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[IC] The Old Sycamore
(05-12-2020, 10:57 PM)DM Dougfan Wrote: [[Oh, wow.  I wasn't expecting this game to continue.  I thought you guys had given up on it.  Ok!  To answer your question, yes the Sycamore is in a meadow.  Burning it to the ground (or even just setting fire to it) would not be an easy feat without causing a brush fire.  There does not appear to be any movement or action from the mites in the big bole, other than to continue to merrily attempt to turn Nexendia's image into a pincushion...but they're pretty bad shots anyway.  I have a question for you all: Do any of you have Tabletop Simulator, from Steam?]]

Sorry.  I'm still interested in the game.  I've just been a little off and this Virus isn't helping.  There also seems to be a little game paralysis that strikes PbP games very easily.  Players get stuck and seem to flounder with indecision.  I will try harder to keep focused but my schedule is still a pain in the ass!

I've never used the Simulator from Steam.  I did have Steam but I think I uninstalled it.  Is it good?
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[OoC sorry don't have a steam account at all.. for VTT I use roll20 along with maps I create in photoshop or campaign cartographer/dungeon designer. I'm visually impaired so video games are not enticing at all, my narrow field of vision basically makes them impossivle to play, thus I never bothered with steam.]

[OoC2 my own games are in a bit of paralysis whil i try to get creative juices flowing for the next chapter for the Pathfinder game, and waiting on the players to take action in Star wars]
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[[Tabletop Simulator is not a video game, per se, it's more of a platform to run games on. Virtual table top, like. I don't have it myself. But if some of my players did, things would have been easier and I'd be more ready to purchase it. Oh well. I'll have to get into Roll20 when class ends.]]

[[OoC2: Yes, I'm waiting patiently while studying for my final and dealing with a sucky virus. Go back to H-E-double hockey sticks, Virus!]]
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[OoC: So since there's nothing around to graze on the grass, I assume the grass is long enough to crawl through it with concealment?  The mites shouldn't have very good line of sight but Nex would still like to be careful.]

[OoC2:  So either I can join everyone by moving a single move action each round (while concentrating on the illusion) to move behind the tree.  Then we all jump out to surprise them.  Or I can wait here and keep watch while the rest of you can move 2 move actions each round to move behind the tree and then jump out and surprise them. 

To me, it makes the most sense that we take the second option.  It's quicker, I can keep watch and it's less likely the Mites will get bored while we get into position.]
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(05-19-2020, 05:25 AM)Nexendia Wrote: To me, it makes the most sense that we take the second option.  It's quicker, I can keep watch and it's less likely the Mites will get bored while we get into position.]

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With someone seconding her opinion, Nexendia tells the rest of them to go and get into position.  Maybe the heavier armored people might want to stay back too, but it's up to them.  Keep a fair distance away from the tree so as to not accidentally alert them.  

[OoC: If the party is more than 50' away from the entrance (+5 or more); Nexendia keeps them distracted (+5); they could have unfavorable conditions from being in a short hole (+2); and Perceiving through a wall (tree, +10/ foot), we should have a good bonuses to stay undetected even if only 2 or 3 of these conditions are met.]
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[[So...I'm having a lot of difficulty adding maps to the interface in Roll20. I have the game set up...but it's not allowing me to paste a map in. Also, Nex, what are you referring to in your OoC?]]
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[OoC: I was just looking at some of the perception modifiers that could make it less likely for the Mites to detect us.  We need to try anything to increase our chances of surprising the Mites. ]
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[[Is everyone making their way to the Sycamore now?]]
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While Nexendia maintains the illusion, the two brothers circle around the back of the tree to approach the opening from behind. Trying to keep as silent as possible.
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