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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
Blue means magical

(08-11-2020, 08:45 PM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: Updated the list of items Detect Magic is being cast on (thought there were three bodies not  four)
  • silver cameo w/silver chain [ivory carving of a woman's profile with continual flame)
  • ornately carved stick - wand
  • MW mighty composite longbow (+4 str)
  • MW handaxe
  • 11 MW arrows
  • MW Falchion
  • MW Breastplate
  • Vial:  Glowing liquid that is crimson in color. It smells and tastes like ginger.
  • Vial:  Glowing liquid that is white with orange globules. It smells like excrement and vanilla, but tastes like tea and rum
  • Vial:  transparent, slimy draught that is pink with ochre flashes. It smells and tastes like ashes.
  • Vial:  Bubbling, thin mixture that is emerald in color. It smells like chocolate and lemon, but tastes like acid and salt.
  • Vial:  Ichorous liquid that is cobalt in color. It smells like vanilla and strawberries, but tastes like earwax.
  • Vial:  oily mixture that is azure with silver accretions on the side. It smells and tastes like blueberries.
  • Thunderstone
  • 160 gp.
  • MW Light Crossbow
  • 30 bolts
  • MW dagger
  • MW longsword
  • MW chain shirt
  • MW large steel shield
  • Cloak
  • Scroll 
  • Scroll
  • Backpack
  • Holy symbol
  • MW shortbow
  • 33 arrows
  • MW short sword
  • MW Elvin chain
  • Vial:  Bubbling, watery substance that is pearl in color. It smells and tastes like vanilla.
  • Vial:  Fizzing, vicious potion that is gray in color. It smells like oranges and red pepper, but tastes like melon.
  • Vial:  Moving, murky elixir that is gray with emerald specks. It smells like spit and urine, but tastes like acid.
  • Vial:  Pulsing fluid that is gold in color. It smells like vanilla and blood, but tastes like cooked meat.
  • MW thieves tools
  • Amulet
  • 69 gp.
  • MW Light crossbow, 
  • MW dagger 
  • 26 bolts
  • MW quarterstaff 
  • Bracers
  • Wand
  • Wand
  • Amulet
  • Vial:  Swirling, transparent, thin elixir that is crimson in color. It smells and tastes like fish. 
  • 53 gp.
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Betimi looks at Nang/Ning and Simon.  "Can you identify any of this?  Do you need to rest to do so?"
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[OoC: D&D 3.5 does not allow spellcraft to identify magic items the way Pathfinder does.  Simon can identify all the potions and decipher all the scrolls.]

(08-11-2020, 09:01 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: Blue means magical

Updated the list of items Detect Magic is being cast on (thought there were three bodies not  four)
  • silver cameo w/silver chain [ivory carving of a woman's profile with continual flame): Continual Flame
  • ornately carved stick - wand
  • MW mighty composite longbow (+4 str)
  • MW handaxe
  • 11 MW arrows
  • MW Falchion
  • MW Breastplate
  • Potion of AidGlowing liquid that is crimson in color. It smells and tastes like ginger.
  • Potion of Cure Moderate:  Glowing liquid that is white with orange globules. It smells like excrement and vanilla, but tastes like tea and rum
  • Potion of Levitate:  transparent, slimy draught that is pink with ochre flashes. It smells and tastes like ashes.
  • Potion of Protection from Energy (fire):  Bubbling, thin mixture that is emerald in color. It smells like chocolate and lemon, but tastes like acid and salt.
  • Potion of Spider Climbing:  Ichorous liquid that is cobalt in color. It smells like vanilla and strawberries, but tastes like earwax.
  • Anti-Toxin:  oily mixture that is azure with silver accretions on the side. It smells and tastes like blueberries.
  • Thunderstone
  • 160 gp.
  • MW Light Crossbow
  • 30 bolts
  • MW dagger
  • MW longsword
  • MW chain shirt
  • MW large steel shield
  • Cloak
  • Scroll: Bless
  • Scroll:  Bull's Strength
  • Scroll: Command
  • Backpack
  • Holy symbol
  • MW shortbow
  • 33 arrows
  • MW short sword
  • MW Elvin chain
  • Potion of Cure Light Wounds:  Bubbling, watery substance that is pearl in color. It smells and tastes like vanilla.
  • Potion of Cure Light Wounds:  Fizzing, vicious potion that is gray in color. It smells like oranges and red pepper, but tastes like melon.
  • Potion of Darkvision:  Moving, murky elixir that is gray with emerald specks. It smells like spit and urine, but tastes like acid.
  • Potion of Reduce:  Pulsing fluid that is gold in color. It smells like vanilla and blood, but tastes like cooked meat.
  • MW thieves tools
  • Amulet
  • 69 gp.
  • MW Light crossbow, 
  • MW dagger 
  • 26 bolts
  • MW quarterstaff 
  • Bracers
  • Wand
  • Wand
  • Amulet
  • Potion of Fox's CunningSwirling, transparent, thin elixir that is crimson in color. It smells and tastes like fish. 
  • 53 gp.
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I guess for now we just split up the potions and decide who is carrying what, since no one knows Identify. Also  since Ningalu is too small for any of the weapons or armour, he shows no interest in those.
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(08-12-2020, 11:46 PM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: I guess for now we just split up the potions and decide who is carrying what, since no one knows Identify. Also  since Ningalu is too small for any of the weapons or armour, he shows no interest in those.

