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[IC] The Old Sycamore
(08-19-2020, 02:04 PM)Valdi Wrote: Valdi was proceeding cautiopusly, not chasing, and hoping everyone is following him.

Tushou is still following him.
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Vidar leadhis brother cautiously into the tree after the mites
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[OoC: Vidar, just so you know, we learned that mites are vulnerable to Cold Iron weapons. ]

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(08-20-2020, 03:25 AM)Nexendia Wrote: [OoC: Vidar, just so you know, we learned that mites are vulnerable to Cold Iron weapons. ]

[OoC: Thanks for the heads up, Did the original Vidar have cold iron weapons? I don't recall seeing any cold irn in his equipment list on his character sheet, otherwise my version of Vidar does not yet posses any cold iron]
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(08-20-2020, 03:34 AM)Vidar Wrote:
(08-20-2020, 03:25 AM)Nexendia Wrote: [OoC: Vidar, just so you know, we learned that mites are vulnerable to Cold Iron weapons. ]

[OoC: Thanks for the heads up, Did the original Vidar have cold iron weapons? I don't recall seeing any cold irn in his equipment list on his character sheet, otherwise my version of Vidar does not yet posses any cold iron]

[Vidar apparently accepted Nexendia's cold iron dagger.  I'm on my phone right now but it was stated in post #900 in the last in character thread

Here is the post where Vidar accepted the Cold Iron Dagger.  Valdi had temporarily been playing him after the player disappeared.  http://forums.rpgaddicts.com/showthread....6#pid38086]
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[OoC: I see the post were you offer the cold iron dagger, he also has his claws which count as a magical weapon, so once he uses those attacks up he will switch to the dagger]
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[[Map should be up now.]]

The cramped confines of the interior of the Sycamore are a blasted mess of tangled roots, soggy soil, and slithering creepy crawlies. More than once each of you nearly crack your heads on the low ceiling despite crouching. This is clearly not going to be easy. Travelling downward, you can see in the dim light that one path travels towards the west and another towards the east.

[[The map doesn't have any of you in any of the rooms because: a) you aren't in one yet, and b) most of the rooms are too small to fit all of you at once. You can use the cross-sectional map as a general map aide as well to know how far down you are.]]
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[OoC: I just see a side view of the tree]
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[[That's all there is to see right now. There's paths to the West and to the East. Pick one and I'll reveal more.]]
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[OoC on tablet atm, so cannot see roll20, will look later when home]

Valdi pauses and listens for clues to which of the two passages the mites might have gone. He hears nothing but his larger brother complaining in Skald.
Perception [1d20+4] = 1+4 = 5
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