07-17-2022, 08:32 PM
01-20-2025, 04:02 PM
Build for Monroe Dietrich
Coalition Super Soldier
Intelligence Quotient = ( 23 )
I.Q.: 4d6r2 = 17 + 2 = 19
I.Q. Additional Die: 1d6r2 = 4
+9% Skill Bonus
Mental Endurance: = ( 18 )
M.E.: 3d6r2 = 12 + 6 = 18
Mental Affinity: = ( 33 )
M.A.: 1d6r2 = 20 + 2 = 22
M.A. Additional Die: 1d6r2 = 6
M.A. Additional Die: 1d6r2 = 5
97% Trust/Intimidate
Physical Strength: = ( 26 )
P.S.: 4d6r2 = 17 + 6 = 23
P.S. Additional Die: 1d6r2 = 3
+11 Hand to Hand Damage
Physical Prowess: = ( 17 )
P.P.: 4d6r2 15 + 2 = 17
+1 Parry and Dodge
+1 Strike
Physical Endurance: = ( 22 )
P.E.: 4d6r2 18 + 4 = 22
+14% Save vs Coma/Death
+4 Save vs Magic and Poison
Physical Beauty: = ( 21 )
P.B.: 4d6r2 17 + 4 = 21
35% Charm/Impress
Speed: = ( 24 )
Speed: 4d6r2 14 + 10 = 24
M.D.C.: P.E. x 10, plus 1D4X 10 M.D.C. per level of experience.
Hit Points: Are equal to P.E. x3 plus 2D6 per level of experience.
Horror Factor: 7 + 1D4; none if pretending to be a normal human.
P.P.E.: 2D6; most P.P.E. is spent to develop psychic powers.
I.S.P.: If a master psionic, 1d4 x100 plus the M.E. number. Add 10 I.S.P. per level of experience. Otherwise, a minor or major psionic gets M.E. number plus 100 I.S.P, and gains 10 I.S.P. per level of experience.
Natural Abilities: See the invisible, nightvision 200 ft. (61 m), fire and cold resistant (does half damage), regenerates 1D4x10 M.D.C. every minute.
Combat: Gains Commando Hand-to-Hand type.
Super Soldier Bonuses: + 1 melee attack/action per round, +4 on initiative, +1 to strike, parry and dodge, +2 to save vs magic, +6 to save vs horror factor. This is in addition to attribute and combat bonuses.
Hardy System: Immune to poisons and toxins. Magical or supernatural versions deal half effect. Regenerates 1d6x5 M.D.C every minute (4 melee Rounds)
Strong Mind: +4 vs Mind Control, Possession, or any Magical or Psionic Powers that effect the mind.
Psionics dammit: 1d100 44: Minor Psionic
Psionic Nature: Even as a minor or major psionic, they can learn Any O.C.C. or R.C.C. psionic power they have adequate time to study, (One Week). They can learn one such ability per four levels. They can also choose to forget such powers and exchange them for others, but they would have to relearn the power again if they chose to reacquire it at a higher level.
Magic: None.
Cannot be Physically Transformed: By any means, Magic, Psionic or otherwise.
Cybernetics or Bionics: None. Due to their inability to be transformed, they will eject any technological augmentations.
Average Life Span: Immortal. After reaching ages of 20 to 25, Super Soldiers stop aging all together.
Size: Slightly taller than humans; average height is 6 feet, six inches (1.95 m).
Weight: Average 200 lbs. (90 kg) of muscle.
POWERS: Select THREE powers from the following list, Or a power of the GM's Choice. Each power can only be chosen once with the exception of powers 8 and 9. All powers subject to DM Approval. These powers are ALL psionic in nature regardless of what is given to them or the source of the power itself.
Transfixing Gaze (from Powers Unlimited 3):
Like the eyes of a cobra, the character can transfix his opponents with a mesmerizing stare. The gaze holds the victims frozen in place, unable to move or attack, and even mental/psionic abilities or spells are impossible to use while transfixed. The only problem with this power is that the super being is himself locked in this stare down with his victim. This leaves the super being vulnerable to attacks from other villains not locked in his transfixing gaze, or to those outside of the power's effective range. Anything that breaks the eye contact between the character and his victims instantly ends the gaze's effect, re leasing the victim from its influence. It is quite possible for one person to be pulled away from the gaze while others remain under its influence. Likewise, if the character with the Transfixing Gaze is knocked down, blinded or forced to move, his gaze is broken. The effect is also broken if the transfixed individual(s) is attacked.
Range: Eye contact with a range up to 200 feet (61 m). The victim must meet the character's gaze for the power to take effect. This can happen quite easily in combat sim ply by attacking a victim and forcing him to turn to confront the super being.
Duration: The gaze can be maintained for four melee rounds (60 seconds) per level of experience.
Damage: None, but those caught in the transfixing gaze are unable to take any actions until the gaze is broken.
Maximum Number of Targets: The hero may transfix up to two victims per level of experience at any one time, pro vided each looks him in the eye. Looking into an oppo nent's face/eyes is typical just before someone attacks. Furthermore, a character with this ability has probably learned how to draw attention to himself and get more than 1-3 people to look him in the eye/face, however, this requires a public address or making a spectacle of one self.
Attacks per Melee: Neither the character using the gaze or those transfixed can take any action while the gaze is in effect.
Saving Throw: The victim(s) may make a save vs mind control (needing 14 or higher) to resist the effects of the gaze attack.
Bonus: The character is immune to the Transfixing Gaze of others (including vampires) and is +1 to save vs Horror and Awe Factor
Energy Resistance (already converted to Rifts in Dimension Book: Skraypers):
This power makes the character extremely resistant to all energy based attacks. No physical damage is sustained by the first 30 points of energy attacks in a melee round. Energy attacks beyond the 30 points do only half damage. The energy resistance field extends just beyond the body to include clothes, M.D.C. body armor, and carried equipment. It does not extend to protect power armor, 'bots or vehicles, nor another character standing nearby or touching.
The character's resistance to energy includes fire, electricity, lasers, and most other forms of pure energy. Furthermore, the character is completely invulnerable to stun-type energy weapons. Energy resistance is not effective against radiation damage, kinetic energy (punches, kicks, melee weapons, etc.), projectiles, explosive force, magic or most forms of psionics (pyrokinesis and electrokinesis fall into the Energy Resistance category above).
Range: Self
Duration: Constant
Attacks Per Melee: None
Bonuses: None
Intangibility (already converted to Rifts in Dimension Book: Skraypers):
This power affects the bonding element of molecules, making the person and 20 lbs (9 kg) of additional material on his person intangible seen but not touched. While intangible, the character is seen as a semitransparent, ghost image of himself. He is the perfect spy, being nearly invisible and silent. His appearance alone can be quite harrowing.
1. Abilities of Note:
• Limited Invulnerability. Intangibility means that punches, kicks, sticks and stones, bullets, lasers, missiles, explosive force, and most conventional attacks pass right through him harmlessly, like a ghost.
• The character can walk through any substance, stone, steel, earth, machines, force fields, etc., without affecting it or himself.
• Sink into the Earth. The intangible state allows the character to will himself to sink into the earth/ground up to his nose and walk on the dense molecules, effectively walking through the earth. Likewise, he can actually walk on the dense molecules of smoke or fog (and thus into the air), as well as walk on water. These all require con centration and use up three melee actions per round to maintain.
