(03-10-2017, 01:31 AM)Cin-Ezra Oovalli Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: I have the Local Ties Talent which mentions having a connection to Khonnir Baine. As my post mentions above, I said he rescued me and let me stay at his place. Would it be ok to leave my mule at Khonnir's house (and offer Reawyn the same). After he rescued me, I wanted him to kind of be a father figure for her. We also have animal feed so it wouldn't be any cost to him. And we are trying to save him.
It's a possibility but you would have to ask his apprentice.
(03-10-2017, 02:53 AM)Eva Morningtide Wrote: [ -> ]"If I may ask. How long has Khonnir Baine and his party been missing? Has there been any discoveries regarding the caves that we should be aware of?" Eva asks having moved closer to the front of the group as to avoid shouting or speaking over anyone.
"He has been missing for two days. There has been no word of him since."
Ursk gruffly steps up to Freddert, retrieves his writ for the discounts, then returns to Weyna and says to her and anyone else nearby, "Two days. If not free already, master and slaves not last much longer. Talk to daughter not bad idea but no time for waste. Ursk go to boarding house, get supplies, meet everyone at temple? If priest not there, then go palace. Then buy supplies on way to cave."
OOC: If anyone has gear at the boarding house but wants to go meet the daughter, Ursk can grab it. He's not a pack mule but can carry most of what we'll need for an eight hour excursion (i.e., no sleeping bags, mess kits, etc.). Just doesn't seem to me like we need to roleplay getting our gear and whatnot, so I'm happy to move that forward.
Chrome shrugs. "I suppose who knows how long it might to take to get something out of the automaton... though i disagree with the idea of keeping it deactivated. There are ways to bind foes to ask them questions... assuming it to be hostile." Chrome offered, treating the thing as legitimately nothing more than another sentient being. He seemed to really believe it too, that he could speak to an automaton like he could to anyone else, and they'd response the same. "I have everything i need, so i'll join the group heading to the temple."
Kayla says to Weyna and the others, "I suppose time is of greater importance - we don't know what shape Master Baine is in...We should head straight to the temple and then the pond to follow his trail. I have everything I need on me - sort of a ready-to-roll kind of girl!"
"I need to visit the Livery and my rooms at teh boarding house. I do not wander the streets with my alchemical or adventuring gear. And visitingb the shops to get some waterproof bags and extra torches and rations is not a waste of time. Quite the opposite, if we go in unprepared we will rescue no one."
"Likewise it is irresponsible to assume our journey will be over in a single day. Khomir has been down theer two already, it may take us equally long to locate him, and just as long to bring his band out. Or longer. I recommend we make sure to have at least several days rations."
"Is that a... yes? To try to recover the downed automaton for information?" Chrome asked, figuring it wasn't the case and not trying to change their destinations, but the chance to take a crack at the bot was intriguing him.
"Have to purchase water... proof[?] bags and a number of things too," Cin says hesitantly like she wasn't sure if she was using the words correctly. "Then need to speak to apprentice about Raewyn and mine mules. Will leave right now. Do anyone have need of anything while I am getting supplies?"
If Cin gets any requests, she writes them down. Once finished she will leave to put an order in at the supply post and then goes to speak with the apprentice.
"There are a few things I'll need to drop off, let's meet up with Joram Kyte in say half an hour? That should give everyone plenty of time to sort their affairs before we set off" Eva says quickly before those gathered head off.
(03-12-2017, 07:03 AM)Cin-Ezra Oovalli Wrote: [ -> ]"Have to purchase water... proof[?] bags and a number of things too," Cin says hesitantly like she wasn't sure if she was using the words correctly. "Then need to speak to apprentice about Raewyn and mine mules. Will leave right now. Do anyone have need of anything while I am getting supplies?"
If Cin gets any requests, she writes them down. Once finished she will leave to put an order in at the supply post and then goes to speak with the apprentice.
"I will go with you, and get supplies and said mule before we go speak to Val. Val and I actually go back a few years,,though I haven't seen her recently, my clan rarely came through Torch, but her and I have met.
(03-12-2017, 03:27 PM)Reawyn Wrote: [ -> ] (03-12-2017, 07:03 AM)Cin-Ezra Oovalli Wrote: [ -> ]"Have to purchase water... proof[?] bags and a number of things too," Cin says hesitantly like she wasn't sure if she was using the words correctly. "Then need to speak to apprentice about Raewyn and mine mules. Will leave right now. Do anyone have need of anything while I am getting supplies?"
If Cin gets any requests, she writes them down. Once finished she will leave to put an order in at the supply post and then goes to speak with the apprentice.
"I will go with you, and get supplies and said mule before we go speak to Val. Val and I actually go back a few years,,though I haven't seen her recently, my clan rarely came through Torch, but her and I have met.
Cin nods then looks around for any other people wanting to join. If there aren't any, she will leave with Reawyn.