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[IC] Chapter 1-3: Mansion of Hate
On Lugar's turn he will throw a tanglefoot bag at the human.
Ranged touch attack: (16) = 8 + 8

Tanglefoot bag: ~"An entangled creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed." ~"The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness."~
What does SG see now??? There is a human somewhere? (roll20???)
It looks like a large open space once, except for the low ceiling and beams and debris all around. Nothing salvageable by the looks. This is probably the attic of the building.
The "battle situation" the party is in now (short of Maul who stayed downstairs) can be briefly summarised as:

Merri and Giant stand near each other.
About 20 feet from them they can see part of Lugar behind cover of a pile of rocks but they can't see the person Lugar is facing.
They could see a bluish glow after the alarmed shout of a young(ish) man.
By the way I forgot Merri's excellent skills like spellcraft. She can surely identify the spell even from this limited display as chill touch.
Maybe it was also unclear to Lugar that he surprised the man so much that they are but five feet apart (i.e. attacks with ranged weapons provoke AOO)
Merri quickly moves towards Lugar to see what kind of trouble he's found. The fact that he was hit with a 'chill touch' spell meant that whatever he found wasn't very threatening. It was such a rookie spell to use.

(Merri defers the rest of her action until she can see exactly what the threat is.
Lugar lets out his own cry of pain as he grits his teeth from the magic attack.

Merri manages to get a glimpse on the opponent-- a young male human, clad in average explorer's outfit and grabbing tight on a wand decorated with runes.

"Give up! You have no chance. You are our prisoner now." the half-orc talks to the "speaking elephant" and approaches. This approach opens a line of sight for him as well and the man is now surrounded.

"There's poison in your veins now, surrender and we will help you. Resist and..." While Lugar threatens the human he reaches for one of his belt pouches that holds a tanglefoot bag. Though up close, the man is so surprised by the dwarf fishing through his pockets that he fails to take advantage of the opportunity. The goo hits and the man lets out a horrified cry.

"Don't hurt! Don't hurt! You are no undead!" He tries to wriggle free for a moment but then he gives up, apparently experienced enough to recognise the nature of the attack.

As if on cue, a cloaked figure steps out of the stone and swings a mace at Lugar. The dwarf uncannily leans out of the way of the attack which misses him by the hair of an ant.

Private to Merri...
The figure seems to be the same who fled on the corridor outside the mansion.

[OOC - no map for this place but situation is briefly as follows:
- Lugar is in melee range from the cloaked figure as well as from the gooey man.
- Merri is 10 feet from the cloaked figure and 15 from the gooey man.
- Giant is 10 feet from the gooey man and 15 feet from the cloaked figure.
- For simplicity's sake let's assume everyone has line of sight and line of effect to everyone else.
Since the terrain is difficult from obstacles both abovehead and on the ground you can't take a five foot step but still you can close the distances above as a move action]
"What treachery is this!" Lugar announces as he barely dodges the cloaked figure's attack. He swiftly pulls out a dagger (quickdraw) and takes a swipe at his attacker to deter him.
attack: 1d20 + 8= 38
damage: 1d4 + 2 = 4
confirm: 1d20 + 8 = 27
damage: 1d4 + 2 = 5

Total Damage: 9
[will write the complete turn when Merri's and Giant's posts are in. Init roster: Merri (her deferred action, actually), Lugar, Giant, Cloak, Goo]
Giant charges the attacking cloaked figure (and flanks with Lugar?)
[If he can't flank and charge then he will move and do a flank attack.
If he can't flank then he will charge.]

ooc-please roll instead me
[Noted. Flank possible but flank+charge is not. Still waiting for Merri's turn]
Merri snickers at the feeble attempt this man came up with but her face becomes stern as the cloaked figure appears. She shifts into line of sight and uttering but a single arcane syllable she sends three bullets of energy sizzling through the air, all striking true.

"What treachery is this!" Lugar announces as he barely dodges the cloaked figure's attack. He swiftly pulls out a dagger and takes a swipe at his attacker to deter him, his stab piercing through his heart, apparently failing to cause pain to the figure.

Giant gets in the back of the figure and swings one end of his double axe. The opponent wriggles as the axe makes contact.

Realising the true source of danger he steps aside with blazing speed towards the wizard, opening both Lugar and Giant an opportunity. The dwarf flails wildly with his dagger but Giant's axe makes contact once again.
The cloaked figure reaches at Merri and the mischievous attack gets through her first lines of defense, only to be stopped by a flicker of bluish light, emitting the sizzling noise made by pure force effects.

Goo tries his best to aim at the cloaked figure with his wand, invoking its enchantment again: "Krisp!" but the freezing blue bolt misses its intended target far and wide.

Next turn!
(Merri, Lugar, Giant)

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