• No combat while intangible. Just as the intangible character cannot pick up or touch any object or person, he can not engage in combat. Any punches he would attempt will pass harmlessly through the person. Nor can he partially materialize or materialize a portion of his body. To materialize while partially in an object will result in in stant and painful death. The intangible character cannot throw an in tangible object and expect it to become tangible and strike its target (it doesn't work that way). To attack, the superbeing must first be come tangible and then attack. Likewise, small machines on the su perbeing's person do not function while intangible. Passing through computers or electrical equipment does not affect or harm the ma chines, although the character wi ll feel a tingling sensation from the electricity.
• The character can become tangible or intangible nearly at the speed of thought (counts as one melee action), but it can only be per formed a maximum of four times per melee round.
2. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
• Add 1D6 to M.A. attribute.
• Add 1D4x10 S.D.C.
• Add +20% to prowl ability.
• Horror Factor (optional): 14 when semi-transparent or walking through walls; may be considered to be a ghost.
3. Vulnerabilities & Limitations While Intangible:
• The superbeing is not invulnerable to all attacks. Electricity, which stimulates and agitates molecules, does half damage. And intense heat or fire does 30% its normal damage.
• Psionic attacks have full effect. Gas and smoke attacks are particularly effective, as the gaseous substance passes right through and into the blood stream, doing full damage/effect.
• Falls and explosions cannot harm him.
• Cannot glide or float into the air.
• The intangible person cannot touch and feel, or pick up or carry anything, but can speak, hear and smell as normal.
Coalition Super Soldier
Intelligence Quotient = ( 23 )
I.Q.: 4d6r2 = 17 + 2 = 19
I.Q. Additional Die: 1d6r2 = 4
+9% Skill Bonus
Mental Endurance: = ( 18 )
M.E.: 3d6r2 = 12 + 6 = 18
Mental Affinity: = ( 33 )
M.A.: 1d6r2 = 20 + 2 = 22
M.A. Additional Die: 1d6r2 = 6
M.A. Additional Die: 1d6r2 = 5
97% Trust/Intimidate
Physical Strength: = ( 26 )
P.S.: 4d6r2 = 17 + 6 = 23
P.S. Additional Die: 1d6r2 = 3
+11 Hand to Hand Damage
Physical Prowess: = ( 17 )
P.P.: 4d6r2 15 + 2 = 17
+1 Parry and Dodge
+1 Strike
Physical Endurance: = ( 22 )
P.E.: 4d6r2 18 + 4 = 22
+14% Save vs Coma/Death
+4 Save vs Magic and Poison
Physical Beauty: = ( 21 )
P.B.: 4d6r2 17 + 4 = 21
35% Charm/Impress
Speed: = ( 24 )
Speed: 4d6r2 14 + 10 = 24
M.D.C.: P.E. x 10, plus 1D4X 10 M.D.C. per level of experience.
Hit Points: Are equal to P.E. x3 plus 2D6 per level of experience.
Horror Factor: 7 + 1D4; none if pretending to be a normal human.
P.P.E.: 2D6; most P.P.E. is spent to develop psychic powers.
I.S.P.: If a master psionic, 1d4 x100 plus the M.E. number. Add 10 I.S.P. per level of experience. Otherwise, a minor or major psionic gets M.E. number plus 100 I.S.P, and gains 10 I.S.P. per level of experience.
Natural Abilities: See the invisible, nightvision 200 ft. (61 m), fire and cold resistant (does half damage), regenerates 1D4x10 M.D.C. every minute.
Combat: Gains Commando Hand-to-Hand type.
Super Soldier Bonuses: + 1 melee attack/action per round, +4 on initiative, +1 to strike, parry and dodge, +2 to save vs magic, +6 to save vs horror factor. This is in addition to attribute and combat bonuses.
Hardy System: Immune to poisons and toxins. Magical or supernatural versions deal half effect. Regenerates 1d6x5 M.D.C every minute (4 melee Rounds)
Strong Mind: +4 vs Mind Control, Possession, or any Magical or Psionic Powers that effect the mind.
Psionics dammit: 1d100 44: Minor Psionic
Psionic Nature: Even as a minor or major psionic, they can learn Any O.C.C. or R.C.C. psionic power they have adequate time to study, (One Week). They can learn one such ability per four levels. They can also choose to forget such powers and exchange them for others, but they would have to relearn the power again if they chose to reacquire it at a higher level.
Magic: None.
Cannot be Physically Transformed: By any means, Magic, Psionic or otherwise.
Cybernetics or Bionics: None. Due to their inability to be transformed, they will eject any technological augmentations.
Average Life Span: Immortal. After reaching ages of 20 to 25, Super Soldiers stop aging all together.
Size: Slightly taller than humans; average height is 6 feet, six inches (1.95 m).
Weight: Average 200 lbs. (90 kg) of muscle.
POWERS: Select THREE powers from the following list, Or a power of the GM's Choice. Each power can only be chosen once with the exception of powers 8 and 9. All powers subject to DM Approval. These powers are ALL psionic in nature regardless of what is given to them or the source of the power itself.
Transfixing Gaze (from Powers Unlimited 3):
Like the eyes of a cobra, the character can transfix his opponents with a mesmerizing stare. The gaze holds the victims frozen in place, unable to move or attack, and even mental/psionic abilities or spells are impossible to use while transfixed. The only problem with this power is that the super being is himself locked in this stare down with his victim. This leaves the super being vulnerable to attacks from other villains not locked in his transfixing gaze, or to those outside of the power's effective range. Anything that breaks the eye contact between the character and his victims instantly ends the gaze's effect, re leasing the victim from its influence. It is quite possible for one person to be pulled away from the gaze while others remain under its influence. Likewise, if the character with the Transfixing Gaze is knocked down, blinded or forced to move, his gaze is broken. The effect is also broken if the transfixed individual(s) is attacked.
Range: Eye contact with a range up to 200 feet (61 m). The victim must meet the character's gaze for the power to take effect. This can happen quite easily in combat sim ply by attacking a victim and forcing him to turn to confront the super being.
Duration: The gaze can be maintained for four melee rounds (60 seconds) per level of experience.
Damage: None, but those caught in the transfixing gaze are unable to take any actions until the gaze is broken.
Maximum Number of Targets: The hero may transfix up to two victims per level of experience at any one time, pro vided each looks him in the eye. Looking into an oppo nent's face/eyes is typical just before someone attacks. Furthermore, a character with this ability has probably learned how to draw attention to himself and get more than 1-3 people to look him in the eye/face, however, this requires a public address or making a spectacle of one self.
Attacks per Melee: Neither the character using the gaze or those transfixed can take any action while the gaze is in effect.
Saving Throw: The victim(s) may make a save vs mind control (needing 14 or higher) to resist the effects of the gaze attack.
Bonus: The character is immune to the Transfixing Gaze of others (including vampires) and is +1 to save vs Horror and Awe Factor
Energy Resistance (already converted to Rifts in Dimension Book: Skraypers):
This power makes the character extremely resistant to all energy based attacks. No physical damage is sustained by the first 30 points of energy attacks in a melee round. Energy attacks beyond the 30 points do only half damage. The energy resistance field extends just beyond the body to include clothes, M.D.C. body armor, and carried equipment. It does not extend to protect power armor, 'bots or vehicles, nor another character standing nearby or touching.
