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Character Creation/ Applications
Woohoo!!!  Some of those are really nice!!  

To start with I wouldn't mind:

Ring of Regeneration (It's nice to keep the cleric alive)
Sword +4
Platemail +1
Manual of Golem? (Have to look at that)
Cleric Scrolls
Share Protection scrolls
Share Potions
Shield +1
Iron Flask (is there anything in It?)

I stayed away from anything that seemed better suited to someone else.  Like the Ring of Invisibility, Scimitar of Speed, Short Sword of Speed, field plate +2, shield +2, to name a few.
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I'll take....

Sword +2, Short, Quickness
Wand of Magic Missle
Leather Armor +2 / or Bracers of Armor(5) +The Robe of Useful Itrms, not sure yet
Deck of Illusions and or Deck of Many Things, they just fit with the picture!? Also the Mage scrolls if possible, still thinking.
Ring of Invisibility 
Ring of Shooting Stars
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(02-06-2018, 05:36 AM)Mardigan Wrote: I'll take....

Sword +2, Short, Quickness
Wand of Magic Missle
Leather Armor +2 / or Bracers of Armor(5) +The Robe of Useful Itrms, not sure yet
Deck of Illusions and or Deck of Many Things, they just fit with the picture!? Also the Mage scrolls if possible, still thinking.
Ring of Invisibility 
Ring of Shooting Stars

You might also want to consider grabbing the Wand of Lightning Bolts and since you're given Climb walls automatically a Ring of Feather Falling might be good too. 

The Deck of Many things is cool but you might not want to use it without someone having a Wish nearby.  One wrong card and you're gone forever.

There are also 3 potions of Polymorph self.  Each of us might want to take one.  Rod of Cancellation is good to have too.
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[1d6r2] = 2, [1d6r2] = 4, [1d6r2] = 3, [1d6r2] = 3  10
[1d6r2] = 6, [1d6r2] = 3, [1d6r2] = 2, [1d6r2] = 2  11
[1d6r2] = 4, [1d6r2] = 5, [1d6r2] = 6, [1d6r2] = 6  17
[1d6r2] = 3, [1d6r2] = 4, [1d6r2] = 6, [1d6r2] = 5  15
[1d6r2] = 3, [1d6r2] = 4, [1d6r2] = 6, [1d6r2] = 5  15
[1d6r2] = 4, [1d6r2] = 4, [1d6r2] = 5, [1d6r2] = 6  15
[1d6r2] = 4, [1d6r2] = 5, [1d6r2] = 6, [1d6r2] = 6  17

Half-elf bard.  The only question is, do I do it the hard way, or go with the Dragon Magazine bard.

Str 15
Dex 17
Con 11
Int 15
Wis 17
Cha 15

HD 5d10+2d6
Spells: Druid 1/3+2 2/0+2 3/0+1
Plus thief skills and more weapon Prof. Is frozen as a 5th level fighter to hit

Str 15
Dex 17
Con 11
Int 17
Wis 15
Cha 15

HD 6d6
Illus. 1/2 2/1
Druid 1/3+2 2/1+1
Fighting skill increases, hits at 6th level fighter.
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I believe DM MiB said players can use the Dragon Magazine Bard.

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
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Which one looks the most useful? Also have Charm 32% Lore 11% read 30% for the Dragon. Charm 22 and Lore 7 for PHB.

(02-06-2018, 05:36 AM)Mardigan Wrote: I'll take....

Sword +2, Short, Quickness
Wand of Magic Missle
Leather Armor +2 / or Bracers of Armor(5) +The Robe of Useful Itrms, not sure yet
Deck of Illusions and or Deck of Many Things, they just fit with the picture!? Also the Mage scrolls if possible, still thinking.
Ring of Invisibility 
Ring of Shooting Stars

If you don't take the bracers, I'll take them. You have dibs.
I can use the scimitar with either build, possibly the elfin chain mail.
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Really annoyed that I am not getting notifications for this thread for some reason.

Anyone mind if the cavalier takes the below.. will peruse the list closer  later for potions etc.

Ring of Water Walking (cuz swimming in plate armour = BLURP)
Ring of Feather Falling (cuz falling is a thing)
Shield +2
Plate Armor, Full +2
Scimitar of Speed +4
Flail +2 if it is a horseman's flail, since there are two listed I imagine one is
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(01-24-2018, 11:15 AM)Man in Black Wrote: Ok, re-roll 1 for HP.  Nobody likes getting a 1 for HP.  

If you're missing spells you like, there are always scrolls and wands.  

Cavaliers do indeed have d10 for HP.  

Take whatever normal equipment you want.  I'll get your random treasure out ASAP.  

I'll have to look over any errata before making any rulings on it.

okay, just caught that now... re-rolling my 1 for HP roll 

Hit point re-roll [1d10] = 2

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[OoC: Sorry for being so long winded...  Blush ]

@Tinarawen the PHB Bard MAY require dual classing.  It's possible they don't follow the usual rules for Dual Classing which I will mention later.  In order to dual class you must have at least a 15 in the prime attribute in the first class (fighter --strength) and at least a 17 in the prime attribute in the second class (Thief -- dexterity).  Oddly the bard class says it has a minimum dexterity requirement of 15 but dual classing requires you to have a 17.  Huh  Perhaps this is in case of some kind of ability damage OR maybe if a player plans to be a Bard they aren't bound by these requirements.  That will be up to DM Mob.  You must leave Fighter sometime between 5th and 7th; then leave Thief between 5th and 9th.  So the highest level bard you can be is 3rd while also being a 5th level Fighter and 5th level Theif.  Again strangely the Dual Class rules state you must attain one level higher in the second class (Thief 6th) to freely use your Figher class abilities.  If true then you would be just shy of 6th level thief and not yet a Bard.  Personally I believe choosing to be a PHB Bard is a special case and should not be bound by normal Dual Class rules as the minimum ability and class level requirements seem to provide proof of this.

DM MiB, what's your opinion?

If you're attempting to optimize then it's almost always best to gain as many levels in previous classes as you can before switching to a new class.  Using Fighter as an example, if you rise to 7th level then that's 7d10 for hit points, the best THAC0, ect.  You dont roll for Hit Points again until you reach 8th level Thief so it really makes a difference.  

If you play the Dragon Magazine Bard then you would be a 6th level bard, use Fighter THAC0, Cleric Saves (paralyzation, poison  and death magic uses Magic User's saves), and you get Illusion and druid spells.   You can also be pretty much any race while PHB Bards can only be Human or Half-Elves.
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AD&D: an exercise in making shit up as you go along. Big Grin Technically what's going on here is not dual-classing, especially when you consider half-elves can't dual class. The bard class is it's own special thing apart from the rest of the class rules. The Dragon bard can be elven and human, but that's it.
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