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A Rude Awakening
Eloric gave a heavy sigh, "Bloody hell." He groaned, "Fiiine, let's get out of this place so we can find a proper inn." He got to his feet and dusted himself off.  Threw his pack over his shoulder and inspected the staff.  "Hmm, useful enough." 

(Action - Prepares to follow the others out.)
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Merika'arme moves into position behind Khayman ready to move when the door is opened as he was requested to do so. As he waits he adjusts his handwraps slightly. Still unused to the new body and its features.

Stealth: 1d20+9=11
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The group moved up to the walkway carefully and quietly, preparing to assault the group in the outer chamber of the barn. While they were moving into position. The creature near the door raiased his head starig into space and then without any flash of light or puff of smoke...it simply...vanished. Only the 6 Thugs were in the room and they looked at each other strangely and then paused to get their bearings looking around...

31 Benj
31 Robsen
29 Khaymen
27 Merika
26 Eloric
19 Cutter
19 Chip
18 Cade
18 Aquila
18 Stalkers (x6)

Its 7' from the walkway to the floor. If theres an object on the map, it makes that square Difficult terrain.

Benji Copperclaw AC:21 HP:42/42 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+11 WL:+8 Perception:+8 CDC:20 SDC:20
4th Bard (Maestro) M Kobold (Copper)  Archetype: Sorcerer {Draconic}
Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a Reactions: Eat Fire (fire resist 5), Counter Performance Hero Points: 1

Cade Fallenleaf AC:21 HP:42/42 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+11 WL:+12 Perception:+12 CDC:20 SDC:20
4th Druid (Animal Order) M Halfling (Wildwood) (Otherworldly Mission) Archetype: Geomancer Dedication
Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a Reactions: Shield Block, Spore Shield Break Hero Points: 1

Aquila AC:20 HP:42/42 Saves: FO:+11 RE:+12 WL:+10 Perception:+10 CDC: n/a SDC: n/a
Mature Dromasaur Animal Companion
Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a Reactions: n/a 

Cutter AC:21 HP:42/42 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+12 WL:+9 Perception:+9 CDC:20 SDC:19
4th Rogue (Thief) M Elf (Woodland) {Criminal}  Archetype: Wizard {Battlemagic}
Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a Reactions: Nimble Dodge Hero Points: 1 

Chip AC:21 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+12 WL:+9 Perception:+7 
4th Familiar  M Spider Monkey  
Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a Reactions: none 

Eloric AC:18 HP:36/36 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+8 WL:+8 Perception:+6 +2 Initiative CDC:18 SDC:20
4th Psychic (Conscious: Distant Grasp/Sub: Wandering Reverie) M Human (Nephilim) (Dauntless)  Archetype: Chronoskimmer Dedication 
Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a Reactions: Turn Back The Clock, Indomitable Act Hero Points: 1 

Khayman AC:21 HP:52/52 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+12 WL:+9 Perception:+9  +2 to Initiative CDC:20 SDC:n/a
4th Rogue (Thief) M Human (Versatile) (Martial Disciple)  Archetype: Gunslinger
Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a Reactions: Nimble Dodge Hero Points: 1 

Merika'arme AC:21 HP:48/48 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+11 WL:+9 Perception:+7 CDC:20 SDC:19
4th Monk  M Lizardfolk (Frilled Lizard) (Discarded Duplicate)  Archetype: Rogue 
Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a Reactions: Stand Still Hero Points: 1 

Robsen AC:21 HP:54/54 Saves: FO:+10 RE:+12 WL:+10 Perception:+10 +2 to Initiative CDC:20 SDC: n/a
4th Ranger (Precision) M Elf (Woodland) (Hunter)  Archetype: Archer Dedication 
Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a Reactions: none Hero Points: 1 


Stalker (x6) AC:21 HP: 60/60, 60/60, 60/60, 60/60, 60/60, 60/60 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+9 WL:+12 Perception:+10 CDC:19
4 Aberration  (Thug) Resistance: Bludgeoning 5 Immunities: +2 save to Auditory and visual saves.
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Benji made a grand appearance from behind the wall, squinted his eyes at the group of thugs in the room and clicked his tongue in disapproval. Tsk. Bunch of uglies in here. But is no problem! Benji shows you good times anyways. The scaly bard started strumming his lute, slowly at first before building up momentum into a lively tune. The chords seemed to echo throughout the entire barn, filling his new friends with a surge of strength and resolve. At the same time, a shimmer of protective force appeared around him.

