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[IC] The Old Sycamore
[OoC: I have +6 to Survival based skill checks, can I use that to follow the tracks?]
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(02-16-2021, 08:25 PM)DM Dougfan Wrote: Happs just blinks and shrugs.  "I'm just saying that set of tracks is fresh.  Dunno how long they've been around, but they're there.  The one to the East kinda went silent when noise was made here."

"Thank you," Nex replies to Happs.  "I appreciate your help but we would like to just check to see what's in the east room.  If it suddenly went quiet to the east and we push on to the west, they could be quietly calling together a force to flank us the moment we engage any enemies that are found to the west.  We just want to protect our back." 
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Did Valdi find anything when he searched the room, the mites and the catapultr?
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(02-16-2021, 09:00 PM)Vidar Wrote: [OoC: I have +6 to Survival based skill checks, can I use that to follow the tracks?]

Yes, you can. That is one of the uses of Survival.

(02-19-2021, 01:55 AM)Nexendia Wrote:
(02-16-2021, 08:25 PM)DM Dougfan Wrote: Happs just blinks and shrugs.  "I'm just saying that set of tracks is fresh.  Dunno how long they've been around, but they're there.  The one to the East kinda went silent when noise was made here."

"Thank you," Nex replies to Happs.  "I appreciate your help but we would like to just check to see what's in the east room.  If it suddenly went quiet to the east and we push on to the west, they could be quietly calling together a force to flank us the moment we engage any enemies that are found to the west.  We just want to protect our back." 

Happs nods and shrugs again, watching the direction you aren't investigating to guard your backs.

(02-19-2021, 06:13 PM)Valdi Wrote: Did Valdi  find anything when he searched the room, the mites and the catapultr?

Each of the mites has a crude-looking dagger and 6 darts. There is nothing else in the room but a few remaining caltrops that they hadn't been able to swallow yet. The contraption is crude, shoddily-made, and something no engineer worth their salt would ever be caught dead near. That's not to say it wouldn't be dangerous in the wrong hands, but dangerous to whom is another question altogether.
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(02-16-2021, 09:00 PM)Vidar Wrote: [OoC: I have +6 to Survival based skill checks, can I use that to follow the tracks?]

[OoC: Do I roll the check or you? I get a +6 to Survival Skill Checks.]
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Seeing what his brither is doing, Valdi will go have a look himself.

[Survival +8]
[Survival ++8 [1d20+8]=20+8=28]
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Survival Skill Check = [1d20+6]=17+6=23
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In Skaldic the two brothers are competing to place bets on how much the creature weighed adn the last time it trimmed it's troenails.
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Nex says quietly to Happs, "What skills do you have to offer?  I see you're good with the bow.  Are you any good at stealth?  It appears that's one thing we are sorely lacking."
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Happs turns to Nexendia and shrugs.  "I guess.  Didn't help me much at Oleg's, did it?"

[[By the way, if any of you want to look at Happs' sheet, I can try to copy-paste it in the Characters thread.  That way, you won't be waiting for me if you want Happs to do something.  For the purposes of this conversation, you may safely presume Happs has a Stealth mod of +6]]

[[One last EDIT for good measure, give yourselves 50 XP each for dealing swiftly with Dingetooth and Uurch. I think you were keeping track of your own XPs, yeah?]]
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