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[IC] The Old Sycamore
As Valdi casts his spell, light fills the area and everyone can hear two more hisses and the jabbering of a little voice, followed quickly by the pattering of tiny feet into the darkened distance. The hair stands on the the back of Happs' neck as he spies some sort of skittery movement and draws his nocked arrow back. Before anyone can do anything else, three enormous centipedes the size of dogs appear in the near distance.

Roll initiative
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Initiative [1d20]=1 - Valdi is just mesmerized in disgust
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Tushou's initiative [1d20+4]=13+4=17
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(03-18-2021, 01:14 AM)Valdi Wrote: Valdi will quickly cast Light spell on a rock.

Nexendia tries to stop Valdi but suddenly our location is lit up and it's too late.  "We were trying to be sneaky!"

Initiative: [1d20+11]=18+11=29
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To be fair to Valdi, Happs was very sneaky, one of the centipedes got a supremely lucky Perception roll, and the Concealment chance from darkness combined with the -1 you all get to all attacks in this place kinda makes things really really difficult for you.
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Init = [1d20]=16
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(03-18-2021, 06:42 PM)DM Dougfan Wrote: To be fair to Valdi, Happs was very sneaky, one of the centipedes got a supremely lucky Perception roll, and the Concealment chance from darkness combined with the -1 you all get to all attacks in this place kinda makes things really really difficult for you.

[[It doesn't matter how stealthy you are when there's a bright, 20' sphere of light, illuminating everyone. If the Centipede didn't see Happs it would have certainly seen the light.]]
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Her quick reaction time means that Nexendia reacts first to the skittering of hundreds (maybe) of little legs on the ground.

Initiative Order:
Nexendia (29)
Centipede 1 (21)
Happs (22)
Tushou (17.01)
Andra (17)
Vidar (16)
Centipede 2 (8)
Centipede 3 (3)
Valdi (1)
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Attempting to take advantage of the creatures being flat footed, Nexendia fires a crossbow bolt then moves behind the others.

Attack: [1d20+4]=12+4=16, Damage: [1d8]=2Rolleyes
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[[Please select which one you are attacking?]]
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