The character's resistance to energy includes fire, electricity, lasers, and most other forms of pure energy. Furthermore, the character is completely invulnerable to stun-type energy weapons. Energy resistance is not effective against radiation damage, kinetic energy (punches, kicks, melee weapons, etc.), projectiles, explosive force, magic or most forms of psionics (pyrokinesis and electrokinesis fall into the Energy Resistance category above).
Range: Self
Duration: Constant
Attacks Per Melee: None
Bonuses: None
Intangibility (already converted to Rifts in Dimension Book: Skraypers):
This power affects the bonding element of molecules, making the person and 20 lbs (9 kg) of additional material on his person intangible seen but not touched. While intangible, the character is seen as a semitransparent, ghost image of himself. He is the perfect spy, being nearly invisible and silent. His appearance alone can be quite harrowing.
1. Abilities of Note:
• Limited Invulnerability. Intangibility means that punches, kicks, sticks and stones, bullets, lasers, missiles, explosive force, and most conventional attacks pass right through him harmlessly, like a ghost.
• The character can walk through any substance, stone, steel, earth, machines, force fields, etc., without affecting it or himself.
• Sink into the Earth. The intangible state allows the character to will himself to sink into the earth/ground up to his nose and walk on the dense molecules, effectively walking through the earth. Likewise, he can actually walk on the dense molecules of smoke or fog (and thus into the air), as well as walk on water. These all require con centration and use up three melee actions per round to maintain.
• No combat while intangible. Just as the intangible character cannot pick up or touch any object or person, he can not engage in combat. Any punches he would attempt will pass harmlessly through the person. Nor can he partially materialize or materialize a portion of his body. To materialize while partially in an object will result in in stant and painful death. The intangible character cannot throw an in tangible object and expect it to become tangible and strike its target (it doesn't work that way). To attack, the superbeing must first be come tangible and then attack. Likewise, small machines on the su perbeing's person do not function while intangible. Passing through computers or electrical equipment does not affect or harm the ma chines, although the character wi ll feel a tingling sensation from the electricity.
• The character can become tangible or intangible nearly at the speed of thought (counts as one melee action), but it can only be per formed a maximum of four times per melee round.
2. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
• Add 1D6 to M.A. attribute.
• Add 1D4x10 S.D.C.
• Add +20% to prowl ability.
• Horror Factor (optional): 14 when semi-transparent or walking through walls; may be considered to be a ghost.
3. Vulnerabilities & Limitations While Intangible:
• The superbeing is not invulnerable to all attacks. Electricity, which stimulates and agitates molecules, does half damage. And intense heat or fire does 30% its normal damage.
• Psionic attacks have full effect. Gas and smoke attacks are particularly effective, as the gaseous substance passes right through and into the blood stream, doing full damage/effect.
• Falls and explosions cannot harm him.
• Cannot glide or float into the air.
• The intangible person cannot touch and feel, or pick up or carry anything, but can speak, hear and smell as normal.
01-21-2025, 02:30 AM
Attacks per melee round: 6
Initiative: +4
Strike/Parry/Dodge: +2
Roll with Punch/Impact +1
Save vs. Magic: +2
Save vs. Horror Factor: +8
Horror Factor: 14 when semi-transparent or walking through walls; may be considered to be a ghost
Auto-Dodge: +3
Extraordinary Physical Prowess: Add 2d6+10 to P.P. attribute. Extraordinary P.P.: 2d6r2+10 19
Add 3d4 to Speed Attribute.Extraordinary PP Spd: 3d4 7 = 8
Natural Fire and Cold Resistance + Energy Resistance = No physical damage is sustained by the first 30 points in a melee round. Energy damage beyond the 30 points do only 1/4 damage.
Intangibility Bonuses:
Add 1D6 to M.A. attribute. Intangibility MA bonus: 1d6 1 = 3
Add 1D4x10 S.D.C. Intangibility SDC Bonus: 1d4 3 = 30
R.C.C. Skills:
Languages and Literacy: American at 98%.
Mathematics: Basic 74% +5% per level of experience
Military Etiquette: 64% +5% per level of experience
Physical: Running, Body Building, Athletics and Forced March
Wilderness Survival: 64% +5% per level of experience
Land Navigation: 55% +4% per level of experience
Radio Basic: 64% +5% per level of experience
Sensory Equipment: 49% +5% per level of experience
Pilot Related Weapon Systems: 59% +5% per level of experience
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Sword
Hand to Hand: (Commando)
Running Bonuses = +1 to P.E., +4d4 to SpdRunning Speed: 4d4 7, and +1d6 to S.D.C.Running SDC: 1d6 6
Body Building & Weight Lifting Bonuses = +2 P.S., and +10 S.D.C.
Athletics Bonuses = +1 to parry and dodge, +1 roll with impact, +1 P.S., 1D6 SpeedAthletics Spd bonus: 1d6 1, +1D8 S.D.C.Athletics S.D.C. Bonus: 1d8 3
Forced March Bonuses = +2 to P.E., +1d4 to SpeedForced March Spd Bonus: 1d4 2, +2D6 to S.D.CForced March S.D.C. Bonus: 2d6 6
Related Skills
Detect Ambush: 49% +5% per level of experience.
First Aid: 64% +5% per level of experience.
Language: Sign Language: 34% +5% per level of experience.
Lore: Psychics & Psionics: 49% +5% per level of experience.
Prowl: 64% +5% per level of experience.
Seduction: 54% + 3% per level of experience.
Surveillance: 39% +5% per level of experience.
Tracking (humans & robots): 44% +5% per level of experience
Wardrobe & Grooming: 59% +4 per level of experience.
Concealment: 20% +4% per level of experience
Holistic Medicine: 30% +5% per level to diagnose, 20% +5% per level to treat
Identify Plants & Fruit: 35% +5% per level of experience
Pick Locks: 30% +5% per level of experience
Pilot Hovercycles, Skycycles & Rocket Bikes: 70% +3% per level of experience
Final P.S. = 28
Final P.E = 25
Final P.P. = 36
Final Speed = 50
Final M.A. = 33
Final S.D.C. = 56
Initiative: +4
Strike/Parry/Dodge: +2
Roll with Punch/Impact +1
Save vs. Magic: +2
Save vs. Horror Factor: +8
Horror Factor: 14 when semi-transparent or walking through walls; may be considered to be a ghost
Auto-Dodge: +3
Extraordinary Physical Prowess: Add 2d6+10 to P.P. attribute. Extraordinary P.P.: 2d6r2+10 19
Add 3d4 to Speed Attribute.Extraordinary PP Spd: 3d4 7 = 8
Natural Fire and Cold Resistance + Energy Resistance = No physical damage is sustained by the first 30 points in a melee round. Energy damage beyond the 30 points do only 1/4 damage.
Intangibility Bonuses:
Add 1D6 to M.A. attribute. Intangibility MA bonus: 1d6 1 = 3
Add 1D4x10 S.D.C. Intangibility SDC Bonus: 1d4 3 = 30
R.C.C. Skills:
Languages and Literacy: American at 98%.
