(06-14-2017, 03:38 PM)Rahullu Wrote: [ -> ] (06-14-2017, 02:28 PM)Nova Wrote: [ -> ]If push comes to shove and we need a dramatic escape, I would totally burn a Force Point to save the ship and combo evade/astrogate. Pull a Han Solo style emergency hyperjump -- though his crazy jumps in The Force Awakens were Heroic DC for sure! Let's hope it doesn't get that desperate, yikes! 
I refuse to acknowledge those.... 
Not to mention being able to look up into the sky from star systems away, and see the destruction of Hosnian Prime happen in real time!
Out of curiosity, GM -- though I won't let metagaming concerns affect it, since I will prob do it anyway, so that we 2 former Imperial traitors aren't given the axe --
if I do spend a Force Point to astrogate, evade and floor it, that FP will come on back, yeah? Seems like an apt and/or heroic use!
(06-14-2017, 08:04 PM)Nova Wrote: [ -> ]Out of curiosity, GM -- though I won't let metagaming concerns affect it, since I will prob do it anyway, so that we 2 former Imperial traitors aren't given the axe --
if I do spend a Force Point to astrogate, evade and floor it, that FP will come on back, yeah? Seems like an apt and/or heroic use!
Just remember that forcepoints only come back after an adventure...we are so screwed

Yes, you have a stock light freighter. Probably should have mentioned that somewhere. It does have 1d in shields.
I would consider saving the asses of the entire crew a worthy use of a Force point.
My question was why Han Solo felt the need to hit lightspeed right out of the bay. It's not like there was anything to stop him.
How about firecontroll
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put it all in a thread for you.
I have never rolled so well in real life! The Force was with me.
(06-15-2017, 06:14 AM)Man in Black Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, you have a stock light freighter. Probably should have mentioned that somewhere. It does have 1d in shields.
I would consider saving the asses of the entire crew a worthy use of a Force point.
My question was why Han Solo felt the need to hit lightspeed right out of the bay. It's not like there was anything to stop him.
Thank you for the ship thread and for backing the FP expenditure!
(And if it's actually the Death Star that is bearing down upon us instead, I am SUPER GLAD I used it. Yikes!)
Re: Han Solo's hyperjumps in TFA, agreed. Han and the Falcon reunited are more than badass enough to not need to worry about the Rathars and the gangs, though his decision to make make a crazy high-risk hyperjump to stealthily bypass Starkiller Base's planetary shielding / defenses makes more sense....
We need some redundacy in skills in this group i guess Rahullu will learn starship shields, but we need an astogator as well, and it will take some time based on his mechanical stats, but we cant use a fp to escape all the time. Also someone with a little pilot skill would be good to have if Nova ever is out of action. Btw is instinctive astrogation i 1:ed? Our senatorial could be very usefull with that.
(06-15-2017, 07:21 PM)Rahullu Wrote: [ -> ]We need some redundacy in skills in this group i guess Rahullu will learn starship shields, but we need an astogator as well, and it will take some time based on his mechanical stats, but we cant use a fp to escape all the time. Also someone with a little pilot skill would be good to have if Nova ever is out of action. Btw is instinctive astrogation i 1:ed? Our senatorial could be very usefull with that.
I think I would have chanced a regular astrogation roll, if that Star Destroyer and its TIEs hadn't been so close already.
If Rahullu wants to learn some MEC, Nova would like to improve her hand-to-hand combat.
While the Imperial Flight Academy taught basic personal self-defense and attack, Rahullu's our local brawling expert after all!
Maybe our sleeping / ailing comrade will turn out to be a Pirate navigator?
(I heard from Gamer 75 actually, he has been sorting out internet issues, but may be in decent shape soon / now.)
EDIT: Oooh! That's right, I'd forgotten all about the instinctive astrogation power! Good idea, Lu.