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[IC] The Old Sycamore
As the group begins to move towards the massive hole in the equally-massive tree, you all notice something very important: while the hole is big enough for virtually anyone to fit, the rest of the cavern-like pathways that reach throughout the tree are not. The Old Sycamore is populated by small, grubby evil creatures and their lair is sized for such. The cavernous 30-foot wide entrance rapidly shrinks down to barely 5 feet just after Valdi and Vidar enter, and much of the upper foot is a tangle of roots and thin stalactite-like protrusions. You know you will have great difficulty moving around in here, to say nothing of combat (-2 to all attack rolls made within the lair).
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"I don't know about you lot, but it is to tight for me to be able to fight effectively, should we try an burn em out?" Vidar gruffly asks the group
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[OoC: I forgot that couldn't have cast the message spell because it requires a standard action to concentrate on the illusion.  So instead of the message spell, Nex and her familiar will move 5' back.  She wants to move around the rock to get behind the advancing mites.]

If they continue to advance, she will quietly move around the rock to keep it between her and them.  The illusion will be reacting fearfully and acting pathetic in the hopes to embolden the mites.
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[[Um...there are no mites on the map. I'm guessing you're looking a the four kobolds you've been schlepping along since the moon radish patch. They're somewhat more friendly than the mites.]]
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(08-11-2020, 05:52 PM)DM Dougfan Wrote: [[Um...there are no mites on the map.  I'm guessing you're looking a the four kobolds you've been schlepping along since the moon radish patch.  They're somewhat more friendly than the mites.]]

[OoC: Oh, I thought they were the mites.  That means my illusion is in the wrong place.  I will move it over...]
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Valdi realizes the bardiche will be of little use in the cramped tunnel. He switches to the light hammer.

He says to his brother in Skaldic.
"Are you whining brother?  We need to push on regardless, of course they will have the advantage, we are invading their lair."

Then to the rest, "Keep up. I am not doing this alone."
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[OoC: So have all the Mite's disappeared inside the tree?  If they have...]

Nexendia stops concentrating on the illusion and steps out.  She casts message on all 4 of her companions then whispers, "Ok... who messed it up?  We almost had them and then they ran away."
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Yes. They are all inside.
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[[Is everyone chasing the mites?]]
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Valdi was proceeding cautiopusly, not chasing, and hoping everyone is following him.
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