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Sweet Little Lies
The world is slowly breaking down, everyone knows it. The Law of the Arcanotheign still holds for now, but with every week that passes, more magic seems to flood back into our world. Makes it all a bit hard to hide from the Mundanes. Eventually, that flood is gonna break the dams we put up.

When it does?

We're all screwed.

-Jack Hardy

Shadows are deepening the world over, but in one corner of New York City, all of you came together at the behest of a mutual acquaintence who discovered some news. He promised to reveal it all to you when you were all present.

However, when you showed up to his broken body lying on the table, things went quickly amiss....

System: Pathfinder E6 (Basically, everything like normal Pathfinder, except that noone progresses past 6th level. Instead, you gain an additional feat for every 1000 XP over that mark.)
Setting: Eve of Dreams and the AWAKE
Starting Level: 2
Ability Score Generation: Roll 2d100, I'll tell you your stats, including a possible bonus of some kind.  You'll get two choices based on your rolls.
Character Generation: Any character class from d20pfsrd.com. Humans only, unless you give me a dynamite reason for something else, including how you even exist. (See setting for details.)
Allowed Material: Anything from Pathfinder, on d20pfsrd.com, or spheresofpower.wiki.com, as well as most of the things by Clinton J. Boomer on his Tumblr. Cite sources on your sheet.

Let's see how many submissions I get before I set a party size. Ideally, I'll get at least 5, but we shall see.
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This looks like an interesting setting.  I've had an idea for a bard that enjoys disguises but I'm not sure how well it would translate in this kind of dark modern game.  

I've glanced at the Spheresofpower.wiki which also looks interesting but I'm not sure how well it compares to bard magic.  The shifter also looks interesting.

If I were to make a bard, how would the bard song abilities be affected by the Masquerade?  Since there are no visible effects and only my allies would feel the effects then would anyone notice?  A bard could just take Perform: Oratory or comedy.  Both of those could be used in combat in a way to no be too suspicious.  Like taunting the enemy (Comedy) "You're so ugly you have to sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink!" or Inspiring speech (Oratory) "Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace..."
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I'd imagine that depends entirely on the visible effects. Making fun of someone so hard they die would probably require a few Bluff checks from a 'recognized' doctor to cover up. Inspiration stuff would probably not be taken into account too hard, unless the people who fought you notice that the fight swings against them when you open your mouth.

But honestly, in the middle of a fight, when has anyone's opponent started spouting movie lines to throw the other person off that I know of? lol
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Well the bard wouldn't be using movie quotes.  They would be calling out to their companions in an inspiring way like Wallace, but using more modern language.

Since when can a bard kill with their bard music?  Huh
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I keep thinking of some class or another that can spend bardic music to do FInger of Death or something like that...lol
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I'm down to play a wizard or a sorcerer.  Obviously its wizard'ish. A.K.A ...Constantine.  Though my character personality will be way different.  I haven't settled on that part yet. ...I do want him to be good with guns...so He likely will be a detective of some sort who dabbles, or is just weird and doesn't know he has the potential to do magic yet.  

Its all still up in the air, but there's the concept at least.
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No problem with that.

According to the setting subrules, firearms are simple weapons, so that works just fine.
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Very interested. I woud like to sign up. I need to read the setting more before I decide on a character concept. Seeing as we havebard, and sorceror/wizard covered. I might go with an alchemist. or oracle.. using an appropriate archetype.
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@GM Marvel When I picture Bard in this setting, the first image I got was a burnt out rocker or a young garage band Indy scene star.  Man! That whole concept is full of potential. 

~ Could be that when he gets high, drunk or fucked up, he uses his magic on instinct. 
~ Or the opposite, he has to get fucked up to stop seeing or using magic. 
~ Inspiration could come from his music that he has recorded and plays over the com-links for the party.
~ Many of his new spells could come from different ways he mixes, writes, or creates his music. 

Just some ideas that flooded my brainpan when you brought up the Bard idea.  Figured I would share them with you.
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(03-01-2019, 10:42 PM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: Seeing as we have bard, and sorceror/wizard covered. 

Actually, I had not decided if I wanted to make a bard.  I'm unsure if my idea would fit in this dark world because I wanted to make sort of a rascal that uses unorthodox means to solve problems.
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