Action 1: Stride
Action 2: Courageous Anthem (+1 status bonus to attacks, damage and saves vs fear)
Free Action: Lingering Composition: 1d20+13 30 crit success: 4 round duration (-1 focus point)
Action 3: Casting Shield (+1 AC Hardness 5)
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Cutter looks across the barn at Khayman gives him a thumbs up, then he steps through the doorway and flips off the upper walkway, landing on his feet he takes two quicksteps and attempts to tumble back past the thug before him, still not use to this body he slips failing to tumble cutter just thrust his rapier forward stabbing the thug in the thigh. His second strike misses as he regains his balance.

1 stride and tumble
2 strike with rapier
3 strike with rapier

(to hit 1d20+12=29) hit
(damage 2d6+5=8)
2nd to hit 1d20+8=10) miss
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Attack: 1d20+10 21 Damage: 1d4 4
Off guard attack: 1d20+7 14

Dropping from the walkway, Khayman moved quickly into attack position, hitting the ground he moved toward the first man in sight, his hand slipping from his pocket and firing the coat pistol which struck the man, then followed up with an attack from the Rapier, the lightness of the weapon making his attack too quickly, it whistled harmlessly past the man. 

1: Stride (Catfall)
2. Interact with Pistol and attack (hit)
3. Attack with Rapier (miss)
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"Don't mind the nasty man," Cade coos to the dinosaur, scratching under her chin, "I know you're a she."

The halfling cocks his head up at the walkway above in thought at Cutter's question though.

"Reckon you can get up there?" he asks the feathered lizard.

In response she backs up a few steps, her long tail waving in anticipation as she looks up, judging the distance. In a few powerful strides, she launches herself off the ground and up towards the walkway. She gets one leg up, but the other slips and she scrambles for a moment before clawing herself all the way up. She looks back at Cutter as if to show off what she can do.

"Good girl." Cade approves as he climbs up the ladder to meet her.

As Kayman and Cutter move in to attack, Cade edges forward to see what's in the room. Seeing the thugs and his allies engaging them, his eyes dart back to the raptor, then back at the thugs.

Cade whistles sharply, "Time to hunt lovely!" and points to one of the thugs. The dinosaur almost seems to grin before sprinting along the walkway and launching herself head-first at one of the men.

Again her footing almost fails her, the unnatural floor not her normal hunting grounds, and her jaws look to be missing as the man dodges to the side. Cade however calls upon his connection to nature and just ever so slightly firms up the ground under her left leg, arresting her movement enough to let her teeth sink into the man, if only just.

1st: Stride
2nd: Command Animal (Aquila 2 actions)
3rd: Guidance on Aquila. +1 Attack

1st: Stride
2nd: Strike (jaws). 1d20+12=21 Hit. 2d8+3=5 piercing damage.
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Merika moves through the door following the lead of Khayman and strides forward towards the closest unengaged foe. The lizardfolk flexes his muscles and swings with his claws letting out a small growl as he did so.  He misses with the first slash, but scores a hit with the second one.

Attack 1: Attack: 1d20+11=13
Attack 2: Attack: 1d20+7=22
Damage: 1d6+5=7 (Slashing)
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Robsen will skulk along trhe walkway about 20' before stopping and aiming his bow at the thug at the bottom of the stairs up to the walkway, that is his prey and fires two shots. The first shot whistles shrilly into the targets chest with a meaty thunk, and the second whistles past the targets head nearly hitting its mark.

1. Move Action: Move 20' out onto the walkway, remains there for good lines of shot.
2. Precise Shot Attack: Precise Comp Longbow Attack =[1d20+11]=13+11=24 (Hit!). Precise Comp Longbow Damage =[2d8+1]=11+1=12 Damage.
3. 2nd Comp Longbow Attack: 2nd Comp Longbow Attack =[1d20+6]=13+6=19 (Miss!).
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Eloric mutters a curse as he follows the feisty elf and stops near the other odd fellow with the bow.  He raises a defensive shield and as the psions eyes flash a brilliant glowing blue, he sends a jolt of mental magic toward the foe the elf attacked. 

(Action 1 - Stride forward. Already moved on the map.)
(Action 2 - Cast Shield. +1 AC and Shield Block 5)
(Action 3 - Psi Burst on Cutters target w/ basic Reflex save)

Psi Burst Damage: 2d4 = 7
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