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[IC] Chapter 1-3: Mansion of Hate
(09-07-2015, 06:43 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: Lugar can't find any traps but he does find some moving parts - nuts, bolts and bars. It is a strongbox and a fine one at that. It will certainly take some time to figure it out.
(treat it as an Open Lock roll modified by Int instead of Dex. Masterwork tools won't help. Up to two people may aid another.)

Giant tries to lift, push, pull it.
Ooc (what is the commode made of? Is there a key hole or any hole to see inside? Do the moving parts resemble any puzzle?)

"You're doing it all wrong muscles!" Lugar buts in. "It's a puzzle, move this here... Twists this here.." He pretends he's already got it figured out but Lugar is just taking guesses. "I hope this commode's not full of worthless crap!"?
Ooc yes it's a mechanical puzzle. I thought the term strongbox covers this but apparently that's something else, sorry. Essentially it doesn't take strength, more like combinations, creativity and a little manual dexterity.

It is made of ebony or similar heavy, hard wood.

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Doesn't matter, SG can use only his strength or dex Smile He usually opens strongboxes with axe or with strong rocks.
So he still tries to lift, pull, push the "box". How heavy is it and how large? Heavier chest means more treasure. If he can carry it, he will do it Smile
It's bulky and heavy but not impossible for Giant to carry along. (about 250lbs)
His axe would probably cut it into splinters... so I leave it up to you guys to roleplay whether Lugar (with his higher charisma Smile ) can convince Giant about the preservative way.
"Put it down! Put it down! You're gonna break what's inside... How about you and Maul keep an eye out for Undead? Let me crack this open." Lugar intertwines his fingers, cracks his knuckles, then his neck, relieving some tension to get his brain juices flowing. "Let's see... Dwarves don't usually make things out of wood. Merri, does this look elvish made to you?"

Ooc ( open lock is +5 ranks +2 Int, can't roll online at the moment)

"If only we had a vial of acid, I think it would make this quicker..." Lugar lets this idea hang in the air as he examines the box.
(hoped that Merri would be back anytime soon but I was wrong...)
Lugar proves not to be clever enough to figure out the complex mechanical puzzle but with the aid of Merri and occasional butt-in of Maul they eventually open a compartment about one feet by one feet in the commode.

The cabinet contains two crystalline bottles, both filled with some opaque, brown, high viscosity liquid (like honey but not as translucent). They are about a pint each.
Hey, where is our treasure? - he is grumbling - There must be a hidden place somewhere. We should break it into pieces.
Ooc (Lugar reads the nutritional label on the side, it's ancient Tobasco sauce!)

Lugar takes the two bottles out of the box, looks at the others with a bit of puzzlement on his face, then puts the bottles in his haversack for "safe keeping." Then he starts feeling around inside the box for sliding panels, buttons, or false bottoms. "Oh ho ho, this lass doesn't want to give up treasures so easily. Such a fine box. I'd hate to see her in pieces."

Ooc (does the commode's shape suggest there's enough space for a secret compartment?)
"These can be valuable," Merri ponders and reaches out toward one of the flasks but then turns to Lugar before touching them.

"Safety first, if you don't mind."
That said, the elf takes a step back to leave space for Lugar.

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