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[IC] Chapter 1-10: Crypt of Hate
OOC - break in continuity? Smile

"I have not been involved in the full deciphering of the Chant of Ages but as far as I know the names of sixth and seventh have not been found yet."

Torin recalls the seven deadly sins;
Greed is definitely a common element of the two lists.
Wrath and Hate are pretty much similar.
Do at least three of pride, lust, gluttony, sloth and envy tie to any of the first five seas?
(01-16-2017, 08:48 PM)Torin Wrote: These are totally new for me. Before that I knew form that KEY must thow into the sea of hate, but there are seven keys. What about with the sixth and seventh keys? ... It's similiar to the seven deadly sins, ... - and Torin continues if he knows more about this.

ooc - Know religion 7 deadly sins [1d20+8] = 19+8 = 27

ooc - @DM could you collects what Portho knows about his previous party

Blablabla and blablabla... Can we deal with the first key and first sea? Death of deed is the reasonings. We are in hurry, aren't we?

ooc - Giant recalls Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Wink
[OoC sorry for the delay. I went into the hospital on Friday for a procedure, then had to make up the missed hours of work on Saturday, and DM a liv  e Pathfinder game at a local game shop on Sunday.. been a little busy this weekend]

(01-13-2017, 09:25 PM)Torin Wrote: Portho, could you try to use this cloak? Maybe you will know more. (ooc - UMD)

"Certainly I will try on the cloak.  I will see if I can glean more of the workings."

[Use Magic Device [1d20+17] = 1+17 = 18]

"I do not sense anything extra, sorry."

[OoC dice not with e there]

(01-13-2017, 10:19 PM)Lugar Wrote: "So we go through the armory one at a time, unless little guy here can command the construction." He gestures at Portho.  "One us uses that Hide from Undead spell that Torrin has hidden up his bung-hole, and we throw the Sermour slices into the Sea of Hate. If that doesn't work we throw something else in. Mission completed, rescue the world, and whatever nonsense that Master Geddin is smoking. We march out of here with a bag of loot over our shoulders as easy as vampire cake!"

"I cannot command it sorry, so our only recourse is to go through one at a time. But there is a problem with that,we gnomes are too small t5o wade in the water, and even though I can speak bear, I doubt I could convince Boo not to stick right beside Toot. I hope you have him trained to stay and to come  even when he thinks you may be in danger, his instinct seems to be to keep you safe." he says looking at Toot.
"Are we all needed up there?" the armorer asks.
(01-17-2017, 08:48 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: "Are we all needed up there?" the armorer asks.

No, I will go up first and destroy the rest of undead... or I hold back them at least.

OOC - I think if somebody wears the crown he can command undead
The circlet does not appear in any stories Portho has ever heard but the design and the intricate inscribings on the inside remind him of a long lost empire of magic; somehow an evil necromancer pops into his mind but he cannot recall the details of the story, nor the names of people or places.
Portho relates everything he knew of his former adventuring companions, including the fact that he barely knew them, just signing on last minute to accompany them into the tunnels beneath Waterdeep.

"..I did not even know their real names, just their odd names they used, each one a precious stone or gem. I didn't question their eccentricity, adventurers are a strange lot."
(01-17-2017, 05:52 AM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: [quote pid='17596' dateline='1484345971']
"I cannot command it sorry, so our only recourse is to go through one at a time. But there is a problem with that,we gnomes are too small t5o wade in the water, and even though I can speak bear, I doubt I could convince Boo not to stick right beside Toot. I hope you have him trained to stay and to come  even when he thinks you may be in danger, his instinct seems to be to keep you safe." he says looking at Toot.

"Of course Boo's instinct is to keep Toot safe," Toot snaps.  "Boo's my companion and me his.  He wouldn't be much of a companion if he just watched Toot get torn to ribbons or turned into some beast's snack.  And Toot bet he's better trained than you.  You never seem to do anything you're asked, at least not in combat!" 

(01-17-2017, 11:41 AM)Silent Giant Wrote:
(01-17-2017, 08:48 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: "Are we all needed up there?" the armorer asks.

No, I will go up first and destroy the rest of undead... or I hold back them at least.

While staring at Portho with his nose turned up like he just smelled a pile of shit, he hears Silent Giant state his plan.  Toot's eyes nearly bug out of his head and while swiftly turning to look at the Giant like he's insane, he exclaims, "Is you crazy?  We having rough time of it battling them with all of us AND summoned critters.  You be ripped a new asshole and we have no more spells to patch you up."
(01-17-2017, 11:30 PM)Toot Wrote:
(01-17-2017, 05:52 AM)Silent Giant Wrote: [quote pid='17676' dateline='1484653272']
(01-17-2017, 08:48 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: "Are we all needed up there?" the armorer asks.

No, I will go up first and destroy the rest of undead... or I hold back them at least.

While staring at Portho with his nose turned up like he just smelled a pile of shit, he hears Silent Giant state his plan.  Toot's eyes nearly bug out of his head and while swiftly turning to look at the Giant like he's insane, he exclaims, "Is you crazy?  We having rough time of it battling them with all of us AND summoned critters.  You be ripped a new asshole and we have no more spells to patch you up."

Am I? ... Yeah, of course. If I was not crazy I would be in a good tavern not here. So do you have a better plan, don't you?
"I know a bit about mind control. Gimme that circlet, I'll make that fat statue lift us up, then we both go Silent Giant. We use magic to hide from the skellies and toss the blood sucker's bones into the circle. We just need to make sure we can destroy that magic circle."
[OoC: Didn't we learn that the circle regenerates undead?  If it regenerates could it reanimate as well?  If we did throw the Vamp into the circle, would it bring the Vampire back to life... err... I mean Unlife? ]

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