10-16-2020, 12:10 AM
(10-15-2020, 05:49 PM)Reawyn Wrote: Reawyn tosses an alkahest bomv at the nearest mound.
bomb [1d20+3] = 8+3 = 11; damage [1d4+5] = 1+5 = 6
Even if he misses it lands in an adjacent square and splashes a 5' radius for 6 damafe or half ( Refl DC 15)
Reawayn has a feat that allows him to have more control over that splash
Quote:Splash Weapon Mastery [Paizo Inc. - Adventurer's
Armory, 31]
When throwing a splash weapon, you act as if you had the Far Shot feat. When
you hit with a splash weapon, select one additional square adjacent to the splash
area; creatures in this area also take splash damage. When you miss with a splash
weapon, you may adjust the miss direction on the grid by +1 or -1. This feat counts
as Far Shot for the purpose of qualifying for other feats, but only in regard to
splash weapons
splash direction [1d8] = 6 with one being closest to Reawun then going clockwise so 5 is furthest.
if possible reawyn will use his splash and the extra 5' square he can tack on to also get the next mound by adjusting it toposition 5 or 7 if needed.
(OoC pretty bad ass attack for 1st level even when I miss and roll minimum damage)
[OoC: The AC of the mound is probably 5. So that means you hit. ]
[OoC2: So I know what I'm describing, did you use acid or fire? What type of energy are your bombs normally. ]