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[IC] The Old Sycamore
Nexendia points her crossbow at the top mite and fires a cold iron crossbow bolt.
Range attack: [1d20+2]=11+2=13, damage: [1d8]=2Dodgy
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Nexendia's bolt flies true, striking one of the mites in its shoulder.  It quails as it feels the cold iron slither through its body, draining it of some life.  Following her quickly is Tushou, whose flying heel slams into the same one's forehead, knocking it out instantly.  Finally, Vidar comes slashing in with his dagger and the second Mite grunts once and collapses.

[[Combat Over.  That was quick.]]
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Nexendia gives everyone a thumbs up and her Rhamphorhynchus familiar adds a throaty growl of approval.  

"We should keep moving.  Should we go back to see what the sound of the one voice speaking in a hideous tongue to the East or should we carry on in this direction.  Or we could do both... See what's over there and then come back and deal with this side.  Vidar did say he could only hear one voice to the east.  And we might want to do something with the bodies.  It will raise more of an alarm if the other mites find them dead than if they're just gone and possibly out playing or torturing small animals." 

Rhamphorhynchus (Nexendia's familiar)
[Image: e1nzOQSm.jpg]
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Valdi check to see if the one Tushou dropped is dead or unconscious and quickly searches the room the mites are in.
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After he is done the quick search Valdi whispers back, "I vote we go deal with that lone voice, then decide from there which direction we need to press on. I do not like leaving a foe behind us."
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Nex nods while she watches Valdi search.  Sighing she joins him but says, "We must be very quick about this.  The longer me mess around the more likely one of them will stumble upon us."

Perception: [1d20+4]=12+4=16
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The south mite might as well be a blue smear on the ground after Vidar's attack, the north mite is out cold.  Tushou made no mistake about it and it will take some time before it recovers.

While you are discussing where to go, Happs says quietly "If you're asking about the other ugly, there's a pair of new tracks running this way past that monstrosity over there."
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Did Valdi's search of the room turn up anything?

[OoC by monstrosity is Haps pointing at the catapult? not sure what he is referring to]
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(08-24-2020, 12:58 AM)DM Dougfan Wrote:
(08-23-2020, 10:29 PM)Vidar Wrote: Taking his cue from his brother's pause, Vidar stops and listens and checks the ground for signs of trail.
Perception Check = [1d20+6] = 13+6 = 19

Aside from the drip-drip-dripping of small drops of muck into slightly larger pools, and the general teeming of centipedes, millipedes, and termites, Vidar hears the sound of one voice speaking in a hideous tongue to the East.  To the West, Vidar hears a pair of similar, yet slightly different voices chattering away excitedly in their revolting tongue, punctuated by the occasional *twang* of some sort of drawn weapon being released.

[OoC: I am referring to this post.  Vidar heard one critter speaking to the East and two critters speaking to the West.  We went West but there's still the one critter we heard speaking to the East. ]
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Happs just blinks and shrugs.  "I'm just saying that set of tracks is fresh.  Dunno how long they've been around, but they're there.  The one to the East kinda went silent when noise was made here."
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