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A Rude Awakening
Was hoping that last run in with Fire and Ice had been it, oh well, the brooding man in the hat and duster muttered in a lack luster tone, Well met to you all, I am Khayman, known on my native world as The Wanderer. I too have had encounters with Kelthas Dread, he's an extreme dangerous adversary. As for me and my past, they are irrelevant now. What matters is moving forward and crushing that Thayian bastard at his own game.  
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" He, what did you call him? Oh yeah! Dread, said that he was hired by the Reavers to get rid of me, as apparently my friends and I where too effective at foiling thier plans to resurrect thier mad dead god, on my world, Urathas! So that used nag salesman in redrobes poisoned me and stole me away like a cheap string of pearls. Mark my words I will put an arrow between his eyes to show him the point of my arguments with him!", says Robsen as he stands up and steps foreward, hand outstretched in greeting.
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Eloric looked through his bags to see if the bastard had left at least a bottle of wine or ale.  He huffed.  Nothing. Again the man mumbled loud enough to be heard, but speaking mostly to himself, "Wretched piece of shit whore mongering piss pot.  Not even the good gods damn graces to leave a man with a decent bottle when he was snatched from much needed night of letting the world fuck off." 

"I don't know why I'm here.  Outside of killing that fuck twat, cum pustule Strahd twice, I didn't do much." Eloric sniffed loudly, cleared his throat and spit a gnarly wad of snot into the corner.  "Something just revived the bastard each time I killed him at any rate. So it wasn't like we accomplished much beyond killing everything in his castle." He smirked, "Though that was entertaining." He sighed and flopped down on the floor with his back against the stone.  

He would rather a nap now that he couldn't have a drink, but much like a drink, he probably wasn't going to get it. "I figure this Dark Lord of yours was sent to make sure I didn't put the vampire bastard down permanently, though why he should give a fuck, I haven't the foggiest."
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I knows squat about this Red Mage, but I knows the start of a hero's tale when I smells one! Benji looked down at the soles of his feet and grimaced. Smelling something else too. Maybe we leave Horse-shit Mountain first and continue introductions elsewhere yeah? The munchkin lizard pulled a rather large jug of wine out of his pouch, one that could not have feasibly fit in there without some massive bulging, and waved it enticingly before stowing it again. Benji's got the booze, if you gots the thirst.
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Eloric perked up immediately, "By the gods, I have no idea what exactly you are master Benji, but I feel this is the start to a beautiful friendship." He gestured for the bottle, "If you have a cup, that's fine, but I'm not above drinking from the bottle."
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Merika'arme listened to the others talk he studied them for a bit then slowly spoke up. "I am Merika'arme. I was hunting in the Underdark.  Slavers are not my favorite... this is not the body I used to have." There is a pause and a bit of a almost resolute sigh. "Still while we live I suppose there is the opportunity to get revenge. This is not Faerun, nor Sigil where are we exactly?" With that he looks at the Kobold pointedly. As he flexed his limbs and claws.  His words didn't sound slow, but carefully chosen.
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You never met kobolds? Huh. Well they not all as handsome as Benji you know. Benji pondered on that odd thought as he procured a tin cup and bottle for Eloric. Plenty for all. Plenty of cheese and other treatos too. Laters for that though.

The kobold rooted around his pack again and pulled out a very basic, but functional world map, one that Benji had been using to track his own journey's progress. Golarion. All this is big new world for Benji too. he answered the lizardman as he showed his new compatriots the map.
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Cutter walks over to Khayman. I think your right buddy first things first lets at least get out from under Kelthas thumb before he actually shows up. Cutter clicks his tongue a couple times, before the straw beside him begins to move and a small white faced black monkey comes up out of the straw and climbs cutter like a ladder. coming to rest sitting on his shoulder.

Alright little guy you need to take a peek up there all let us know how many friends we have next door. The elf  holds his arm up pointing at the open walkway above the little monkey runs up his arm and launches itself up on to the walkway

Stealth for chip 1d20+7=14
Perception for chip 1d20+7=25
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As The group discussed things like where they were from, of killing the Vampire Strahd twice, looking at a Map of Golarion They can see upon it marked in ink of his journey from Ustalav through a place on the map called Lastwall with a line through Lastwall and under it...no more now Gravelands...then the trail ran across into Belkzen and around the follow the trade route across the Storval Plateau and through the Lands of The Shoanti. heading south down the Storval Stairs and then down river to Ravenmoor on to Wolfs Ear across Ember Lake by boat to Galduria and then Nybor . Then heading east on the trade road to where he is now, near Sandpoint. 

Cutter released his familiar to investigate. The Spider Monkey clambered up to the walkway around and moved forward to peek down on the other side of the walkway. Cutter started drawing in the straw the rough dimensions of the other room and voiced a low description of the room for any who wanted to hear. 50 feet further the barn extends to the outer door . 6 dangerous looking thugs, 1 with a bow, 1 a crossbow, a spearman, 2 axemen 1 dual swordsman. At the far end of the room is something that looked like a spike covered metallic skinned fiend with a spiked tail. They are having a lighthearted discussion.
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After drawing the room out on dirt floor Cutter turns to the group, Khayman you take lead on the left side I'll take lead on the right, Robsen your second man through the door on my side, if you could move 10 feet down the walk way and then lay cover fire. Merika'ame your second man through on Kaymans side, Cade your after Merika'ame. Eloric your third on my side, Benji you choice get in where you fit in any magical boosts you can give us will be appreciated. Im thinking we get up on the walk ways in position then on three we rush in and make our exit. 
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.