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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
Betimi focuses her mind and calls down another stroke of lightning on large critter 1.

Lighting Strike [3d6] = 13 Ref DC16 for 1/2

Then she takes a chance and steps forward at an angle to F11, well aware that if Large 1 is still alive itt will AoO her.  she is trying to draw attention away from her injured allies.
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(10-13-2020, 11:07 PM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: Ning is going to fly to F6 (first flying back to D6 then through E6.. he sees that these things have reach and he wants no part of that )

He spits fire again in a cone to hit E.F and big creature 2.   He is aware he will hit some fur-bees but at this point they need to drop these creatures fast. 

Spitfire - Fire [3d6] = 9, + Acid [3d6] = 14 Reflex save  DC14 for 1/2 = even with vomplete immunity to fire that will not be bad.

[Nice roll, but I assume you mean E and "G", and the Creature [2].  Creature F is way up by Kubo.

And Betimi needs to include a link to her roll. ]
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Lighting Strike [3d6] = 13 Not sure why the link removed from the text the first time.
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(10-13-2020, 11:35 PM)GM Marvel Wrote:
(10-13-2020, 11:07 PM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: Ning is going to fly to F6 (first flying back to D6 then through E6.. he sees that these things have reach and he wants no part of that )

He spits fire again in a cone to hit E.F and big creature 2.   He is aware he will hit some fur-bees but at this point they need to drop these creatures fast. 

Spitfire - Fire [3d6] = 9, + Acid [3d6] = 14 Reflex save  DC14 for 1/2 = even with vomplete immunity to fire that will not be bad.

[Nice roll, but I assume you mean E and "G", and the Creature [2].  Creature F is way up by Kubo.

And Betimi needs to include a link to her roll. ]
I did mean E and G       I don't think the ceiling is high enough to fly up and aim down as Selina suggested
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(10-14-2020, 12:16 AM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote:
(10-13-2020, 11:35 PM)GM Marvel Wrote:
(10-13-2020, 11:07 PM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: Ning is going to fly to F6 (first flying back to D6 then through E6.. he sees that these things have reach and he wants no part of that )

He spits fire again in a cone to hit E.F and big creature 2.   He is aware he will hit some fur-bees but at this point they need to drop these creatures fast. 

Spitfire - Fire [3d6] = 9, + Acid [3d6] = 14 Reflex save  DC14 for 1/2 = even with vomplete immunity to fire that will not be bad.

[Nice roll, but I assume you mean E and "G", and the Creature [2].  Creature F is way up by Kubo.

And Betimi needs to include a link to her roll. ]
I did mean E and G       I don't think the ceiling is high enough to fly up and aim down as Selina suggested

The ceiling is surprisingly high.  But remember it's almost a solid wall of leaves and vines.  So you can fly up about 30' but it will still cost you double move unless you move through the area you blasted before.  And you have blindsight so you can see where the creatures are as long as you're within 60' of them.
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[[At this point, as long as we knock as many as we can out, it's fine. They beat up Tomeal and Selina with numbers. We need to get those down.]]
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[OoC did the explosion from the potion Tomeal drank at least clear more of the vegitation?]
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(10-14-2020, 01:32 AM)Kubo Wrote: [OoC did the explosion from the potion Tomeal drank at least clear more of the vegitation?]

Good question.  Does Chaotic Energy do actual physical damage?

The effect just says it damages "Friend or Foe."  If this were a planar chaos effect then I would say no but I think this is different.  Chaos weapons only affect Lawful creatures but this affects everyone.  So I think I may rule that this Torque damage will inflict damage on living things such as plants too, as the damage breaks down molecular bonds of life no matter what form it comes in.  

So when the Chaos explosion happened, a ripple of energy expanded away from Tomeal and every living thing it touched was disrupted.  So at this point, you don't need to make spot checks in the area where chaos damaged the plants because some of the foliage is obliterated and flies away.  The area that already had fire damage can now be moved through at normal movement.
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(10-14-2020, 01:04 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [[At this point, as long as we knock as many as we can out, it's fine.  They beat up Tomeal and Selina with numbers.  We need to get those down.]]

