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The Ale House (OOC)
I have logged in as Arius Dezlentyr, and changed the signature so that it loads my myth weaver character sheet, and also deleted messages for DMVtkng that would never be read now that he has passed.
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I have finished reading through all 47 pages of the posted chapter 1 adventure posted, so I think I am all caught up on what's gone on. I have also read the house rules, which all seem fairly standard. Let me know if there is anything I have missed to get me up to speed?
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I think you're good my friend.  Now as soon as Jim is caught up in his story, we should be good to go.
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Was my brother in any of your other campaigns?, if so I can jagger his characters for you if needed.
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Naldr mac Tordal - Meridian ( I am looking over this character as well, I remember my brother talking about this character)
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- If you want to pick Naldr up as well, that would be awesome.  

- The last character he had in my games in my Rifts game. He played Nolan, but that one is RP heavy.  It's a decent read if you want to look him over and maybe pick him up. But it's up to you. I can NPC Nolan otherwise, he was pretty vital to the story.
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I sm not very familiar with the rifts game, but zi will give him a look over.
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What app do you use for dice rolling in your campaign.?
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You can use any app you like.  The only thing is to be consistent.  So make sure you use the same character name or identifier for every roll and link it so I can verify.  Primarily though, we use  https://orokos.com and https://www.unseenservant.com
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ok I am familiarwith unseen servant, just need youcampaign # so you can view my rolls.
also I have created a copy of Naldr mac Tordal (Reloaded) for the Meridian campaign as well, but cannot access my brothers character
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.