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Read First! DM/GMs Start Here!
Welcome to RPGAddicts!

Looking to run a campaign here at RPAddicts? 

If you are looking to DM/GM a game here, this is the forum you want to start in. Open up a topic with your campaign information and ideas. The thread will act as a form of Looking for Players so that you can gauge the interest for your game amongst the players. We would like any game requesting a forum to have at least three dedicated players.

Useful Information when looking for interest: 

1) Present what system you will be using and your character creation guidelines:
  • The Rules System (for example: d20 or Storyteller)
  • Character Creation Rules (Allowed resource books, point buy system for stats, races allowed)
  • House Rules 
  • Posting Schedule and Expectations
2) Let your players know if they can access books or website hosted system information. You may also post them in the Resources forum for future reference. 

3) Use the forums and private messages to talk about ideas and get organised. 

Starting your campaign: 

When you have rallied at least three players, you may post the following information in the Forum Request Thread:

1) Category: Game system and applicable Setting or Version 
2) The Title 
3) A brief Description of your campaign (200 characters or less is ideal)
4) Please post using your DM Account

Sub-forums: After 90 days of continuous in-character play, your campaign will be eligible for up to three sub-forums to further organize threads.

-- Please include a Warning/Attention/Announcement Sticky Thread in game which are of Mature or otherwise categorized as R-Rated content. 

NO EXPLICIT Sexual content is to be allowed in open public forums. There is a place for that, but it is not on the public forums.

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Forum software by © MyBB - Custom theme © iAndrew 2014 - All Material and Content © artCain, HJCain, and RPGAddicts 2009 - 2015
A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.