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[IC] Chapter 1-10: Crypt of Hate
Maul listens to the unusually lengthy confession of the little gnome-lain and asks,
"And how is this supposed to help us exactly? You sound like you'd volunteer to carry out the task at hand."

"Toot has not volunteered for anything yet," he snaps.  "Toot just telling you that this thing cured Boo when his life force was sucked away by that ghost-asshole-thing and it protects from negative energy.  Perhaps someone -- NOT necessarily me -- can wear it while trying to reverse whatever is happening.  There could be bad juju that rips your soul apart!  Or maybe the light it shoots into the sky is important.  It could be just a flashy side effect or maybe it has special properties too!  Sheesh, does Toot have to think of everything?"
"Hahahaha! I like him. Gnomes are much more than they appear!" Lugar wipes a tear away from his eye, or was that dust dripping out?
"A generous offer then," Maul admits.
"Not TOO generous," Toot corrects Maul.  "Don't get my offer twisted.  I'm not giving it away.  I'm loaning it only long enough to complete this quest."

"Now what should we do next?  Sneak past the Golem to get to the Armory or deal with Eclipse?"

[OoC1: I'm getting a little confused.  What objects do we have or need to deal with the Eclipse? 

OoC2:  Also this Golem's instruction have me a little confused.  The Golem's instructions are: Its task is to protect the armoury and its contents from all living invaders but won't attack unless there are at least two trespassers are in the armoury proper. There is one exception though: if the guardian cannot sense more than a single invader then it will attack immediately.

The first part says it will only attack if 2 or more people enter the area.  But then the second parts says, if it CANNOT sense more than a single invader then it will attack.  So if it senses 2 or more invaders it attacks but it also attacks if it doesn't sense more than one invader.  So if someone goes in by themselves the golem won't sense more than one person so it also attacks?  Huh  So the Golem is going to attack no matter what?  Am I reading the instructions wrong?  Are the instructions written wrong?  I hope I'm explaining this clearly.. Confused ]
(01-15-2017, 12:21 PM)Toot Wrote: "Not TOO generous," Toot corrects Maul.  "Don't get my offer twisted.  I'm not giving it away.  I'm loaning it only long enough to complete this quest."

"Now what should we do next?  Sneak past the Golem to get to the Armory or deal with Eclipse?"

[OoC1: I'm getting a little confused.  What objects do we have or need to deal with the Eclipse? 

OoC2:  Also this Golem's instruction have me a little confused.  The Golem's instructions are: Its task is to protect the armoury and its contents from all living invaders but won't attack unless there are at least two trespassers are in the armoury proper. There is one exception though: if the guardian cannot sense more than a single invader then it will attack immediately.

The first part says it will only attack if 2 or more people enter the area.  But then the second parts says, if it CANNOT sense more than a single invader then it will attack.  So if it senses 2 or more invaders it attacks but it also attacks if it doesn't sense more than one invader.  So if someone goes in by themselves the golem won't sense more than one person so it also attacks?  Huh  So the Golem is going to attack no matter what?  Am I reading the instructions wrong?  Are the instructions written wrong?  I hope I'm explaining this clearly.. Confused ]

OOC - I think if golem senses all of us but only one of us goes inside he wont attack
Ooc SG got the essence. The reasoning behind is to lure the party in if they sent a scout ahead... but prevent a single invader from passing through.

Tapatalkkal küldve az én ALE-L21 eszközömről
OoC: That's what I figured but the way it's worded, "If it CANNOT sense more than one..." If only ONE person goes inside then it COULD NOT sense more than one and should attack.  Am I making sense?  Tongue  

Toot glances around.  Blinks... Then adds, "I'm finished... You can talk now..."
"Something like that, yes," Murkatos nods.
These are totally new for me. Before that I knew form that KEY must thow into the sea of hate, but there are seven keys. What about with the sixth and seventh keys? ... It's similiar to the seven deadly sins, ... - and Torin continues if he knows more about this.

ooc - Know religion 7 deadly sins [1d20+8] = 19+8 = 27

ooc - @DM could you collects what Portho knows about his previous party

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