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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
(01-05-2021, 06:26 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote:
(01-05-2021, 04:47 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: Bazz will of course make a point of meeting every single person aboard the ship.

[OoC:  I'm not at a computer.  If I can take 10, I will.  That will give me 16 for both Persuasion and performance.  If I can't take 10 then feel free to make my rolls for me.]

[OOC: You're fine, sorry if it felt like I was rushing you.  I just wanted to make sure we didn't move on until you had a chance to interact with this.  Are you wanting to focus on any crewmember in particular, or just doing the bard thing of just amping up the party and trying to leave a good impression with everyone?]

[OoC: pretty much everyone.  He will be extra special nice to the Rastipedes.  They seem interesting to him.]
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Backtracking a little, while on the shopping trip Melville will askBaz if he has ever heard the term Junta.
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(01-05-2021, 07:18 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote:
(01-05-2021, 06:26 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote:
(01-05-2021, 04:47 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: Bazz will of course make a point of meeting every single person aboard the ship.

[OoC:  I'm not at a computer.  If I can take 10, I will.  That will give me 16 for both Persuasion and performance.  If I can't take 10 then feel free to make my rolls for me.]

[OOC: You're fine, sorry if it felt like I was rushing you.  I just wanted to make sure we didn't move on until you had a chance to interact with this.  Are you wanting to focus on any crewmember in particular, or just doing the bard thing of just amping up the party and trying to leave a good impression with everyone?]

[OoC: pretty much everyone.  He will be extra special nice to the Rastipedes.  They seem interesting to him.]

Performance check for Bazz: [1d20+6] = 14+6 = 20 with adv. [1d20+6] = 19+6 = 25

Bazz really kicks the party up another notch, and comes up with an impromptu anthem for the Riposte itself, which the crew takes too with gusto.

[OOC: Minor Retcon - Melville asks Bazz about the Junta.]

 History check for Bazz: [1d20+4] = 17+4 = 21

Bazz recognizes the Junta as an obscure Insect speech term in reference to an ancient race also known as the Elders, the Precursors, the Forerunners, the Progenitors, the First, the Beforefathers, and other such titles among numerous worlds and other races throughout known space. Many ruins and relics have been found in distant and forgotten asteroids and planets bearing the three pointed star symbol that has become associated with them.  Those relics often bear strange and bizarre powers and effects, and are highly prized by sages and collectors of rarities.  This race was active and disappeared long before any of the current wildspace empires that you know of were founded.  Little is known about them, and most of Bazz's references are to them as mysterious figures of legend that created the artifacts that the heroes of your stories would seek to accomplish their goals.
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[OoO:  Thank you for rolling for Baz.  ]

Baz will explain what he knows about 'Junta to Melville, in private if he wishes. Then adds, "Maybe the Captain is keeping an eye out for those relics.  We could make some nice coin if he finds one."
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"It would seem that way, and from what he was thinking at the time, I would think it very likely. I just didn't know what the term meant, and if it was pirate booty, that would have changed the entire context. I figured you might know."
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The crew party lingers on into the early morning, resulting in many groans from the crew the next morning when the magically amplified ship bell chimes at the stroke of eight in the morning.  Moments later, Ashheart opens the door to the crew cabin the three of you setup in. "We sail in an hour, first meal call to follow once we are underway.  Spelljammer duty shift chart is posted in the helm room. Once you've confirmed your rotation, Mr. Melville, please plot a course to the shell as the Captain instructs, he will meet you there.  Mr. Horngrin, once you have yours, if you can help with the rigging and casting off.  Mr. Gladestone, please report to the weapon deck." It gives similar instructions to the other crewmembers in the room, and then heads off to the other bunkroom.

[OOC: Do you all have a preference on if you are in the larger or smaller bunkroom, or split up in some way?  Currently the two female crew members have taken the smaller bunkroom, with the males in the larger bunkroom. Ashheart rests in the galley, and the Captain has his own quarters of course.  Given that the crew is being run as small as possible, there is ample space in either room, especially compared to most ships that usually run a 50-75% capacity crew.]
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"Ay aye mate Ashheart."

Being immune to the effects of alcool, Melville is tired but not suffering.

He dons his  coat quickly and waddles to the helm to check his rotation.  He will pause long enough for Baz to be ready and accompany him.
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"AYE, AYE FIRSTMATE ASHHEART!" , Rupert snaps a salute, then says to Meville and Bazz, , "I'LL SEE YOU GUYS LATER!", and he marches off to check his shift schedule and then reports to the weapon deck, after retrieving and donning his uniform.
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(01-07-2021, 04:57 PM)Rupert Gladestone Wrote: "AYE, AYE FIRSTMATE ASHHEART!" , Rupert snaps a salute, then says to Meville and Bazz, , "I'LL SEE YOU GUYS LATER!", and he marches off to check his shift schedule and then reports to the weapon deck, after retrieving and donning his uniform.

Rupert quickly stomped up to the main deck, saw that Mrr'ksh was on the forecastle and marched up there.  As he snapped in salute, Mrr'ksh turned to face him, his mandibles and antenna moving in an odd fashion that Rupert remembers from the previous nights discussions as being analogous to a broad and mirthful grin.  In Giff he says, "Good Morning Rupert.  Always a bit brighter morning when you're about to leave port, huh?  I love it."
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In the morning, Bazz heads to the galley and prepares a large pot of herbal tea and then sweetens it with Prestidigitation (in case anyone is sensitive to Sugar).  Bazz then goes up on deck and offers some to everyone.  He'll also deliver some tea to the Captain, First Mate and whomever is Spelljamming (Meville?).  While delivering the tea to the Spelljammer, Bazz will check to see if he's on the rotation or not.  Afterward, he will then help with the rigging and casting off.
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