Mathematics: Basic 74% +5% per level of experience
Military Etiquette: 64% +5% per level of experience
Physical: Running, Body Building, Athletics and Forced March
Wilderness Survival: 64% +5% per level of experience
Land Navigation: 55% +4% per level of experience
Radio Basic: 64% +5% per level of experience
Sensory Equipment: 49% +5% per level of experience
Pilot Related Weapon Systems: 59% +5% per level of experience
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Sword
Hand to Hand: (Commando)
Running Bonuses = +1 to P.E., +4d4 to SpdRunning Speed: 4d4 7, and +1d6 to S.D.C.Running SDC: 1d6 6
Body Building & Weight Lifting Bonuses = +2 P.S., and +10 S.D.C.
Athletics Bonuses = +1 to parry and dodge, +1 roll with impact, +1 P.S., 1D6 SpeedAthletics Spd bonus: 1d6 1, +1D8 S.D.C.Athletics S.D.C. Bonus: 1d8 3
Forced March Bonuses = +2 to P.E., +1d4 to SpeedForced March Spd Bonus: 1d4 2, +2D6 to S.D.CForced March S.D.C. Bonus: 2d6 6
Related Skills
Detect Ambush: 49% +5% per level of experience.
First Aid: 64% +5% per level of experience.
Language: Sign Language: 34% +5% per level of experience.
Lore: Psychics & Psionics: 49% +5% per level of experience.
Prowl: 64% +5% per level of experience.
Seduction: 54% + 3% per level of experience.
Surveillance: 39% +5% per level of experience.
Tracking (humans & robots): 44% +5% per level of experience
Wardrobe & Grooming: 59% +4 per level of experience.
Concealment: 20% +4% per level of experience
Holistic Medicine: 30% +5% per level to diagnose, 20% +5% per level to treat
Identify Plants & Fruit: 35% +5% per level of experience
Pick Locks: 30% +5% per level of experience
Pilot Hovercycles, Skycycles & Rocket Bikes: 70% +3% per level of experience
Final P.S. = 28
Final P.E = 25
Final P.P. = 36
Final Speed = 50
Final M.A. = 33
Final S.D.C. = 56
01-21-2025, 03:04 AM
Intelligence Quotient = ( 23 )
+9% Skill Bonus
Mental Endurance: = ( 18 )
Save vs psionic attack +2
Save vs insanity +2
Mental Affinity: = ( 33 )
Trust/intimidate 97%
Physical Strength: = ( 28 )
+13 Hand to Hand Damage
Physical Prowess: = ( 36 )
+9 to Parry and Dodge
+3 auto-dodge
+9 to Strike
+5 Initiative
Physical Endurance: = ( 25 )
+20% Save vs Coma/Death
+7 Save vs Magic
Physical Beauty: = ( 21 )
Charm/Impress 35%
Speed: = ( 50 )
M.D.C.: 35, plus 1D4X10 M.D.C. per level of experience. Regen 1d6x5 per minute (4 melee rounds)
S.D.C.: 56
Hit Points: 75 +2D6 per level of experience.
Horror Factor: 8; none if pretending to be a normal human. 14 when semi-transparent or walking through walls; may be considered to be a ghost.
P.P.E.: 2d6 11
I.S.P.: 118
Natural Abilities: See the invisible, nightvision 200 ft. (61 m), fire and cold resistant (does 1/4 damage), regenerates 1D4x10 M.D.C. every minute.
Combat: Gains Commando Hand-to-Hand type.
Save vs Horror Factor: +6
Hardy System: Immune to poisons and toxins. Magical or supernatural versions deal half effect. Regenerates 1d6x5 M.D.C every minute (4 melee Rounds)
Strong Mind: +4 vs Mind Control, Possession, or any Magical or Psionic Powers that effect the mind.
Psionics: Minor
Psionic Nature: Even as a minor or major psionic, they can learn Any O.C.C. or R.C.C. psionic power they have adequate time to study, (One Week). They can learn one such ability per four levels. They can also choose to forget such powers and exchange them for others, but they would have to relearn the power again if they chose to reacquire it at a higher level.
Magic: None.
Cannot be Physically Transformed: By any means, Magic, Psionic or otherwise.
Cybernetics or Bionics: None. Due to their inability to be transformed, they will eject any technological augmentations.
Average Life Span: Immortal. After reaching ages of 20 to 25, Super Soldiers stop aging all together.
Size: Slightly taller than humans; average height is 6 feet, six inches (1.95 m).
Weight: Average 200 lbs. (90 kg) of muscle.
R.C.C. Skills:
Languages and Literacy: American at 98%.
Mathematics: Basic 74% +5% per level of experience
Military Etiquette: 64% +5% per level of experience
Physical: Running, Body Building, Athletics and Forced March
Wilderness Survival: 64% +5% per level of experience
Land Navigation: 55% +4% per level of experience
Radio Basic: 64% +5% per level of experience
Sensory Equipment: 49% +5% per level of experience
Pilot Related Weapon Systems: 59% +5% per level of experience
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Sword
Hand to Hand: (Commando)
Related Skills
Detect Ambush: 49% +5% per level of experience.
First Aid: 64% +5% per level of experience.
Language: Sign Language: 34% +5% per level of experience.
Lore: Psychics & Psionics: 49% +5% per level of experience.
Prowl: 64% +5% per level of experience.
Seduction: 54% + 3% per level of experience.
Surveillance: 39% +5% per level of experience.
Tracking (humans & robots): 44% +5% per level of experience
Wardrobe & Grooming: 59% +4 per level of experience.
Concealment: 20% +4% per level of experience
Holistic Medicine: 30% +5% per level to diagnose, 20% +5% per level to treat
Identify Plants & Fruit: 35% +5% per level of experience
Pick Locks: 30% +5% per level of experience
Pilot Hovercycles, Skycycles & Rocket Bikes: 70% +3% per level of experience
Extraordinary Physical Prowess: Add 2d6+10 to P.P. attribute. Add 3d4 to Speed Attribute. Add one extra attack per melee. +3 to automatic dodge; can dodge an attack without using up a melee action. Plus 10% to physical skills requiring dexterity and prowess, such as prowl, gymnastics, acrobatics, climb, etc.
Transfixing Gaze (from Powers Unlimited 3):
Like the eyes of a cobra, the character can transfix his opponents with a mesmerizing stare. The gaze holds the victims frozen in place, unable to move or attack, and even mental/psionic abilities or spells are impossible to use while transfixed. The only problem with this power is that the super being is himself locked in this stare down with his victim. This leaves the super being vulnerable to attacks from other villains not locked in his transfixing gaze, or to those outside of the power's effective range. Anything that breaks the eye contact between the character and his victims instantly ends the gaze's effect, re leasing the victim from its influence. It is quite possible for one person to be pulled away from the gaze while others remain under its influence. Likewise, if the character with the Transfixing Gaze is knocked down, blinded or forced to move, his gaze is broken. The effect is also broken if the transfixed individual(s) is attacked.
Range: Eye contact with a range up to 200 feet (61 m). The victim must meet the character's gaze for the power to take effect. This can happen quite easily in combat sim ply by attacking a victim and forcing him to turn to confront the super being.
Duration: The gaze can be maintained for four melee rounds (60 seconds) per level of experience.
Damage: None, but those caught in the transfixing gaze are unable to take any actions until the gaze is broken.
