02-16-2018, 05:45 AM
Copy and Pasted from the Dragon Magazine Bard: (Tina you might want to copy and paste this to your sheet)
Arms and armor of bards
The only armor a bard may wear is leather armor, and only a
wooden shield is permitted. A shield may not be actively used
when a bard attempts charming, since a string instrument must
be played which requires the use of both hands. The weapons
usable by a bard are: hand or throwing axe, club, dagger, darts,
hammer, javelin, horseman’s mace, scimitar, sling, broadsword,
longsword, and short sword. A bard may use flaming oil,
but not poison.
Bards use the same “to hit” table as fighters; however, they
never strike more than once per round as fighters do when they
attain high levels. Likewise, they do not gain multiple attacks
against opponents of less than one hit die.
When a bard character starts his career, he is proficient with
only one weapon, and suffers a -4 penalty whenever using any
weapon with which he is not proficient. A bard may become
proficient with one additional weapon for every four levels that
have been attained; i.e., a 5th-level bard can be proficient with
two weapons. Note that in no case may a bard use a weapon in
each hand, such as a sword in one hand and a dagger in the
Magical items usable by bards
A bard may employ magical weapons of the types normally
usable by a bard (see above). Magical leather armor and a
magical wooden shield may also be used by a bard. They may
use potions, scrolls, rings, rods, wands, and miscellaneous
magic items which are usable by all classes, Any books. librams,
manuals, or tomes that are read by a bard cause the
same effect as if the bard were a druid. Bards may also use a
Rod of Beguiling and all types of the Horn of Valhalla. Of
course, they may also use any appropriate Instruments of the
The bard may employ some magic items with better than
usual effect. These are:
Drums of Panic — saving throw is made at -1 on the die.
Horn of Blasting — 50% greater damage.
Lyre of Building — double effects.
Pipes of the Sewers—double number of rats in half the usual
time; also, a bard may substitute the pipes for a stringed instrument
when attempting to charm children, utilizing it as
such rather than for summoning rats.
Horn of the Tritons — Calm water in a two-mile radius, double
the number of summoned creatures, double duration of
fleeing by creatures.
Horn of Valhalla — double amount of summoned fighters.
Arms and armor of bards
The only armor a bard may wear is leather armor, and only a
wooden shield is permitted. A shield may not be actively used
when a bard attempts charming, since a string instrument must
be played which requires the use of both hands. The weapons
usable by a bard are: hand or throwing axe, club, dagger, darts,
hammer, javelin, horseman’s mace, scimitar, sling, broadsword,
longsword, and short sword. A bard may use flaming oil,
but not poison.
Bards use the same “to hit” table as fighters; however, they
never strike more than once per round as fighters do when they
attain high levels. Likewise, they do not gain multiple attacks
against opponents of less than one hit die.
When a bard character starts his career, he is proficient with
only one weapon, and suffers a -4 penalty whenever using any
weapon with which he is not proficient. A bard may become
proficient with one additional weapon for every four levels that
have been attained; i.e., a 5th-level bard can be proficient with
two weapons. Note that in no case may a bard use a weapon in
each hand, such as a sword in one hand and a dagger in the
Magical items usable by bards
A bard may employ magical weapons of the types normally
usable by a bard (see above). Magical leather armor and a
magical wooden shield may also be used by a bard. They may
use potions, scrolls, rings, rods, wands, and miscellaneous
magic items which are usable by all classes, Any books. librams,
manuals, or tomes that are read by a bard cause the
same effect as if the bard were a druid. Bards may also use a
Rod of Beguiling and all types of the Horn of Valhalla. Of
course, they may also use any appropriate Instruments of the
The bard may employ some magic items with better than
usual effect. These are:
Drums of Panic — saving throw is made at -1 on the die.
Horn of Blasting — 50% greater damage.
Lyre of Building — double effects.
Pipes of the Sewers—double number of rats in half the usual
time; also, a bard may substitute the pipes for a stringed instrument
when attempting to charm children, utilizing it as
such rather than for summoning rats.
Horn of the Tritons — Calm water in a two-mile radius, double
the number of summoned creatures, double duration of
fleeing by creatures.
Horn of Valhalla — double amount of summoned fighters.