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The Foyer
(02-24-2022, 05:08 PM)Niall Glacian Wrote:
(02-23-2022, 07:09 PM)Graffiti Wrote:
(02-23-2022, 06:32 PM)Niall Glacian Wrote:
Quote:"Why would your father be sympathetic to Magnito's point of view?  Where your parents mutants too?"

As Ashley passed him Niall said, "Yeah, both my folks are mutants.  Are yours?"

"No, my mutation was apparently random.  But my father was in the army, which is almost as bad."

Niall chuckled at that and said, "My Da said he worked with the BoM for a little bit right after he came to America. Ma said that wasn't true, but I dunno."

@Niall Glacian "What is the BoM?" Ashley asks Niall
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"Well I created a cannon from a history book and it blew a hole in the wall at school.  It was quite loud and created quite the distraction.  No one knew it was me but my dad thought it'd be better if I were somewhere where I could learn how to control my powers.  He knew the Professor so my dad contacted him and the next day I moved in here."
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Dazzler nods as each student recalls their backstory.  "You all are certainly in good hands with the Professor.  Even after all these years I'm still learning and my powers are still growing - mutating.  Each of you may feel a certain way right now but no one knows in what direction your abilities might grow.  Usually they do tend to evolve based upon whatever mutations you start with but that's not always the case.  Sometimes they can change into wild and wonderful abilities.  Pay attention to your studies and who knows what you might be capable of in a few years."

From their seat the bus driver whispers something to Dazzler.  She looks down at him questioningly then turns around to look out the front windshield.  Most of you are in the middle or back of the bus so it's difficult to spot what they're looking at but it seems like there's some kind of motorcade of military vehicles your bus is following.
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[[John is sort of staring out the window right now, but not focused on anything. Any chance he'd see what they see?]]
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John can see there's a military motorcade up ahead.  You wonder if maybe the President or some other VIP is being escorted some place.  But Dazzler's ass is blocking part of your view to learn much more about what's going on ahead of your bus.  As for the view out the side windows, there are many vehicles keeping pace with the bus.  You're travelling under several overpasses.  From above pedestrians are peeking over the sides of the overpasses.  Some are just watching the procession while many others are using their cell phones to take pictures and video of the motorcade.
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John's attention is suddenly focused up-front. Not at the teacher's ass (though that would surprise him later on), but at the motorcade. She cranes his head slightly to try to see what's going on, and is entirely too obvious about it.
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The motorcade draws more and more attention.  If it were the President you'd expect supporters and protesters lining the streets screaming in support or opposition.  Instead people are just watching and taking video of the heavily armored trucks passing by at around half speed.  Suddenly you feel the bus get hit hard by a wave of energy and a split second later an explosion.  The blast lifts the front wheels of the bus off the pavement and slides it diagonally a few feet toward the crowd.  Everyone in the bus is thrown from wherever they sit or stand onto the floor.  As the bus skids to a stop mere feet away from the pedestrians you hear muffled screams coming from outside as the crowd flees from the attack.
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John is thrown off his feet and lands on a seat on the other side of the bus.  "Whoa!  What was that?"  He looks around at everyone, seeing if they were okay.  Something wasn't normal here, but he wasn't going to go running off like this.  Not with a pair of massive 'Mutie' signs strapped to his back.
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