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[IC] Chapter 1-3: Mansion of Hate
After Lugar is arrived and there is enought space to use a double axe he will ask Merri to send his axe and bag up.
Hide: (27) = 20+7, Move Silently: (26) = 15+11
The space upstairs seems to have been quite open by design but now fragmented and full of obstacles both for movement and sound, almost like a network of natural cave tunnels. from what Lugar and Giant can tell this may be the attic of the building and it is about as big as the area already covered by the team downstairs but continues to the south from the opening as well, except that it's totally blocked by the collapsed ceiling and cannot be penetrated by the looks of it.

With the echo being fooled by the piles of rock and dirt it takes quite some effort to locate the source of breathing but eventually it seems to be coming from the same direction where Giant saw something disappear.

While Merri sends Giant's equipment up, and waves for the rope to follow the two, Lugar sneaks from shade to shade, carefully avoiding all pebbles or other terrain that would make noise.
Private to Lugar:
The dwarf manages to surprise a ragged figure from behind. It looks like a human, apparently scared to death, grasping tight onto some slender, gnarly item about one foot long.
After Merri sends the rest of their stuff up, she uses the rope to follow. She slowly draws her greatsword to make as little noise as possible. They already knew there was something large up here and Merri wanted to be prepared.
Giant follows the direction (and maybe tracks?) carefully but loudly where he has seen something disappear. Hey, where are you little coward elephant?
[OOC Lugar - spoiler tag is "SPOILER" Smile not sure if we have "PRIVATE" tag though...]

To Lugar:
With the movement of greased lightning Lugar draws a tiny crossbow and fires. The bolt hits and the figure yelps, then turns around to face the dwarf.
"Krisp!" he utters, frightened, and a bluish glow shoots out to hit the dwarf squarely in one of his shoulders. The duergar feels the freezing touch of the netherworld, causing him 3hp damage and has to hold on his weapon tight to avoid dropping it.

Giant can see the movement of greased lightning as Lugar draws and fires something. A yelp can be heard then a frightened shout in a youthful male voice:
A bluish glow hits the dwarf squarely in one of his shoulders and he staggers for a moment.

Merri barely makes it upstairs while it happens but catches the word and the bluish glow from the corner of her eyes.

[You may roll initiatives and any rolls needed for your actions in Roll20 or I'll take care of your rolls]
Please roll for me.
Me too.

Give up! You have no chance. You are our prisoner now. - he talks to the "speaking elephant" and he is approaching it.
Initiative: (11) = 5+6
HP: 42
Lugar lets out his own cry of pain as he grits his teeth from the magic attack. "There's poison in your veins now, surrender and we will help you. Resist and..." While Lugar threatens the human he reaches for one of his belt pouches that holds a tanglefoot bag.
[OOC - Seems I found a bug in the roll20 initiative tracker but maybe it was a temporary disturbance in the force... but now all of you have init rolls.
Merri comes first, then Giant's and Lugar's comment. By the time the man could react all three of you could take action so please resolve.]

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