Okay, couple little things. This is my bad really. ALL OOC comments are to go in this thread. Even OOC comments pertaining to the current game thread. I know a lot of you guys do the whole (OOC- in the game thread) ... I don't. All OOC stuff of any sort goes here.
@GM Marvel Sorry about that, Minty was right. I mean Dexterity Save. That should be your Dex Modifier only. Unless you have Proficiency in Dexterity, in which you would add your Proficiency bonus too.
Your Warlock does not. But she does have proficiency in Wisdom and Charisma saves. You'll see that indicated by the little check marks to the far right of each attribute.
@GM Marvel Sorry about that, Minty was right. I mean Dexterity Save. That should be your Dex Modifier only. Unless you have Proficiency in Dexterity, in which you would add your Proficiency bonus too.
Your Warlock does not. But she does have proficiency in Wisdom and Charisma saves. You'll see that indicated by the little check marks to the far right of each attribute.