Maximum Number of Targets: The hero may transfix up to two victims per level of experience at any one time, pro vided each looks him in the eye. Looking into an oppo nent's face/eyes is typical just before someone attacks. Furthermore, a character with this ability has probably learned how to draw attention to himself and get more than 1-3 people to look him in the eye/face, however, this requires a public address or making a spectacle of one self.
Attacks per Melee: Neither the character using the gaze or those transfixed can take any action while the gaze is in effect.
Saving Throw: The victim(s) may make a save vs mind control (needing 14 or higher) to resist the effects of the gaze attack.
Bonus: The character is immune to the Transfixing Gaze of others (including vampires) and is +1 to save vs Horror and Awe Factor
Energy Resistance (already converted to Rifts in Dimension Book: Skraypers):
This power makes the character extremely resistant to all energy based attacks. No physical damage is sustained by the first 30 points of energy attacks in a melee round. Energy attacks beyond the 30 points do only half damage. The energy resistance field extends just beyond the body to include clothes, M.D.C. body armor, and carried equipment. It does not extend to protect power armor, 'bots or vehicles, nor another character standing nearby or touching.
The character's resistance to energy includes fire, electricity, lasers, and most other forms of pure energy. Furthermore, the character is completely invulnerable to stun-type energy weapons. Energy resistance is not effective against radiation damage, kinetic energy (punches, kicks, melee weapons, etc.), projectiles, explosive force, magic or most forms of psionics (pyrokinesis and electrokinesis fall into the Energy Resistance category above).
Range: Self
Duration: Constant
Attacks Per Melee: None
Bonuses: None
Intangibility (already converted to Rifts in Dimension Book: Skraypers):
This power affects the bonding element of molecules, making the person and 20 lbs (9 kg) of additional material on his person intangible seen but not touched. While intangible, the character is seen as a semitransparent, ghost image of himself. He is the perfect spy, being nearly invisible and silent. His appearance alone can be quite harrowing.
1. Abilities of Note:
• Limited Invulnerability. Intangibility means that punches, kicks, sticks and stones, bullets, lasers, missiles, explosive force, and most conventional attacks pass right through him harmlessly, like a ghost.
• The character can walk through any substance, stone, steel, earth, machines, force fields, etc., without affecting it or himself.
• Sink into the Earth. The intangible state allows the character to will himself to sink into the earth/ground up to his nose and walk on the dense molecules, effectively walking through the earth. Likewise, he can actually walk on the dense molecules of smoke or fog (and thus into the air), as well as walk on water. These all require con centration and use up three melee actions per round to maintain.
• No combat while intangible. Just as the intangible character cannot pick up or touch any object or person, he can not engage in combat. Any punches he would attempt will pass harmlessly through the person. Nor can he partially materialize or materialize a portion of his body. To materialize while partially in an object will result in in stant and painful death. The intangible character cannot throw an in tangible object and expect it to become tangible and strike its target (it doesn't work that way). To attack, the superbeing must first be come tangible and then attack. Likewise, small machines on the su perbeing's person do not function while intangible. Passing through computers or electrical equipment does not affect or harm the ma chines, although the character wi ll feel a tingling sensation from the electricity.
• The character can become tangible or intangible nearly at the speed of thought (counts as one melee action), but it can only be per formed a maximum of four times per melee round.
2. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
• Add 1D6 to M.A. attribute.
• Add 1D4x10 S.D.C.
• Add +20% to prowl ability.
• Horror Factor (optional): 14 when semi-transparent or walking through walls; may be considered to be a ghost.
3. Vulnerabilities & Limitations While Intangible:
• The superbeing is not invulnerable to all attacks. Electricity, which stimulates and agitates molecules, does half damage. And intense heat or fire does 30% its normal damage.
• Psionic attacks have full effect. Gas and smoke attacks are particularly effective, as the gaseous substance passes right through and into the blood stream, doing full damage/effect.
• Falls and explosions cannot harm him.
• Cannot glide or float into the air.
• The intangible person cannot touch and feel, or pick up or carry anything, but can speak, hear and smell as normal.
+9% Skill Bonus
Mental Endurance: = ( 18 )
Save vs psionic attack +2
Save vs insanity +2
Mental Affinity: = ( 33 )
Trust/intimidate 97%
Physical Strength: = ( 28 )
+13 Hand to Hand Damage
Physical Prowess: = ( 36 )
+9 to Parry and Dodge
+3 auto-dodge
+9 to Strike
+5 Initiative
Physical Endurance: = ( 25 )
+20% Save vs Coma/Death
+7 Save vs Magic
Physical Beauty: = ( 21 )
Charm/Impress 35%
Speed: = ( 50 )
M.D.C.: 35, plus 1D4X10 M.D.C. per level of experience. Regen 1d6x5 per minute (4 melee rounds)
S.D.C.: 56
Hit Points: 75 +2D6 per level of experience.
Horror Factor: 8; none if pretending to be a normal human. 14 when semi-transparent or walking through walls; may be considered to be a ghost.
P.P.E.: 2d6 11
I.S.P.: 118
Natural Abilities: See the invisible, nightvision 200 ft. (61 m), fire and cold resistant (does 1/4 damage), regenerates 1D4x10 M.D.C. every minute.
Combat: Gains Commando Hand-to-Hand type.
Save vs Horror Factor: +6
Hardy System: Immune to poisons and toxins. Magical or supernatural versions deal half effect. Regenerates 1d6x5 M.D.C every minute (4 melee Rounds)
Strong Mind: +4 vs Mind Control, Possession, or any Magical or Psionic Powers that effect the mind.
Psionics: Minor
Psionic Nature: Even as a minor or major psionic, they can learn Any O.C.C. or R.C.C. psionic power they have adequate time to study, (One Week). They can learn one such ability per four levels. They can also choose to forget such powers and exchange them for others, but they would have to relearn the power again if they chose to reacquire it at a higher level.
Magic: None.
Cannot be Physically Transformed: By any means, Magic, Psionic or otherwise.
Cybernetics or Bionics: None. Due to their inability to be transformed, they will eject any technological augmentations.
Average Life Span: Immortal. After reaching ages of 20 to 25, Super Soldiers stop aging all together.
Size: Slightly taller than humans; average height is 6 feet, six inches (1.95 m).
Weight: Average 200 lbs. (90 kg) of muscle.
R.C.C. Skills:
Languages and Literacy: American at 98%.
Mathematics: Basic 74% +5% per level of experience
Military Etiquette: 64% +5% per level of experience
Physical: Running, Body Building, Athletics and Forced March
Wilderness Survival: 64% +5% per level of experience
Land Navigation: 55% +4% per level of experience
Radio Basic: 64% +5% per level of experience
Sensory Equipment: 49% +5% per level of experience
Pilot Related Weapon Systems: 59% +5% per level of experience
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Sword
Hand to Hand: (Commando)
Related Skills
Detect Ambush: 49% +5% per level of experience.
First Aid: 64% +5% per level of experience.
Language: Sign Language: 34% +5% per level of experience.
Lore: Psychics & Psionics: 49% +5% per level of experience.
Prowl: 64% +5% per level of experience.
Seduction: 54% + 3% per level of experience.
Surveillance: 39% +5% per level of experience.
Tracking (humans & robots): 44% +5% per level of experience
Wardrobe & Grooming: 59% +4 per level of experience.
