybe Malcolm would come get me but he didn't show up.  So I just followed the voices to track everyone down.  I see Malcolm isn't here so maybe he's not awake yet."
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(10-15-2021, 09:17 PM)Niall Glacian Wrote: He took another bite, finishing a slice, and once he swallowed added, "This is pretty good, although it is a little on the tart side.  The best I ever had was from a little old lady that lived at a campsite near Albany.  She used local oranges that she stole from a nearby orchard in season and sold to people at the site.  Just the perfect balance with a bright citrus aftertaste."  Niall sighed at the memory.  "So good."

"I'd imagine the Professor would only buy the best but you can never really beat something homemade with love."

She looks over at PsiJack when steps in.  After listening to her, Miranda replies, "He hasn't been in here since I arrived but I wasn't the first one here."
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(10-14-2021, 09:23 PM)Johnny Blair Wrote: John just grins back and grabs himself a bowl of cereal as well, sitting across from Ashley as he, mostly, waits for...whatever we're supposed to be waiting for.  While he's waiting...might as well continue the banter.

"So, you've been staring at my backside a lot.  See anything you like?"

[[Not sure Ashley's player saw this.  It's awaiting response.  Teenaged banter, FTW!]]
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As Psi-Jack enters the kitchen, Porsche smiles at the newcomer.

"Heya chicka. You want toast or waffles?"
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(10-15-2021, 09:24 PM)Blink Wrote: "I'd imagine the Professor would only buy the best but you can never really beat something homemade with love."

She looks over at PsiJack when steps in.  After listening to her, Miranda replies, "He hasn't been in here since I arrived but I wasn't the first one here."

Niall looks to PsiJack and says around a mouthful of toast and marmalade, "Can you sense him out?  I'm a little nervous about people just disappearing."
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Porsche looks at Johnny.

"You're his roommate. Did anything happen last night that was odd?"
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