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[IC] Chapter 1-3: Mansion of Hate
(09-21-2015, 06:00 PM)DM Surranó Wrote:
"These can be valuable," Merri ponders and reaches out toward one of the flasks but then turns to Lugar before touching them.
Really? What do you think what is inside?

(09-21-2015, 06:00 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: "Safety first, if you don't mind."
That said, the elf takes a step back to leave space for Lugar.

Be careful - he says to Lugar
"Elven liquor, centuries old." the elven girl says.
Lugar nods in appreciation. "When this is over we can drink to our success! But maybe there's a safer place than my magic bag?" He asks Merri.
"My nonmagical bag isn't any safer than your magical one but I don't mind carrying them around." Merri replies.
After a good pause of silence, Lugar looks to the others. "Never keep all your gold in the same cave, right? Here," Lugar hands Merri one bottle, "we both can keep them safe."
(09-03-2015, 06:30 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: Tall shelves line the wall, stocked high with vast tomes. There's an ornate commode atop which there are some open tomes. All this is in the western (proximal) part of the library. The eastern part is collapsed, similar to the guard room.

Giant examines the open tomes and says "Khmm..."
What do you think Merri, are these tomes valueable too?

He also searches the shelves. Is there anything else beside tomes? After he searches the right side of the room looking for some remainings among, below rocks.
Lugar follows Giant around the room, searching the book shelves for possible hidden passages behind them, then he'll examine the rocks and stone walls for a possible passage up.

(Ooc roll on roll20 for search = 9+2 for stonework)
Merri nods in appreciation at Lugar and accepts the bottle.
Upon Giant's question she responds with a not too convincing "Probably."

As Giant and Lugar look around the collapsed part they notice a flight of wooden stairs that once led to the next floor but now only part of it is in place and even that part is dangerously damaged and covered in rubble. In a paradox manner, the collapsed mass of stone actually acts as a ramp up to the ceiling. There seems to be a kind of aperture quite close to the end of the ramp. It may lead to the next floor but hard to tell without climbing up and having a look.

A careful, skilled climber would probably have little trouble getting there. Others may slip on the unstable surface.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Lugar asks Silent Giant as he looks at the ramp of fallen stones leading up to the hole in the ceiling. "These stones don't look solid. We could draw straws to see who goes first."
Yeah - he nods immediatelly and he is going to check the hole. He puts down his axe and carefully climbs up. (DM take10 or please roll if needed)

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