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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
[OoC no objection, since fast healing works best out of combat rather than in, I am fine with Crozar having any that people do noit take]
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Crozar hands a berry to Selina, Tomball, and Kubo.  "Betimi, would you like one?  Ning or Nang?" Crozar asks.
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[OoC:  Are we waiting for something?  Huh ]

So... I guess people pack up their backpacks?  

When Selina cast's her spell on Tomeal, he tilts his head slightly and gives her an affectionate smile.  "Thanks for ward," the Paladin says while  brushing Selina's cheek with the back of his hand.   "I think we should be out of here in a couple of days.  Let's try to keep our body's from growing any extra tentacles.  Deal?"

When you're finished packing, the old woman encourages everyone to have a celebratory drink.  If you refuse, she shrugs and drinks by herself.    When it's time to leave, she groans as she lifts her pack onto her back.  Then says, "Well, are we leaving?"
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Crozar will drop the rest of the berries back into its bag and toast with Ephaba before gathering up its equipment and saying, "I am ready to go whenever the rest of the group is."
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Kubo takes the offered drink, and says, "I thank ye fer yer kindness and hospitality mam!"
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Betimi excuses herself while Elphaba is making the drink and disappears around the far side of the shack from the majority of the party.  Staying within the protection of the aniti-Torque circle.

She draws a 5 foot circle in the dirt, filled with intricate symbols, then steps back.  Moments later a huge icicle thrusts up from the ground within the confines of the seal. A blurry white form can be seen moving within the ice for a moment, then it spreads it's arms and shatters the icy prison. Although she appears with her back to Betimi, her form is clearly that of a winged minotaur. the minotaur waves her ice shield and battleaxe to disperse the cold mist around her, then turns to face her summoner, revealing her bull-like face and icicle beard. Her frost-rimed fur is pure white, and her horns appear to be made of ice. Her powerfully muscled form doesn’t appear female, but her smooth voice sounds quite feminine. 

Binding Check [1d20+14]=2+14=16 vs 17  so.. for somne reason Betimi's alien features seem.. somehow even more disturbing and alien. It is still betimi.. but gone is any hint of softness or humanity to her features.. she seems truly alien, maybe it is just how she moves. And she gained weight afterall lol.

Quote:Sign: You possess the same features as you always did, but they somehow make you more ugly than before. Others easily recognize you, but small differences make you less appealing to look upon. In addition, your bulk expands until you weigh half again as much as you did before.

Today for her pact augmentation, she chooses and attack bonus for both, gaining +2 insight bonus to attack.

Vestige abilities Haagenti 
Confusing Touch: You can confuse by touch. The target of your touch attack must succeed on a Will save or become confused for 1 round per three effective binder levels you possess. When you attain an effective binder level of 19th, this ability functions as a maze spell. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.

Immunity to Transformation: No mortal magic can permanently affect your form while you are bound to Haagenti. Effects such as polymorph or petrifi cation might force you into a new shape, but at the start of your next turn, you can immediately resume your normal form as a free action. You remain affected by such effects only when you choose to do so.

Shield Proficiency: You are proficient with shields, including tower shields.

Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with the battleaxe, greataxe, handaxe, and throwing axe.

When Betimi returns to the shack, just in time for the toast, she asks "Does anyone have a shield of any sort I can borrow, and perhaps an axe?"
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(06-08-2021, 07:20 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [OoC:  Are we waiting for something?  Huh ]

So... I guess people pack up their backpacks?  

When Selina cast's her spell on Tomeal, he tilts his head slightly and gives her an affectionate smile.  "Thanks for ward," the Paladin says while  brushing Selina's cheek with the back of his hand.   "I think we should be out of here in a couple of days.  Let's try to keep our body's from growing any extra tentacles.  Deal?"

When you're finished packing, the old woman encourages everyone to have a celebratory drink.  If you refuse, she shrugs and drinks by herself.    When it's time to leave, she groans as she lifts her pack onto her back.  Then says, "Well, are we leaving?"

[[Sorry.  Confused In all the craziness I forgot to post. Rolleyes ]]

Selina gratefully accepts one of the berries, wondering how magical Crozar was to be able to fit a meal as well as a healing spell in so small a package.  For now, she needed neither, so she decides to keep it in a pouch nearby.

Selina's special smile in response to Tomeal's gratitude tells him all he needs to know.  "Brave one...'Extra' tentacles?  Are you trying to tell us something?"  She obviously can't hold a serious face for very long in this sort of circumstance and is soon laughing.

Selina nods, smiles and accepts the drink from their new companion, sharing Crozar's toast and drinking before resuming the preparations of packing up camp.

(06-08-2021, 04:29 PM)Betimi Wrote: Betimi excuses herself while Elphaba is making the drink and disappears around the far side of the shack from the majority of the party.  Staying within the protection of the aniti-Torque circle.

She draws a 5 foot circle in the dirt, filled with intricate symbols, then steps back.  Moments later a huge icicle thrusts up from the ground within the confines of the seal. A blurry white form can be seen moving within the ice for a moment, then it spreads it's arms and shatters the icy prison. Although she appears with her back to Betimi, her form is clearly that of a winged minotaur. the minotaur waves her ice shield and battleaxe to disperse the cold mist around her, then turns to face her summoner, revealing her bull-like face and icicle beard. Her frost-rimed fur is pure white, and her horns appear to be made of ice. Her powerfully muscled form doesn’t appear female, but her smooth voice sounds quite feminine. 

Binding Check [1d20+14]=2+14=16 vs 17  so.. for somne reason Betimi's alien features seem.. somehow even more disturbing and alien. It is still betimi.. but gone is any hint of softness or humanity to her features.. she seems truly alien, maybe it is just how she moves. And she gained weight afterall lol.

Quote:Sign: You possess the same features as you always did, but they somehow make you more ugly than before. Others easily recognize you, but small differences make you less appealing to look upon. In addition, your bulk expands until you weigh half again as much as you did before.

Today for her pact augmentation, she chooses and attack bonus for both, gaining +2 insight bonus to attack.

Vestige abilities Haagenti 
Confusing Touch: You can confuse by touch. The target of your touch attack must succeed on a Will save or become confused for 1 round per three effective binder levels you possess. When you attain an effective binder level of 19th, this ability functions as a maze spell. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.

Immunity to Transformation: No mortal magic can permanently affect your form while you are bound to Haagenti. Effects such as polymorph or petrifi cation might force you into a new shape, but at the start of your next turn, you can immediately resume your normal form as a free action. You remain affected by such effects only when you choose to do so.

Shield Proficiency: You are proficient with shields, including tower shields.

Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with the battleaxe, greataxe, handaxe, and throwing axe.

When Betimi returns to the shack, just in time for the toast, she asks "Does anyone have a shield of any sort I can borrow, and perhaps an axe?"

Selina is...surprised by her long-time companion's drastic changes.  She blinks a few times and fetches her old shield from her back, giving it to Betimi.  "I'm...interested in learning more about how you are able to...well, change your appearance and abilities so readily."
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When Betimi returns, she quietly fishes the masterwork large steel shield ourt of teh haversack, put's her Masterwork spear into the haversack and retrieves her light mace.

[OoC sacrificing some attack potential there for armour class. No one had claimed the shield so it was still free to use. http://forums.rpgaddicts.com/showthread....1#pid44201]
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[[Shame she doesn’t have Shield Bash, because she could dual wield shields in this case]]
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Still on watch up on teh roof, Ningalu watches the binding ritual with both fascination and fright. Ning wanted to hide, but Nang's overwhelming curiosity kept them watching.
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.