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Character Concepts
(01-19-2020, 06:15 AM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote:
(01-19-2020, 02:52 AM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/Technician

Technician might have been better to take than Noble.  The only reason why I took Noble was because it had Treat Injury but Technician also has it.  So can I switch if it fits better with Zero?  I'd have to take a better look at the class before I would know for sure.
Since you have not used any noble abilities yet yes.

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Ok I have interest in the Playing a spoiled daughter of a senator form a small planet so human noble 3
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(10-31-2020, 08:28 PM)Alenea Spilark Wrote: Ok I have interest in the Playing a spoiled daughter of a senator form a small planet so human noble 3

4th level not 3rd  amnd yes can do that easily..  righting a longer post incoming
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Longer post is up in the Rancor Pit. A spoiled rich girrl L4 Noble iuus definitely doable. I will PM you some background info to hekp yoiu develop that if that is what you are choosing to do
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I am working on moding Captian Ubi Sunt into a Scoundrel 2/ Soldier 2 and I am tying to calc his HP
So a Scoundrel gets 18x3 +con bon at first = 54+2 =56, then (1/2 (1d6) + con bon)/lvl scout = 3+2 =5/ lvl scout, and (1/2 (1d10) + con bon)/lvl soldier = 5+2=7/ lvl solder.
therfore (if I have this right Ubi's HP = 56+5+7+7=75.
is that right?
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(11-09-2020, 06:27 AM)danaoverland Wrote: I am working on moding Captian Ubi Sunt into a Scoundrel 2/ Soldier 2 and I am tying to calc his HP
So a Scoundrel gets 18x3 +con bon at first = 54+2 =56, then (1/2 (1d6) + con bon)/lvl scout = 3+2 =5/ lvl scout, and  (1/2 (1d10) + con bon)/lvl soldier = 5+2=7/ lvl solder.
therfore (if I have this right Ubi's HP = 56+5+7+7=75.
is that right?

No you do not get 18x3.. you get 6x 3 = 18.     So 18  + Con  = 18+2 = 20 hp at first level, not 56.  It's easy, just triple the normal HP at CHARACTER level one.  Then why are you dividing hp??  It''s just leke D&D3.5/Pathfinder.. each level after you gain the 1/2 TH HD + Con HP of that class

so rogue l2 = 1d66+2 = 3+2 =5 
Soldier 1 = 1d10+2 = 5+2 = 7
Soldier 2 = 1d10+2 = 5+2 = 7

So you'd have 39 HP.   BUT I need to fix that, I have been letting characters roll HP with our usual house rules.  roll the HD and take minimum one above 1/2  then add Con      so soldier hp = 6-10+ Con per level, rogue = 4-6+Con

So with my house rule you'd have between 40 and 52 hp.

Editting Nerdreds character creation post
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Oh what is the Unseenservamt ID # for this campaign?
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So Ubi Hp = (18+2)+2nd Lvl Scoundrel HP = [1d6+2] = 5+2 = 7 + Lvl 3 Solder HP = [1d10+2] = 1+2 = 3, so 5+2 + 4th Lvl Solder HP = [1d10+2] = 7+2 = 9 = 43HP
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Campaign ID: 606
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So are the rest of our characters hit points correct?  We were created using Nerdred's rules.
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