(03-20-2017, 08:38 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: A golden haired ageless elf greets Toot. She wears regal clothing with lots of jewels. In particular, a ring with an enormous emerald catches Toot's eyes.
She smiles at the "customer" and asks,
"Welcome, Customer. I guess you are willing to sell-- your hat maybe?"
Not even this beautiful elf's stunning appearance was going to annoy Toot today. He just cheerfully states, "Nope!" to her question about selling his hat, then summons his scroll from his tiny haversack. With scroll in hand, Toot reaches up onto his tipy-toes to place the top end of the scroll on the edge of the counter. He then hops a few times to finally push the rolled parchment onto the counter top in front of the elf.
When she unravels the scroll she sees written in childlike writing but without any of the spelling errors you might expect, a note which says...
Quote:Dear Merchant,
Me magic customer and ME want:
1. Monk's Belt
2. Quiver Elhonna
3. Incandescent Blue Sphere Ioun Stone
4. Wand of Cure Light Wounds
5. Wand of Endure Elements
6. Wand of Entangle
7. Wand of Obscuring Mist
8. Wand of Shillelagh
9. Rod of Metamagic Extend
10. Large masterwork quarterstaff
Toot peers up at her hopefully as she reads the words on the parchment.