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Character Creation and Discussion
(06-07-2017, 05:49 PM)Jendu Verbenti Wrote: Which is why I'm hiding behind you and the box!!  And I might have the same strength as you but you have armor.   Tongue

"Lazy Fop" vs. "Meat Shield" - Round 1 has begun!
I certainly hope he's not all dressed up in his imperial garb. The Empire wants him dead because he's a traitor. Everyone else wants him dead because he's an imperial.

Don't worry too much about your background. Make it up as you go along. I usually do.
I'll save the imperial garb for when it would actually be useful
I only have a 2d+1 knowledge.  I don't think it's possible for Jendu to know either language.  But in case I'm wrong...

Wookie: Language 2d+1; Result 12
Jawa: Language 2d+1; Result 6
(06-08-2017, 04:38 PM)Jendu Verbenti Wrote: I only have a 2d+1 knowledge.  I don't think it's possible for Jendu to know either language.  But in case I'm wrong...

Wookie: Language 2d+1; Result 12
Jawa: Language 2d+1; Result 6

2D+1 is still above the human average of 2D. Nova's at 2D -- though she makes up for it with perceptiveness, charisma, and of course, good looks ;-) -- and the only reason I know Shyriiwook is due to the Wookiee template optional rule that allowed for a close friend character to be familiar with the language, whereas Garlen's got a knack for languages anyway. Since Jawa trade speak is Easy (6-10) difficulty to understand for the most part, you'll probably at least get the gist of things with that roll of 6.
When do you get another roll to see if you know a language?  When you add a pip or a dice to Languages?
(06-08-2017, 05:02 PM)Jendu Verbenti Wrote: When do you get another roll to see if you know a language?  When you add a pip or a dice to Languages?

Ahoy @"Gamer75", any luck in getting a hang of the dice roller? And if so inclined, to post up in the Character Sheet thread?

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