Nang tells his brother he wants the scroll of Command and Bull's strength to add to his Prayer book.

Then Nang, the hand, gently grips Ning's chin and turns his head so he's facing the nearest wall where he can see various points of light that twinkle like stars...
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Ning will request the three divine scrolls for his brother, willing to give up the Bless if Selina wants it, but less welling to give up Bull's Strength and Command, as unlike the cleric who gets those spells on her list at all times, Nang has to get them in his prayer book in order to have access to them.

He is of course interested in the wands, if any are going to be illusion or enchantment based, or useable with UMD, or divine for his brother. 

He would also like at least one of the potions of cure light wounds (because squishy).  The potion of spider climb and the potion of fox's cunning also draw his eye.

After he expresses his wishes he flies up to the wall to examine the glittering points of light.
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The wands interest Betimi (UMD), but of the items the only thing that draws Betimi's eye is the MW light crossbow, nonmagical, as her current crossbow is just a standard crossbow.  The potions she thinks the cure potions should go to the front-line, Selina or Tomreal, as well as the Aid.  Or to the squishy people Ning and Nang.

As she is usually not in melee she doesn't need the healing potions as much.

The amulets,cloak, and backpack are what draws her curiousity.  She decides to open the empty the backpack.  First to see what els is contained inside, second to see how much it holds.
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Once he backpack is empty she will start to refill it with just random rocks and dirt , to test it's limits.
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Selina is...finally able to tear her gaze away from searching for any surviving threats to what is clearly the remains of another adventuring party that had not had as much success against those buzzards as she and her companions had. A bevy of prizes had been gathered into one pile and she recognized the unique signature of Detect Magic being cast. She wasn't very skilled at identification, but as she gazes at the pile, few things strike her as important. Firstly, the backpack Betimi was currently investigating looked like something that would be immensely useful to the group as a whole, if it was what she suspected it to be. In terms of the other items, the magical longbow she mentally reserved for Tomeal, as he was far better with a bow than she was. At least it was his if he agreed to it. Other than that...the Falchion looked vicious...but she had been gifted a great weapon by men of worth, and was hesitant to not use it. In the end...it would all come down to what the items actually were.
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Simon says, "I don't know how to identify the items but I can identify the type of magic that radiates off them.  That will round down the possibilities of what they could be."

