Hi, I was wondering if I might join up. Totally new system for me, but I've got a pdf of the PHB in front of me and taking a quick look. Also, not sure how long it'll take to build something as I'm dealing with a death in the family.
Of course you may join. I use a point system in this game as I find rolling characters like the PHB would have you do creates crazy power level differences between characters. You should be able to find everything you need in the Character Creation section. For powers we use the Ultimate Powers Book. There is also a list of powers on the site Porsche linked you to.
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Sorry for the absence. Computer trouble followed by being ill.
Just a random thought. Super Breath + Garlic Breath = Knock out Gas!
Our fearless hero with hyper-breath who has just finished his shrimp scampi spots a trio of robbers stealing an old lady's purse. "Hhhey youhhh stohhhhp in the name of the lahhhhw!" His pungent hyper-garlic-breath overcomes the robbers and the old lady, leaving them sprawling and gagging on the floor!
I'm just letting you guys/ladies know that I haven't forgot about you. The staffing problems at my work will (hopefully) be finished as of this weekend. So I will be posting more normally soon. Again I'm sorry for the delays.
Ok, so I'm still working on the sheet. This system is totally new to me. Trying to figure out the deal with "Buying" ranks in talents, powers, etc.
(04-28-2016, 02:24 PM)Johnny Blair Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, so I'm still working on the sheet. This system is totally new to me. Trying to figure out the deal with "Buying" ranks in talents, powers, etc.
Talents are 'mostly' straight forward, 10points per talent unless otherwise stated. Each Power costs 10 points on top of the points to buy the rank. Having Good Body Resistance costs 20 points. 10 just for having the power, and another 10 for the actual rank. Some Powers have additional costs because they are more powerful. Everyone wants True Invulnerability because its useful against ALL damage as is having "The Power Cosmic" like the Silver Surfer, hence the higher cost to balance out characters. Hope that helps.
Thanks James for filling him in. I would like to add that any power that has a * beside it needs permission from me. It also costs around double what a normal power would cost. On the website, any power with two ** is completely off limits. Those can't be just bought at this point in time but might be gained through story.
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