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[IC] Gemeris Station [Everyone]
"I'd estimate between 12 to 18 thousand credits."

[OoC used = 15,000 credits]
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(02-28-2021, 05:03 AM)Shunna Maza Wrote:
(02-25-2021, 08:13 PM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: [[Shunna already knows that Korstyn is Force-sensitive and has no DS score.]]

[OoC: Yes, or they would have likely come to blows already!  Shunna just doesn't want to land on a planet and find it was a trap like that time Lando sold Han out on Bespin.  She's still a little wary of the impact her performance in the arena had on viewers within broadcast range.  I assume since Jedi are considered to be a myth by most people it will be more easily explaned as special effects.  But she can't rule out her displays of power won't arouse curiosity. ]

Shunna would have likely accepted the mission without payment.  Being offered a chance to mess with the Imperials and save someone's life seemed like a no-brainer.  Unfortunately she wasn't traveling alone any more so she had to think like she's just another trader/adventurer doing business.  If they refused to rescue this man then she may have to excuse herself from the party.

Shunna leans over and whispers to Ubi, "Sounds reasonable to me."
"It sounds very reasonable, but we should put it to the rest of our group and see if they agree! As this new ship is not my ship, but is the groups, so they have an equal say! says Ubi to Shunna.
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(03-01-2021, 04:58 AM)Captian Ubi Sunt Wrote:
(02-28-2021, 05:03 AM)Shunna Maza Wrote:
(02-25-2021, 08:13 PM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: [[Shunna already knows that Korstyn is Force-sensitive and has no DS score.]]

[OoC: Yes, or they would have likely come to blows already!  Shunna just doesn't want to land on a planet and find it was a trap like that time Lando sold Han out on Bespin.  She's still a little wary of the impact her performance in the arena had on viewers within broadcast range.  I assume since Jedi are considered to be a myth by most people it will be more easily explaned as special effects.  But she can't rule out her displays of power won't arouse curiosity. ]

Shunna would have likely accepted the mission without payment.  Being offered a chance to mess with the Imperials and save someone's life seemed like a no-brainer.  Unfortunately she wasn't traveling alone any more so she had to think like she's just another trader/adventurer doing business.  If they refused to rescue this man then she may have to excuse herself from the party.

Shunna leans over and whispers to Ubi, "Sounds reasonable to me."
"It sounds very reasonable, but we should put it to the rest of our group and see if they agree! As this new ship is not my ship, but is the groups, so they have an equal say! says Ubi to Shunna.

"Do we know who's sticking around?"

[OoC: What does the group look like right now?  Shunna, Ubi, Zero, Korstyn, Jendu (presumably), and Dez.  What about the Talz?  The pilot? Who did I miss?]

Shunna opens up her long range comlink and messages those who are not present.  She asks them who's staying with the group.  Then she will ask them about the deal that was just offered.
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Since Njon seems to have assumed that it is his job to get the ship ready to go, you can safely assume that he intends to stick around for a while.
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[[That's barely a skeleton crew for two ships of those sizes. Several of us can pilot and use weps and "command", but not all at once. Unless Ubi's ship can be towed along or fit into the Bulwark's hangar this is a weird situation.]]
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You are counting ships you don't have. Ubi's ship is still MIA
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The bulwark can be piloted by one, the plus copilot and two gunners. The cloakshape fighters are single pilot craft
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No one has asked the Imperial pilot his name let alone his intentions. It might be too late for that, guest or prisoner, the rebels will likely not let him go anywhere
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(03-02-2021, 01:50 AM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: You are counting ships you don't have. Ubi's ship is still MIA

[[I'm not counting anything at all.  Korstyn currently has zero ships.  The rest of the group has one that they are trying to find and one that they've just traded for.  I'd consider this one a significant trade up, but neither of them are Korstyn's.  Despite this, if and when they do retrieve their old boat, they will have that problem.]]
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[OoC:  I thought we had enough room to store the two fighters and the Wildcard inside the Bulwark but it would be a tight squeeze.  Or was that with only 1 fighter?]

(03-01-2021, 05:35 AM)Shunna Maza Wrote: Shunna opens up her long range comlink and messages those who are not present.  She asks them who's staying with the group.  Then she will ask them about the deal that was just offered.

Zero listens to the com and after a few moments the droid replies.  "Providing medical services to one humanoid, bag of water is the same as the next, to me.  So I will remain with the group.  However, I ask if you have personal medical plans, such as cybernetic limbs that you tell me sooner rather than later.  If I don't have time to download the proper programs, you'll need to find different, possibly less skillful, medical services."

"As for the deal.  One metal box hurling though the vast expanse of space is pretty much the same as the next, to me."
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