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[IC] Chapter 1-3: Mansion of Hate
Lugar goes back to the first door in the hall, does a search for booby traps, inspects the condition of the masonry around the door, then tries to enter. (depending on what he finds)
(Take 10 for trap search = 17, inspecting stone = 14)

Ooc (I assumed we searched the whole room including the chests and the adamantine items were all we found? If not then Lugar won't leave any chests un-opened! Big Grin)
OOC Chests - whatever the party could access, yes. It took quite some spelunking to discover the far corners of the room in this amount of rubble. There's no telling if something valuable lies beneath the tons of rock.
OOC Door - hope you mean the door at D'11?

Lugar ventures to the end of the corridor then back to the westernmost door. It takes some nudge-nudge but then it opens surprisingly easily.

Dwarf and orc stare into a room that is almost in mint condition. The ceiling is cracked like a spiderweb but there's a huge double bed with its stout baldachines that support the ceiling like no dwarven miners could with a set of oaken beams.

The room was once richly decorated but now most of the tapestry and bedding is eaten by decay. Even the leather hilts of those two dull black scimitars on the wall suffered heavily.

From the looks of it, this must have been the master's chamber. But where's the master?

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Giant opens the three doors one by one.
The second door opens to a similar room, similarly in great condition. It does not feature weapons but it does feature lots of wardrobes that also act as support for the ceiling. Apparently, this is the mistress' chamber.

The third door takes all Giant's strength to move it and even then the bulky warrior can barely squeeze through into what seems to be a library. Tall shelves line the wall, stocked high with vast tomes. There's an ornate commode atop which there are some open tomes. All this is in the western (proximal) part of the library. The eastern part is collapsed, similar to the guard room.

OOC - shots later. You can already see most of it in roll20.
OOC2 - I just realised how ambiguous "commode" is in English. It's like this one:
[Image: Commode.jpg]
No way up but here is a treasure chest - he says and examines the "commode"

ooc - cant we go up on rocks somewhere?
It seems that whatever collapsed in here must have a significant amount of spare rocks to fill whatever space you'd try to free by digging. Still, that noise on the corridor hint something hollow abovehead. A second floor? An attic? A cave? Hard to tell.

The commode looks like it has some kind of door but no doorknob and no keyhole apparent. Its design and the faint remainde of decoration reminds Merri of elven artisan's work.
I can open it - he says and takes few steps, he is ready to open it with his axe

ooc - I hope someone will stop him in time Smile
Ooc (internet's been down, sorry, yeah commode haha!)

Lugar follows Silent Giant as they break and enter the rooms. "This is a good partner to have at your side," Lugar thinks to himself. Lugar sees the commode and can just picture the secret treasures hidden inside. As Silent Giant raises his axe to break open the chest Lugar calls out. "Wait! Let me try first, it could be booby trapped."

Ooc2 (take 20 on the search and open lock?)
Lugar can't find any traps but he does find some moving parts - nuts, bolts and bars. It is a strongbox and a fine one at that. It will certainly take some time to figure it out.
(treat it as an Open Lock roll modified by Int instead of Dex. Masterwork tools won't help. Up to two people may aid another.)
(09-07-2015, 12:02 AM)Lugar Wrote: Ooc (internet's been down, sorry, yeah commode haha!)

Lugar follows Silent Giant as they break and enter the rooms. "This is a good partner to have at your side," Lugar thinks to himself. Lugar sees the commode and can just picture the secret treasures hidden inside. As Silent Giant raises his axe to break open the chest Lugar calls out. "Wait! Let me try first, it could be booby trapped."

Ooc2 (take 20 on the search and open lock?)

SG stops - Trap? Okay, check it first.

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