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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
(01-28-2021, 07:53 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote:
(01-28-2021, 06:20 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote:
(01-28-2021, 05:19 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote: I checked and you do have disadvantage on any ranged attacks you make while in melee range with an opponent.  You have seen these things enough to be pretty sure that they will not take opportunity attacks if you want to move away from it first.

[OoC: Alright, I'll step away first.  ]

[OOC: Were you giving a bardic inspiration to anyone else since you can't see the Captain to do give it to him?]

Bazz dances a few steps away from the newly formed thing and fires off a blast of eldritch energy.  The blast catches the corner of the entity and reflects harmlessly into space.

[OoC: Since Rupert is floating and unable to do anything, Bazz will give Melville the Bard Inspiration. ]
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Slick decides to risk it as Bazz distracts the nearest entity, and uses her roguish speed to charge down the stairs across the main deck and up onto the stern.  She slips behind Cash and applies the dweomer salve to the cannon.  A broad smile is plastered on her face as she thinks at Melville, "Mel! If you can't take it out, at least get clear of the shot." while saying to Cash "Light that bitch up!" {Cunning action to Dash, plus normal movement and action to apply the potion to the cannon}

Ashheart, suddenly intangible, looks momentarily confused before pivoting around to face the mirror.  It pulls out a couple of small vials from one of its tool kits and flings them at ground.  Surprisingly the resulting thunderous explosion appears to still produce an effect on the ship.  The roar reverberates across the ship and apparently strikes a resonant frequency as the original entity vibrates and explodes like a glass grenade! {Thunderwave for 10 damage}

From the helm, Chick tries to focus a Mind Sliver on the remaining thing, but it appears to have no effect at all. {Mind Sliver cantrip, it made it's normal save so no chance of reflection}

Melville, it is within melee range of you, to your lower left.

[Image: glassbattle_3_3.jpg]
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Melville heeding the yelled warning instead retreats straight north to thge opposirte railing, hopefully able ti use withdraw action to avoid AoO. Once at the opposite rail he looks for a liofde poreserver or rope he can toss to Rupert.
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(01-29-2021, 05:27 AM)Melville Wrote: Melville heeding the yelled warning instead retreats straight north to thge opposirte railing, hopefully able ti use withdraw action to avoid AoO.  Once at the opposite rail he looks for a liofde poreserver or rope he can toss to Rupert.

You've seen enough interactions with this thing that you are pretty confident it will not take opportunity attacks, so you can retain you action after your move if you want.  Do you want to use that action to try to throw a rescue line to Rupert, or to attack the thing?  If you are throwing the weighted rescue rope, please give me an athletics check to see how close to him you get it.  If you are attacking the fractine, please give me an attack roll or spell.
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Melville will throw a rescue line to Rupert.
Athletics [1d20-2] = 14-2 = 12
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Melville deftly pitches the weighted rescue line out to Rupert and is able to get it within easy reach of the drifting giff. Rupert is able to snag the line and begin pulling himself in.

Bill and Cash finish loading the now magical cannon, and Bill makes a final adjustment before sparking the short wick.  A thunderous explosion rolls across the ship, accompanied by the whiff of burned smokepowder.  The cannonball flies across the deck and through the fractine.  It shatters in an eruption of glass shards that seem to melt away to aether in seconds.  A ragged cheer goes up from the crew.  Captain Threadvine makes his way back up to the deck, arriving about the same time Rupert comes aboard as well.  Within a minute or two the strange distortion effects on Annabelle and Ashheart faded and their bodies were returned to normal operation.  Captain Threadvine says, "Wow, what a terrible thing.  Did it drop anything worth keeping at least?"  Ashheart, still adjusting to the idea of being solid again responds, "Just the health and mental well-being of the crew, Captain."
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"Are there any remnants of that creature left aboard?" Melville asks while walking back across the deck. "I'd like to study them, and chronicle them.
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Everyone up on the stern looks around and eventually eagle-eyed Rupert spots a single dagger sized shard of fractine that did not fade.  Threadvine encourages Melville to make what he can of it.

{Everyone can give yourselves 400 xp for the fight}
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[Ooc that puts us at 900 xp, does that mean we level up?]

Melville makes sure to use a piece of cloth to pick up the shard, careful to avoid touching it directly as not only will it be sharp, it just might have some other nasty effect based on what he saw the strange entity do to his ship mates.

"Worst case this could make interesting components for some aportation, or magic reflecting spells. Best case maybe it can be converted to some sort of magical weapon that we can sell? I think all of us spellcasters should take some time to examine and experiment with it before we decide. I will do a detect magic on  it to start, as I have the ritual prepared. Maybe do it on the bottom of the hull? Out of the way and outside in case there is backlash?"

He is already tying the life-line around his waist as he says this, so it is less a question as it is stating openly his intentions.

Then he remembers himself, "With your permission, Captain?"
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Once Rupert pulls himself back on the ships deck and wipes the sweat from his brow Rupert will volunteer, "CAP'N I CAN WATCH MELVILLE WHILE HE CONDUCTS HIS RESEARCH  IN CASE ANYTHING SHOULD GO AWRY AND HE FINDS HIMSELF IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE!".
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