Blue means magical

Updated the list of items Detect Magic is being cast on (thought there were three bodies not  four)
  • silver cameo w/silver chain [ivory carving of a woman's profile with continual flame): Continual Flame = Evocation
  • ornately carved stick - wand = Evocation
  • MW mighty composite longbow (+4 str) = Evocation
  • MW handaxe
  • 11 MW arrows
  • MW Falchion = Evocation
  • MW Breastplate = Abjuration
  • Potion of AidGlowing liquid that is crimson in color. It smells and tastes like ginger.
  • Potion of Cure Moderate:  Glowing liquid that is white with orange globules. It smells like excrement and vanilla, but tastes like tea and rum
  • Potion of Levitate:  transparent, slimy draught that is pink with ochre flashes. It smells and tastes like ashes.
  • Potion of Protection from Energy (fire):  Bubbling, thin mixture that is emerald in color. It smells like chocolate and lemon, but tastes like acid and salt.
  • Potion of Spider Climbing:  Ichorous liquid that is cobalt in color. It smells like vanilla and strawberries, but tastes like earwax.
  • Anti-Toxin:  oily mixture that is azure with silver accretions on the side. It smells and tastes like blueberries.
  • Thunderstone
  • 160 gp.
  • MW Light Crossbow = Evocation
  • 30 bolts
  • MW dagger
  • MW longsword = Evocation
  • MW chain shirt = Abjuration
  • MW large steel shield
  • Cloak = Faint Abjuration
  • Scroll: Bless
  • Scroll:  Bull's Strength
  • Scroll: Command
  • Backpack = Moderate conjuration
  • Holy symbol
  • MW shortbow
  • 33 arrows
  • MW short sword
  • MW Elvin chain = Abjuration
  • Potion of Cure Light Wounds:  Bubbling, watery substance that is pearl in color. It smells and tastes like vanilla.
  • Potion of Cure Light Wounds:  Fizzing, vicious potion that is gray in color. It smells like oranges and red pepper, but tastes like melon.
  • Potion of Darkvision: Moving, murky elixir that is gray with emerald specks. It smells like spit and urine, but tastes like acid.
  • Potion of Reduce:  Pulsing fluid that is gold in color. It smells like vanilla and blood, but tastes like cooked meat.
  • MW thieves tools
  • Amulet = Moderate conjuration
  • 69 gp.
  • MW Light crossbow, 
  • MW dagger = Evocation 
  • 26 bolts
  • MW quarterstaff 
  • Bracers = Moderate Conjuration
  • Wand = Enchantment
  • Wand = Illusion
  • Amulet = Faint Transmutation
  • Potion of Fox's CunningSwirling, transparent, thin elixir that is crimson in color. It smells and tastes like fish. 
  • 53 gp.

    When you open the Backpack you see it seems to be full of more stuff.  Perhaps these people had already collected the items littered all over the ground from past attacks and then were overcome themselves...

    Coins 255 pp, 2417 gp, 421 sp, 870 cp
    • Agate (10 gp)
    • Amethyst (90 gp)
    • Amethyst (110 gp)
    • Aquamarine (500 gp)
    • Aquamarine (600 gp)
    • Bloodstone (55 gp)
    • Freshwater Pearl (9 gp)
    • Hematite (13 gp)
    • Ivory (45 gp)
    • Milky Quartz (55 gp)
    • Moonstone (50 gp)
    • Obsidian (11 gp)
    • Onyx (65 gp)
    • Pyrite (10 gp)
    • Smoky Quartz (50 gp)
  • Total value = 1673 gp

    Masterwork Items
    • Masterwork Glaive (308 gp)
    • 2 x Masterwork Scale Mail (200 gp)
    • Masterwork Spear (302 gp)
    • Masterwork Warhammer (312 gp)
    • Masterwork Whip (301 gp)
  • Total value = 1623 gp

    Magic Items 
    • Oil Mage Armor
    • Oil Mage Armor
    • Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
    • Potion Enlarge Person
    • Potion Lesser Restoration
    • Potion Lesser Restoration
    • Potion of Enlarge Person
    • Potion of Jump
    • Potion of Protection from Good
    • 2 x Potion of Reduce Person
    • Scroll of Cure Moderate Wounds 
    • Scroll of Haste 
    • Scroll of Hold Person 
    • Headband = Transmutation
    • Gauntlets = Transmutation
    • Wand = Divination
    • Wand = Conjuration
    • Half-Plate Armor = Abjuration
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