[This is true and they haven't even been able to get a full attack yet.]
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Round 5:  
** {Status effects...}  Let me know if I missed any!
** {EVERYONE = +1 unnamed bonus to hit these creatures for 6 rounds.}
** {SELINA = Protection from Chaos for 4 minutes + 8 rounds} **Longstrider for 1 hour per level (5 hours)}
** {NING = Protection from Chaos for 4 minutes + 9 rounds} **
** {SIMON = DISPLACEMENT for 1 round per level (5 rounds)}**

  1. Ning 23.4
  2. Kubo 19.6
  3. Selina 16.1 
  4. Simon 15.5
  5. Tomeal 15.2
  6. Betimi 14.4
  7. Dog 14.2
  8. Monster E  12.5
  9. Monster F  12.6
  10. Monster G  12.7
  11. Monster 1  12.8
  12. Monster 2  12.9
Ning opens his maw and a cone of firy acid spews forth onto three of the creatures.  

E Reflex: [1d20+8] = 17+8 = 25, G Reflex: [1d20+8] = 14+8 = 22, Large 1 Reflex: [1d20+10] = 14+10 = 24

The creatures immediately flatten themselves against the cave floor, avoiding most of the attack.  [+7 damage]

[Kubo, are you sure your attack rolls are correct?  With your level and 18 dex (expertise) you have an attack bonus of +6.  Wielding two light weapons is -4/-8.  So I think your attack should have been 1d20+2/1d20-2.  I might be mistaken because I don't use two weapon fighting or I might have missed a bonus/penalty somewhere. Please double check. ]

Selina prays once again to Selune... [Combat Casting DC16 to avoid AoO.][Do you stay where you are?]

Knowing he's going to possibly be hit, Simon moves 5' (10' move) backward.  

AoO: [1d20+8] = 16+8 = 24, Damage: [1d6+5] = 5+5 = 10

The Large Creature [#1] takes its AoO and slashes Simon across his back for 10 damage!  Simon howls in pain then quickly grabs another vial and yells, "Lets see how you mother effers like the taste of acid!"  Simon targets the smaller creature [F] and uses Precise bombs to have Kubo's square ignore the splash damage.

Range touch attack: [1d20+11] = 7+11 = 18, Damage: [4d6+9] = 15+9 = 24; Forgot to add +1 damage for Point blank Shot; Damage 25/13 splash within 5' radius.  

The smaller creature explodes in a gout of dissolved flesh and sticky blood all over Kubo. [Down!] 

Reflex Save DC18: [1d20+10] = 9+10 = 19; Success 6 damage

The larger creature [#1] manages to avoid half the splash but the acid wave still overcomes the beast causing it to stumble and fall to the ground. [Down!]

Tomeal would try another potion but with 2 creatures within reach he'd probably be dead before the potion entered his stomach.  So instead, while covered with his own blood he slashes at the creatures!

Attack: [1d20+11] = 11+11 = 22, Damage: [1d8+6] = 4+6 = 10; HIT!

Tomeal slashes critter [E] with his new magical blade and it bites deep into the creature's flesh.  The beast howls, staggers and drops to the ground [Down]  Then for the cleave, Tomeal slashes for critter [G]...

CLEAVE ATTACK: [1d20+11] = 1+11 = 12, DAMAGE: [1d8+6] = 6+6 = 12; The universe just couldn't let him have an awesome round!; Fumble!

And completely misses.  

[ @Betimi you no longer have to move to that spot because Simon killed both creatures.  Would you like to do something else?]

Current damage
Ning: 4 damage
Kubo: 12 damage
Selina:43 damage - 11 healing= 32 Total
Simon: 20 damage +10 damage= 30 total
Tomeal: 43 damage
Betimi: 7 damage
Dog: 7 damage
Monster E: 4 damage +7 damage= 11 total
Monster F: +25 damage!  (DOWN!)
Monster G: 4 damage +7 damage= 11 total
Monster 1: 31 damage + 6 damage = 37 Total (DOWN!)
Monster 2: 4 damage +7 damage= 11 total
Fur-bee: 7 damage
Fur-bee: 7 damage
Fur-bee: 7 damage

MAP: The large white circle it the area that was partially destroyed by the Chaos blast. You can seen normally in that area. The blackened areas are squares where you can move normally.

A couple of fires went out and one spread.

[Image: ebVVJKQm.jpg]
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