Nexendia gives everyone a thumbs up and her Rhamphorhynchus familiar adds a throaty growl of approval.
"We should keep moving. Should we go back to see what the sound of the one voice speaking in a hideous tongue to the East or should we carry on in this direction. Or we could do both... See what's over there and then come back and deal with this side. Vidar did say he could only hear one voice to the east. And we might want to do something with the bodies. It will raise more of an alarm if the other mites find them dead than if they're just gone and possibly out playing or torturing small animals."
Rhamphorhynchus (Nexendia's familiar)
"We should keep moving. Should we go back to see what the sound of the one voice speaking in a hideous tongue to the East or should we carry on in this direction. Or we could do both... See what's over there and then come back and deal with this side. Vidar did say he could only hear one voice to the east. And we might want to do something with the bodies. It will raise more of an alarm if the other mites find them dead than if they're just gone and possibly out playing or torturing small animals."
Rhamphorhynchus (Nexendia's familiar)