Concealment: 20% +4% per level of experience
Holistic Medicine: 30% +5% per level to diagnose, 20% +5% per level to treat
Identify Plants & Fruit: 35% +5% per level of experience
Pick Locks: 30% +5% per level of experience
Pilot Hovercycles, Skycycles & Rocket Bikes: 70% +3% per level of experience
Extraordinary Physical Prowess: Add 2d6+10 to P.P. attribute. Add 3d4 to Speed Attribute. Add one extra attack per melee. +3 to automatic dodge; can dodge an attack without using up a melee action. Plus 10% to physical skills requiring dexterity and prowess, such as prowl, gymnastics, acrobatics, climb, etc.
Transfixing Gaze (from Powers Unlimited 3):
Like the eyes of a cobra, the character can transfix his opponents with a mesmerizing stare. The gaze holds the victims frozen in place, unable to move or attack, and even mental/psionic abilities or spells are impossible to use while transfixed. The only problem with this power is that the super being is himself locked in this stare down with his victim. This leaves the super being vulnerable to attacks from other villains not locked in his transfixing gaze, or to those outside of the power's effective range. Anything that breaks the eye contact between the character and his victims instantly ends the gaze's effect, re leasing the victim from its influence. It is quite possible for one person to be pulled away from the gaze while others remain under its influence. Likewise, if the character with the Transfixing Gaze is knocked down, blinded or forced to move, his gaze is broken. The effect is also broken if the transfixed individual(s) is attacked.
Range: Eye contact with a range up to 200 feet (61 m). The victim must meet the character's gaze for the power to take effect. This can happen quite easily in combat sim ply by attacking a victim and forcing him to turn to confront the super being.
Duration: The gaze can be maintained for four melee rounds (60 seconds) per level of experience.
Damage: None, but those caught in the transfixing gaze are unable to take any actions until the gaze is broken.
Maximum Number of Targets: The hero may transfix up to two victims per level of experience at any one time, pro vided each looks him in the eye. Looking into an oppo nent's face/eyes is typical just before someone attacks. Furthermore, a character with this ability has probably learned how to draw attention to himself and get more than 1-3 people to look him in the eye/face, however, this requires a public address or making a spectacle of one self.
Attacks per Melee: Neither the character using the gaze or those transfixed can take any action while the gaze is in effect.
Saving Throw: The victim(s) may make a save vs mind control (needing 14 or higher) to resist the effects of the gaze attack.
Bonus: The character is immune to the Transfixing Gaze of others (including vampires) and is +1 to save vs Horror and Awe Factor
Energy Resistance (already converted to Rifts in Dimension Book: Skraypers):
This power makes the character extremely resistant to all energy based attacks. No physical damage is sustained by the first 30 points of energy attacks in a melee round. Energy attacks beyond the 30 points do only half damage. The energy resistance field extends just beyond the body to include clothes, M.D.C. body armor, and carried equipment. It does not extend to protect power armor, 'bots or vehicles, nor another character standing nearby or touching.
The character's resistance to energy includes fire, electricity, lasers, and most other forms of pure energy. Furthermore, the character is completely invulnerable to stun-type energy weapons. Energy resistance is not effective against radiation damage, kinetic energy (punches, kicks, melee weapons, etc.), projectiles, explosive force, magic or most forms of psionics (pyrokinesis and electrokinesis fall into the Energy Resistance category above).
Range: Self
Duration: Constant
Attacks Per Melee: None
Bonuses: None
Intangibility (already converted to Rifts in Dimension Book: Skraypers):
This power affects the bonding element of molecules, making the person and 20 lbs (9 kg) of additional material on his person intangible seen but not touched. While intangible, the character is seen as a semitransparent, ghost image of himself. He is the perfect spy, being nearly invisible and silent. His appearance alone can be quite harrowing.
1. Abilities of Note:
• Limited Invulnerability. Intangibility means that punches, kicks, sticks and stones, bullets, lasers, missiles, explosive force, and most conventional attacks pass right through him harmlessly, like a ghost.
• The character can walk through any substance, stone, steel, earth, machines, force fields, etc., without affecting it or himself.
• Sink into the Earth. The intangible state allows the character to will himself to sink into the earth/ground up to his nose and walk on the dense molecules, effectively walking through the earth. Likewise, he can actually walk on the dense molecules of smoke or fog (and thus into the air), as well as walk on water. These all require con centration and use up three melee actions per round to maintain.
• No combat while intangible. Just as the intangible character cannot pick up or touch any object or person, he can not engage in combat. Any punches he would attempt will pass harmlessly through the person. Nor can he partially materialize or materialize a portion of his body. To materialize while partially in an object will result in in stant and painful death. The intangible character cannot throw an in tangible object and expect it to become tangible and strike its target (it doesn't work that way). To attack, the superbeing must first be come tangible and then attack. Likewise, small machines on the su perbeing's person do not function while intangible. Passing through computers or electrical equipment does not affect or harm the ma chines, although the character wi ll feel a tingling sensation from the electricity.
• The character can become tangible or intangible nearly at the speed of thought (counts as one melee action), but it can only be per formed a maximum of four times per melee round.
2. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
• Add 1D6 to M.A. attribute.
• Add 1D4x10 S.D.C.
• Add +20% to prowl ability.
• Horror Factor (optional): 14 when semi-transparent or walking through walls; may be considered to be a ghost.
3. Vulnerabilities & Limitations While Intangible:
• The superbeing is not invulnerable to all attacks. Electricity, which stimulates and agitates molecules, does half damage. And intense heat or fire does 30% its normal damage.
• Psionic attacks have full effect. Gas and smoke attacks are particularly effective, as the gaseous substance passes right through and into the blood stream, doing full damage/effect.
• Falls and explosions cannot harm him.
• Cannot glide or float into the air.
• The intangible person cannot touch and feel, or pick up or carry anything, but can speak, hear and smell as normal.
01-21-2025, 03:36 PM
And now I have a character account.
01-24-2025, 03:38 AM
Callista Hargreaves
1st level Special Forces
IQ = Callie's I.Q.: 4d6r2+2 = 20 +22 = 40
ME = Callie's M.E.: 3d6r2+8 = 22
MA = Callie's M.A.: 3d6r2+8 = 22 +16 = 38
PS Callie's P.S..: 4d6r2+6 = 23
PP Callie's P.P.: 4d6r2+2 = 20 +16 = 36
PE Callie's P.E..: 4d6r2+4 = 22
PB Callie's P.B..: 4d6r2+4 = 22
Spd Callie's Speed..: 4d6r2+10 = 26 +11 = 37
Horror Factor: Callie's P.E..: 1d4+7 = 9
MDC = Base: 220
Choose Three Powers
Extraordinary Intellect: Add 2d6+10 to I.Q. Gain +10% bonus to Perception skill. Gain 5 additional language skills.
iq bonus: 2d6+10 = +22
Extraordinary Physical Prowess: Add 2d6+10 to P.P. attribute. Add 3d4 to Speed Attribute. Add one extra attack per melee. +3 to automatic dodge; can dodge an attack without using up a melee action. Plus 10% to physical skills requiring dexterity and prowess, such as prowl, gymnastics, acrobatics, climb, etc.
