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[IC] The Old Sycamore
(08-25-2020, 05:51 PM)Nexendia Wrote:
(08-24-2020, 06:40 PM)Valdi Wrote: Realizing his brother is MUCH more stealthy than he, Valdi follows, keeping 10 feet back from Vidar.

[OoC: How is Vidar much more stealthy than Valdi.  Vidar rolled a stealth check at -6 and Valdi's stealth is -3.  Huh ]

I see this on Roll20:
[Image: AdZFn3Um.png]

Nona sneaks along, looking/listening for anything important...

Stealth: [1d20+3] = 15+3 = 18
Perception: [1d20+4] = 4+4 = 8

But apparently the brothers are very distracting...

 I see the same  the box on the right is new.

[Image: DbbxY2d.png]

This is why we cannot use the map in Roll20 to help navigate.. we can't see anything.
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[OoC: Apologies. Life has caught up to me. EMT class has a LOT of busy work AND paperwork. I'll get to work as soon as I can.]
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[[Not sure if I've changed anything for you guys, but I edited the roll20 map to reveal what Vidar sees. Hopefully it worked. The polygon is...well, I'll try to describe it properly.]]

As Vidar slips into a room cramped with all sorts of oddities and paraphernalia, he sees a pair of mites flanking an...odd contraption that looks like a little like a cross between a miniature catapult and a dutch oven. It is cobbled together out of hardened sycamore twigs and various bric-a-brac and the creatures have been taking turns pointing it at each other, loading it with a small caltrop, and attempting to launch said caltrop into their mouths. When it actually does succeed, the struck mite swallows the caltrop, laughs inanely, and the two yell exultantly. It's a rather odd display. As Vidar enters, though, they turn the odd contraption directly towards him and release a caltrop...which misses him entirely and embeds in the wall behind him.

[[Initiatives, please. And remember that all attack rolls are made at -2 in the Sycamore.]]
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Init = [1d20] = 18, upon seeing thee mites Vidar leaps to the attack with a blood curdling growl.
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Init [1d20] = 14
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Initiative: [1d20+11] = 19+11 = 30

[I would have been very annoyed if these two with +0 mods to Initiative would have been Nexendia when she has a +11!  Dodgy  Tongue ]
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Tushou's initiative [1d20+8] = 9+8 = 17
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[[I think we're back. I think. Please tell me if you can see the Roll20 map or not.]]
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Looks good!

Screenshot: [Image: hnowbpj.png]
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