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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
Crozar will exit the cottage and move to H10 (I assume that is the door next to me, otherwise I will move to I10 via J11->K11->L10->K10->J10->I`0) and then shoot his Rivebow at Creature A Rivebow shot: [1d20+3]=13+3=16 Rivebow damage: [2d6]=8
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Initiatives: (Damage) (>Actions)
  1. 25.5 Simon > Drinks Displacement Extract
  2. 24.7: Spider Creature: ATTACK!
  3. 24.4 Ning > Casts Mirror Image
  4. 19.1 Selina: Damage 5 + DDP 5; Takes 3 Con Damage > Turns undead and preps Stances
  5. 18.4 Undead A: Damage 5 > Attacks
  6. 18.4 Undead B: Damage 11 +1 + 5 = 17 + 22 damage = 39 damage!  DEAD!! =>Attacks
  7. 11.6 Kubo > Attack Undead B for 1 point of damage
  8. 10.4 Betimi
  9. 9.5 Dog
  10. 7.2 Tomeal: 3 damage > Attack

Kubo grazed one of the creatures with a crossbow bolt.  [1 damage]

Betimi then steps out and summons a bolt of lightning from the sky.  It strikes the creature but the beast manages to shake off the brunt of the blast. 

Reflex save: [1d20+6]=17+6=23; Creature B took 5 damage.

Dog growls menacingly at the creatures but for the moment it stays back.

Tomeal yells, "Selina, get back!" As he runs to flank Creature B.  As soon as he moves into melee combat the particulate bone and leathery skin batter his exposed flesh... Particulated Damage: [1d3]=3  He grunts through gritted teeth as his skin is sliced and beaten.

Tomeal then yells, "Die, wretched undead!!" [Flanking (+2 to hit), smiting (+3 to hit/ +1 damage), Power attack 5]

Dodge bonus is placed on Creature B
Attack plus 2 for flank and 5 pt power attack and Smite evil: [1d20+12]=18+12=30, Damage: [1d8+14]=8+14=22; HIT!

Angered by the creature's ganging up on Selina, Tomeal runs 25' (avoiding AoO) and slashes the storm of body parts with his Smiting blade. [22 damage!]  The skull screams in pain while the entire whirlwind of flesh and bone collapses to the ground and begins to rapidly rot away.  "Huh... That went better than I thought."

Simon yells back, "If I use a bomb I could destroy the Circle!  Do you want me to do it anyways?" Delays...

Suddenly some kind of large horrific creature burst from the ground behind Simon.  It appears to be a writhing mass of flexible hairy spider legs.  Each leg ends with a sharp tip and one side looks like it's covered with thorn-like hairs that could rip through flesh and bone, with ease!  If it has a central body, it must be buried deep under its dozens of limbs.  It lunges for Simon!

Attack: [1d20+14]=6+14=20, [1d6+6]=1+6=7, Displacement 1 to 50 is a Miss: [1d100]=48

The creature catches Simon flat-footed.  It crashes down upon him but the beast is confounded by Simon's Displacement!  [Miss!]

Next it's Ning and Selina's Turns!  Simon is Delaying!

[Image: 2tL7hqm.png]
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[[Okay...this is exactly one of those situations that I, as a player who is also a DM, fear most in terms of disruption of immersion.  Unless it's something completely new and custom, I know exactly what that leggy spider-freak is and what it is vulnerable to.  But Selina most likely does not.  So I'm going to do the best I can to avoid that sort of game-breaking meta and simply treat it the same way Selina would treat any freakish thing that attacks her allies.]]

Selina overhears Simon's comment as Tomeal tells her to fall back and then demolishes one of the two undead clouds.  With a wink and a smile at him (Tomeal), she then responds to Simon.  "Very well then, do not.  Just..."  Her eyes widen as she spies the...hairy, spidery monstrosity that attacks Simon's blurry form.  "BEHIND YOU! DOG!  COME!  And we really need to find you a better name!"

[[Until her next turn comes around.]]
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(04-27-2021, 05:26 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [[Okay...this is exactly one of those situations that I, as a player who is also a DM, fear most in terms of disruption of immersion.  Unless it's something completely new and custom, I know exactly what that leggy spider-freak is and what it is vulnerable to.  But Selina most likely does not.  So I'm going to do the best I can to avoid that sort of game-breaking meta and simply treat it the same way Selina would treat any freakish thing that attacks her allies.]]