PP bonus: 2d6+10 = +16
Callie's Speed Bonus: 3d4r2 = 11
Extraordinary Mental Affinity: Add 2d6+10 to M.A. Gain 10% to seduction, pick pockets, and all skills of deception and slight of hand.
MA bonus: 2d6+10 = +16
Special Forces
+2 PS, 4d6+6 SDC(MDC), +5% Perception, +2 disarm, +2 vs HF
OCC Skills
Math: Basic 81
Radio: Basic 76
Radio: Electronic Countermeasure 56
Language: American 98%
Draconic 86
Land Navigation 62
Intelligence 58
Streetwise 52
Lore: Demon/Monster 51
Pilot: Fighter Jet 66
Pilot: Robots & Power Armor 82
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite: Special Forces SAMAS
Wilderness Survival 61
Prowl 55
Climbing 60%
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Heavy Energy
W.P. Knife
- 4 attacks
- Paired Weapons
- body flip/throw
- body block/tackle
- (+2) vs. HF
OCC Related
Trap Construction +15
Trap/Mine Detection
Find Contraband, Weapons & Cybernetics
-Sense of Balance 50
-Parallel bars 60
-backflip 70
-Rope/rappel 60
Sing 51
Dance 46
Pilot: Hovercycle 86
Lore: Faerie 41
Attacks 5
Initiative +1
Damage +9
Parry +10
Dodge +10
Roll +3
Disarm +2
Horror Factor +4
Coma/Death 18%
Magic/ Poison +5
Standard Equipment: Special Forces "Dead Boy" body armor, CP-50 "Dragonfire" and CP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol, four extra E-Clips for each, four explosive grenades, two smoke grenades, two flares, Vibro-Knife, survival knife, RMK robot medical kit, IRMSS Internal Robot Medical Surgeon System, utility belt, air filter & gas mask, uniform, dress uniform, canteen, and an additional non-energy weapon of choice (typically S.D.C. au tomatic weapon, or bow and arrow). Warbird rocket cycle for daily use.
1st level Special Forces
IQ = Callie's I.Q.: 4d6r2+2 = 20 +22 = 40
ME = Callie's M.E.: 3d6r2+8 = 22
MA = Callie's M.A.: 3d6r2+8 = 22 +16 = 38
PS Callie's P.S..: 4d6r2+6 = 23
PP Callie's P.P.: 4d6r2+2 = 20 +16 = 36
PE Callie's P.E..: 4d6r2+4 = 22
PB Callie's P.B..: 4d6r2+4 = 22
Spd Callie's Speed..: 4d6r2+10 = 26 +11 = 37
Horror Factor: Callie's P.E..: 1d4+7 = 9
MDC = Base: 220
Choose Three Powers
Extraordinary Intellect: Add 2d6+10 to I.Q. Gain +10% bonus to Perception skill. Gain 5 additional language skills.
iq bonus: 2d6+10 = +22
Extraordinary Physical Prowess: Add 2d6+10 to P.P. attribute. Add 3d4 to Speed Attribute. Add one extra attack per melee. +3 to automatic dodge; can dodge an attack without using up a melee action. Plus 10% to physical skills requiring dexterity and prowess, such as prowl, gymnastics, acrobatics, climb, etc.
PP bonus: 2d6+10 = +16
Callie's Speed Bonus: 3d4r2 = 11
Extraordinary Mental Affinity: Add 2d6+10 to M.A. Gain 10% to seduction, pick pockets, and all skills of deception and slight of hand.
MA bonus: 2d6+10 = +16
Special Forces
+2 PS, 4d6+6 SDC(MDC), +5% Perception, +2 disarm, +2 vs HF
OCC Skills
Math: Basic 81
Radio: Basic 76
Radio: Electronic Countermeasure 56
Language: American 98%
Draconic 86
Land Navigation 62
Intelligence 58
Streetwise 52
Lore: Demon/Monster 51
Pilot: Fighter Jet 66
Pilot: Robots & Power Armor 82
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite: Special Forces SAMAS
Wilderness Survival 61
Prowl 55
Climbing 60%
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Heavy Energy
W.P. Knife
- 4 attacks
- Paired Weapons
- body flip/throw
- body block/tackle
- (+2) vs. HF
OCC Related
Trap Construction +15
Trap/Mine Detection
Find Contraband, Weapons & Cybernetics
-Sense of Balance 50
-Parallel bars 60
-backflip 70
-Rope/rappel 60
Sing 51
Dance 46
Pilot: Hovercycle 86
Lore: Faerie 41
Attacks 5
Initiative +1
Damage +9
Parry +10
Dodge +10
Roll +3
Disarm +2
Horror Factor +4
Coma/Death 18%
Magic/ Poison +5
Standard Equipment: Special Forces "Dead Boy" body armor, CP-50 "Dragonfire" and CP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol, four extra E-Clips for each, four explosive grenades, two smoke grenades, two flares, Vibro-Knife, survival knife, RMK robot medical kit, IRMSS Internal Robot Medical Surgeon System, utility belt, air filter & gas mask, uniform, dress uniform, canteen, and an additional non-energy weapon of choice (typically S.D.C. au tomatic weapon, or bow and arrow). Warbird rocket cycle for daily use.
01-26-2025, 04:39 AM
Some Equipment. The standard and available are based on the CS Commando in Coalition War Campaign
Standard Equipment: Standard Coalition "Dead Boy" body armor, energy rifle and energy sidearm of choice, 4 extra E-clips for each, four explosive grenades, two smoke grenades, two flares, vibro-knife or saber, survival knife, distancing binoculars, robot medical kit, pocket computer, utility belt, air filter & gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, dress uniform, combat boots, canteen, and an additional non-energy weapon of choice (typically S.D.C. automatic weapon, or bow and arrow). Conventional military vehicle of choice (motorcycle, jeep, hovercycle, etc.) for daily use.
Equipment Available Upon Assignment: Any type of body armor, 2D4 hand grenades, 1D4 smoke grenades, 1D4 flares, access to explosives if demolitions is a known skill and necessary for the mission, any types of weapon, extra ammunition, optical enhancements, camera or surveillance equipment, and food rations for weeks. Non-regulation weapons, armor, equipment and vehicles may also be issued to Commando squads, mainly for the purpose of disguise and infiltration. In addition, the character has access to military facilities.
Vehicles can include a simple hover cycle, car, conventional military vehicles, or jet pack to SAMAS power armor (old style or light assault types only), Spider-Skull Walker, and robot vehicles.
The exact type of equipment will depend on the Commando's mission, the commanding officer and availability of items at the command base. Most Commandos have medium level security clearance while experienced and trusted veterans will have top clearance.
Vibro-Saber (short sword): 2D4 M.D. Cost: 9000 cr.
CA-6EX Armor
The "EX" in the classification stands for "exoskeleton." The CA-6EX is fundamentally the same heavily plated armor as the CA-6C except that it has an exoskeleton built into it. The exoskeleton enables ordinary humans to wear it, providing incredible armored protection and enhanced robotic strength and speed. This makes the EX a simple suit of power armor, an idea borrowed by the CS from the New German Republic (T-l 1 armor).
The enhanced body armor can be assigned to any of the Coalition Military O.C.C.s, but is typically reserved for Special Forces, platoon sergeants, commissioned officers, rail gunners and loyal soldiers who have an impressive natural strength or speed (21 or greater). It is also sometimes assigned to units using heavy weapons/equipment and construction forces.
