03-10-2017, 01:31 AM
Cin was one of the last to enter with Taijun. While inside the Hall she looks around at everything carefully [Perception+6] looking for anything of interest that might catch her eye. After the old dwarf woman explains the bounty he readily accepts. She knew Khonnir Baine. When Cin was trying to escape from the slavers, their trackers hunted her down. They caught up to her and despite Cin putting up a fight, they soon overwhelmed her. While being dragged back to their stronghold Khonnir's adventuring group arrived and rescued Cin from Turog inevitably finishing carving his name into her face. He allowed her to stay with him until she had recuperated and got back on her feet.
"I have powder horns to protect my black powder but will need one or two of those waterproof bags for pistol and equipment. Already have rope and torches when out of water."
[OoC: I have the Local Ties Talent which mentions having a connection to Khonnir Baine. As my post mentions above, I said he rescued me and let me stay at his place. Would it be ok to leave my mule at Khonnir's house (and offer Reawyn the same). After he rescued me, I wanted him to kind of be a father figure for her. We also have animal feed so it wouldn't be any cost to him. And we are trying to save him.
Local Ties
"I have powder horns to protect my black powder but will need one or two of those waterproof bags for pistol and equipment. Already have rope and torches when out of water."
[OoC: I have the Local Ties Talent which mentions having a connection to Khonnir Baine. As my post mentions above, I said he rescued me and let me stay at his place. Would it be ok to leave my mule at Khonnir's house (and offer Reawyn the same). After he rescued me, I wanted him to kind of be a father figure for her. We also have animal feed so it wouldn't be any cost to him. And we are trying to save him.

Local Ties
You have ties to a prominent local in the town of Torch—the missing wizard Khonnir Baine. If you’re a wizard, alchemist, or other scholarly type, he may have been your tutor or teacher. If you’re of a more martial bent, Khonnir could instead have been a friend or business associate of your mother, father, or patron. He may even have been your adoptive father, in which case you likely have a bond of friendship or rivalry with his adopted daughter Val (your GM has more information on her in this case if you wish to know more for your character’s background). Your association with Khonnir has given you insight into how technology works.
Benefits: Choose Disable Device or Knowledge (engineering). You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks with this skill, and it is a class skill for you. In addition, you are treated as if you possessed the Technologist feat for the purposes of resolving checks associated with that skill. If you gain the Technologist feat, your trait bonus for the selected skill increases to +3.
Benefits: Choose Disable Device or Knowledge (engineering). You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks with this skill, and it is a class skill for you. In addition, you are treated as if you possessed the Technologist feat for the purposes of resolving checks associated with that skill. If you gain the Technologist feat, your trait bonus for the selected skill increases to +3.