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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
Actually Melville will learn Light Code first, because he can signal with it using his light spell
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[[OOC: I don't think we did downtime during the journey out from the rock, so you all have a total of 5 (13 days to the shell, then roughly 12 days to now) workweeks to spend on downtime stuff.  Threadvine will  spend all 5 weeks towards learning Giff (4 weeks to go) and teaching Semaphore.  Ashheart will spend 5 weeks teaching Light code and learning Dohwar, which let him get it down.  Slick will spend her 5 weeks learning Dohwar as well.  Annabelle will have been learning Carpenter's tool proficiency for 5 weeks (2 weeks remaining) while helping Cash do repairs on the ship the last two weeks, bringing the ship back to full and consuming 2/5ths of a ton of repair materials.  Cash has spent the last two weeks doing repairs and will spend the 3 earlier weeks teaching Annabelle. Anders, Bill and Royce will be learning Semaphore (5, 4, and 3 weeks left respectively).  Chick will also be learning Light Code (leaving 4 weeks to go).  That just leaves Bazz to clarify what he is doing with the downtime, he can spend all 5 weeks on Dohwar if he would like, just wanted to verify since the rules were published after he had made his last post.]]
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[OoC: Rupert will spend his 5 weeks on Semaphore, so 5 weeks remaining.]
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Bazz will spend his time learning how to use Navigator's Tools then Semaphore or light code.
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(03-07-2021, 04:45 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: Bazz will spend his time learning how to use Navigator's Tools then Semaphore or light code.

If Bazz wants to learn navigator's tools Chick can use the downtime to teach him. 

Was there anything else conversation wise or anything that anyone wanted to do during this two week period?
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Bazz will also be studying the various tomes and speaking the to Captain about his finding.  When he can, he will spend time with the crew keeping morale up with singing, dancing, pan flute playing, and telling mythical stories from back home (His home sphere is based upon mythical Greek tales.)
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Over the next 12 days or so after entering the Phlogiston the Riposte has fallen into a regular nearly schoolroom like schedule with nearly all of the crew focused on language lessons of one kind or another.  Using light spells cast into shuttered lanterns relay stations for light code practice were setup on the forecastle and stern, and a couple of sets of flags were stored right next to them. Anders has also taken to regularly casting Create Water to start refilling empty water barrels in the stores for later use.

It is late into Anders spelljamming shift, ship "evening", that yet again Rupert spotted an anomaly near the rainbow river that the ship had been travelling along.  In a pocket eddy of the flow, a slowly spiraling swirl of phlogiston roughly two thousand feet in diameter partially connected to the river itself.  In the center of this weak whirlpool spins a gigantic black tree, easily a thousand feet long and with a trunk roughly three hundred feet in diameter.  It is apparent that the gravity plane of this bizarre tree was equally strange, apparently shifted due to the mass of the rootball on one end and the branches and leaves on the other.  Instead of running the length of the trunk as one might expect, it appeared that the gravity plane cut the tree in half, causing it to stand upright relative to the Riposte's orientation in the river.

[Image: d5kyaz4-6664556a-ae1e-421c-9e7d-705711d2...F5TXDQwpmM]

Tethered to the trunk at the gravity plane by a long rope is a old mosquito ship.  The fabric of the wings is tattered and worn, and the ship slowly spins as dead weight at the end of the roughly one hundred and fifty foot long line. Some faint lights can been seen seemingly randomly along the length of the black tree.

Threadvine orders Anders to hold position and asks if anyone has ever heard of anything like this before.  He freely admits that this is a new one for him.  None of the rest of the crew is aware of anything similar either.  [[OOC: Each of you can give me a history check with disadvantage to see if you have ever heard of anything even remotely like this.  Bazz can take the check straight due to bardic lore.]]
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History Check =[1d20]=6, (Disadvantage) History Check =[1d20]=4[OoC: Rupert is clueless]
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History - Disadvantaged [1d20+3]=5+3=8; or [1d20+3]=1+3=4
A resounding NOPE
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History: [1d20+4]=19+4=23  Cool
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