Class: CA-6EX Heavy infantry armor and exoskeleton.
Size: 6 feet, 6 inches (1.95 m) to 7 feet, 6 inches (2.25 m)
Weight: 60 pounds (27 kg).
Bonuses: The exoskeleton adds the following bonuses to the attributes of the soldier who wears it: +8 to P.S., +14 to spd, +10 feet (3 m) to the length and height of leaps, and reduces the rate of fatigue by 50%.
Mobility Penalties: Good; -30% to prowl, but only -10% to swim, perform acrobatics and similar physical skills/performance, and no penalty to climb.
M.D.C. by Location:
Head/Helmet —100
Arms —100 each
Legs—120 each
Main Body — 200
Special Weapon Systems or Features: As per the CA-6C, above.
Market Price: Not available; exclusive to the CS military.
C-5 Pump Pistol
The C-5 pump pistol is an authorized knock-off of the Triax TX-5. The weapon fires high explosive cartridges/rounds which are much smaller than the conventional grenade, but packs a wallop. These explosive rounds are fired at a high velocity, have good range, and contain a powerful explosive charge. The blast is very concentrated, about one foot (0.3 m), unlike the larger grenades which affect an area 5-20 times larger. It is used primarily by CS commandos, Special Forces, and the occasional field officer. It is widely used by the ISS urban forces and even the occasional ISS Psi-Hound.
Weight: 5 lbs (2.25 kg)
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Standard, see Modern Weapon Proficiency Section
Maximum Effective Range: 800 feet (224 m)
Payload: 5 rounds, loaded manually one round at a time. A speed loader will load all five rounds in four seconds (one melee action) and costs 1200 credits.
Market Cost: 10,000 credits for the gun and 400 credits per round. Fair availability.
C-10 Light Assault Laser Rifle — Old Style
The C-10 light laser rifle is an old, earlier version of the C-12 and greatly resembles the old C-12 heavy laser. It remains a favorite sniper rifle and is known for its accuracy and durability in the field.
Weight: 5 lbs (2.3 kg)
Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D., no variable settings.
Rate of Fire: Aimed, burst, wild; see Modem Weapon Proficiencies.
Effective Range: 2000 feet (610 m)
Payload: 20 blasts from a standard E-Clip or 30 from a long EC-lip.
Laser Targeting: Add +3 to strike on an aimed shot, but only when the laser targeting system is functioning. No bonus when on the blink.
Black Market Cost: 16,000 credits for the rifle. Standard clip and recharge costs. An E-Clip canister cannot be used with this weapon.
Standard Equipment: Standard Coalition "Dead Boy" body armor, energy rifle and energy sidearm of choice, 4 extra E-clips for each, four explosive grenades, two smoke grenades, two flares, vibro-knife or saber, survival knife, distancing binoculars, robot medical kit, pocket computer, utility belt, air filter & gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, dress uniform, combat boots, canteen, and an additional non-energy weapon of choice (typically S.D.C. automatic weapon, or bow and arrow). Conventional military vehicle of choice (motorcycle, jeep, hovercycle, etc.) for daily use.
Equipment Available Upon Assignment: Any type of body armor, 2D4 hand grenades, 1D4 smoke grenades, 1D4 flares, access to explosives if demolitions is a known skill and necessary for the mission, any types of weapon, extra ammunition, optical enhancements, camera or surveillance equipment, and food rations for weeks. Non-regulation weapons, armor, equipment and vehicles may also be issued to Commando squads, mainly for the purpose of disguise and infiltration. In addition, the character has access to military facilities.
Vehicles can include a simple hover cycle, car, conventional military vehicles, or jet pack to SAMAS power armor (old style or light assault types only), Spider-Skull Walker, and robot vehicles.
The exact type of equipment will depend on the Commando's mission, the commanding officer and availability of items at the command base. Most Commandos have medium level security clearance while experienced and trusted veterans will have top clearance.
Vibro-Saber (short sword): 2D4 M.D. Cost: 9000 cr.
CA-6EX Armor
The "EX" in the classification stands for "exoskeleton." The CA-6EX is fundamentally the same heavily plated armor as the CA-6C except that it has an exoskeleton built into it. The exoskeleton enables ordinary humans to wear it, providing incredible armored protection and enhanced robotic strength and speed. This makes the EX a simple suit of power armor, an idea borrowed by the CS from the New German Republic (T-l 1 armor).
The enhanced body armor can be assigned to any of the Coalition Military O.C.C.s, but is typically reserved for Special Forces, platoon sergeants, commissioned officers, rail gunners and loyal soldiers who have an impressive natural strength or speed (21 or greater). It is also sometimes assigned to units using heavy weapons/equipment and construction forces.
Class: CA-6EX Heavy infantry armor and exoskeleton.
Size: 6 feet, 6 inches (1.95 m) to 7 feet, 6 inches (2.25 m)
Weight: 60 pounds (27 kg).
Bonuses: The exoskeleton adds the following bonuses to the attributes of the soldier who wears it: +8 to P.S., +14 to spd, +10 feet (3 m) to the length and height of leaps, and reduces the rate of fatigue by 50%.
Mobility Penalties: Good; -30% to prowl, but only -10% to swim, perform acrobatics and similar physical skills/performance, and no penalty to climb.
M.D.C. by Location:
Head/Helmet —100
Arms —100 each
Legs—120 each
Main Body — 200
Special Weapon Systems or Features: As per the CA-6C, above.
Market Price: Not available; exclusive to the CS military.
C-5 Pump Pistol
The C-5 pump pistol is an authorized knock-off of the Triax TX-5. The weapon fires high explosive cartridges/rounds which are much smaller than the conventional grenade, but packs a wallop. These explosive rounds are fired at a high velocity, have good range, and contain a powerful explosive charge. The blast is very concentrated, about one foot (0.3 m), unlike the larger grenades which affect an area 5-20 times larger. It is used primarily by CS commandos, Special Forces, and the occasional field officer. It is widely used by the ISS urban forces and even the occasional ISS Psi-Hound.
Weight: 5 lbs (2.25 kg)
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Standard, see Modern Weapon Proficiency Section
Maximum Effective Range: 800 feet (224 m)
Payload: 5 rounds, loaded manually one round at a time. A speed loader will load all five rounds in four seconds (one melee action) and costs 1200 credits.
Market Cost: 10,000 credits for the gun and 400 credits per round. Fair availability.
C-10 Light Assault Laser Rifle — Old Style
The C-10 light laser rifle is an old, earlier version of the C-12 and greatly resembles the old C-12 heavy laser. It remains a favorite sniper rifle and is known for its accuracy and durability in the field.
Weight: 5 lbs (2.3 kg)
Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D., no variable settings.
Rate of Fire: Aimed, burst, wild; see Modem Weapon Proficiencies.
Effective Range: 2000 feet (610 m)
Payload: 20 blasts from a standard E-Clip or 30 from a long EC-lip.
Laser Targeting: Add +3 to strike on an aimed shot, but only when the laser targeting system is functioning. No bonus when on the blink.
Black Market Cost: 16,000 credits for the rifle. Standard clip and recharge costs. An E-Clip canister cannot be used with this weapon.