[[I'm not sure if you're thinking of the same creature because I don't see any weaknesses that stand out. The Forgotten Realms write up for a similar creature suggest a certain energy type that affect it but this creature, though extremely similar does not have that vulnerability.  At least not in the stats I'm looking at!.  Perhaps it's the same creature just different editions.]]
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[[Possibly. I'm just going to have her focus on the thing in front of her, then get everyone behind her so she is, again, between them and whatever it is.]]
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(04-27-2021, 04:07 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: Initiatives: (Damage) (>Actions)
  1. 25.5 Simon > Drinks Displacement Extract
  2. 24.7: Spider Creature: ATTACK!
  3. 24.4 Ning > Casts Mirror Image
  4. 19.1 Selina: Damage 5 + DDP 5; Takes 3 Con Damage > Turns undead and preps Stances
  5. 18.4 Undead A: Damage 5 > Attacks
  6. 18.4 Undead B: Damage 11 +1 + 5 = 17 + 22 damage = 39 damage!  DEAD!! =>Attacks
  7. 11.6 Kubo > Attack Undead B for 1 point of damage
  8. 10.4 Betimi
  9. 9.5 Dog
  10. 7.2 Tomeal: 3 damage > Attack

Crozar has been dropped off the initiative list (it had a 5.1 after tomeal), and you thus skipped over its movement and attack as described right before this update post. Unless B was killed before it got into position (I'm not really sure when that 39 damage was applied to B (or really where that damage came from, although I would guess Selina's DDP)  If B is dead by the time he gets in place but A is not, does Crozar have a line of fire on A?  If so, the shot will be directed there.
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Torn between casting a spell and using spit-fire, Ningalu opts for spitfire. He drops down to just above the ground and breathes a cone of spit-fire UPWARD through the many-legged spider creature.

Spit-fir [3d6]=11 acid, + [3d6]=11 fire DC 16 Reflex for half
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[[Most of the 39 damage was from Tomeal's Smite + Power Attack. Selina's DDP is a Delayed Damage Pool. Protective measure for her. I'll post after Crozar takes their turn.]]
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[OoC: Sorry about that, Crozar.  You're back in the Initiative order. Tomeal finished B off before you shot so you would need to target Creature A.]

Quote:[[Most of the 39 damage was from Tomeal's Smite + Power Attack. Selina's DDP is a Delayed Damage Pool. Protective measure for her. I'll post after Crozar takes their turn.]]

[[What's funny, the Smite only does 1pt of damage because he's only a 1st level Paladin.  So I wasn't going to bother but finally decided at the last minute to throw it in there anyways.  That 1pt of damage brought the creature to 0 hit points, finishing it off!  Cool  But it was a group effort.  Without Selina, Kubo and Betimi hitting it, it wouldn't have died.]]

Initiatives: (Damage) (>Actions)
  1. 25.5 Simon 
  2. 24.7: Spider Creature: 22 damage
  3. 24.4 Ning  
  4. 19.1 Selina: Damage 5 + DDP 5; Takes 3 Con Damage 
  5. 18.4 Undead A: Damage 5 
  6. 18.4 Undead B: Damage 11 +1 + 5 = 17 + 22 damage = 39 damage!  DEAD!! 
  7. 11.6 Kubo 
  8. 10.4 Betimi
  9. 9.5 Dog
  10. 7.2 Tomeal: 3 damage 
  11. 5.1 Crozar
After Tomeal slashed the creature to death, Crozar moves into position and fires off its Rivebow.  A large buzzsaw blade shoots from the strange bow but misses the beast.

Simon was Delaying...

Spider legged creature pounced on Simon but was foiled by his displacement.

Ning then floats down until he's inches from the ground, then belches a 30' cone of fiery acid at the Spider creature. 

Reflex Save DC 16: [1d20+7]=8+7=15; Failed by 1

The creature quakes and squeals with pain.  The smell of acid, burnt hair and flesh permeate the air.  [22 damage!] [You're lucky you have the mirror image because you're going to need them!   Angry  Tongue ]

Selina's turn!  [Remember your Con is -3 ]

[Image: 1zLzG6F.png]
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Selina, noticing that  these things are not immune to simple hack and slash, decides to try a bit of it herself.  Grinning at her companion, she takes a step towards the rest of the group, leaving him yet another potential opening for flanking the creature, she calls out.  "Everyone behind me!  And you, you abomination of unlife, your focus shall be right...Here!"  She grits her teeth, panting slightly as she suddenly feels winded, and drops her left hand from her symbol to meet her right on the haft of her big sword.  With a step forward, she tries to ignore the cloud of gross that she has been breathing in for the past few seconds and swings the glowing, thrumming greatsword in an uppercut swing at the other thing's head.

Attack: [1d20+7]=15+7=22; Damage: [2d6+4]=8+4=12; Sonic: [1d6]=1

[[Initiates Douse the Flames maneuver:]]
Level: Crusader 1 , Warblade 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round
You strike your enemy with a resounding blow, capturing his attention. As he turns to look, you let loose with a string of oaths, challenges, and taunts that force him to focus his attention on you.

As a White Raven adept, you are as much a tactician as you are a war leader. You learn to create openings for your allies to maximize the teamwork and esprit de corps that you foster. You know that for a group to succeed, it must work together, and that individual glory must be set aside so that the group can achieve victory.

As part of this maneuver, you make a melee attack against a single target you threaten. If your attack hits, you deal normal melee damage, and the target creature can't make attacks of opportunity for 1 round. The opponent still threatens its normal area; it simply cannot make attacks of opportunity.

[[She gets a bonus 2 damage from the blade's 'Forgiveness' feature if that hits since it was sitting at -1 to-hit for awhile.  15 damage to the other Undead Cloud and it cannot take Attacks of Opportunity for one full round.]]
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