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(02-17-2016, 02:10 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ] (02-13-2016, 02:14 AM)Ramen Wrote: [ -> ]From the shadows, criminals will huddle in their secret coteries, fearful of the vigilante who stalks their misdeeds. For every crook who encounters this vexing foe, a burning rumor spreads like wildfire: do you know the Muffin Man? Those who know the truth -- what few have weaseled their way out of divine retribution through pure luck -- know the answer which causes other underworld scum to cower: Yes, I know the Muffin Man, who wrecks mooks every day.
But seriously. Brainstormin' away. I'm strangely attracted to the idea of a Random Mutant with Nemesis + Karmic Tap and nothing else, though I suspect it'd be especially hard to justify such a combination, not to mention that it sounds like it might be viewed as a "Cheese Factor Five" offense. I'm not really savvy enough with Marvel Superheroes to know for certain if it really is, but pondering more well-established concepts just to be safe :3
Nemesis is an interesting power but unfortunately that's the only power you get. The first sentence in the power's description states, "When this power is first generated, it replaces all other powers the hero might have other(wise) had." 
didn't you play a character in my original Marvel game called, Antlion?
As for the game, some time has past so I'm not sure who is still interested. Brittany was MiB's character so I can NPC her for a bit. Who else is still interested?
After re-reading Nemesis, I saw that too. Still a neato-burrito power, but still seems questionably dubious the more I look at it. Prooooooobably gonna steer clear of that.
As far as Antlion, I may have played a character previously, yeah, but for the life of me the last characters I recall playing in a superhero anything was Warren the Density Shifter Dude and Jaimie the Silent-But-Deadly Sonic fella. Any chance you've got an old archive or some notes or something I can dig through? I'm pretty sure I can identify my own terribly cliche' writing style :p
Unfortunately everything was lost when Plothook went down. He was a young mutant that was connected with the Morlocks. He could alter his size and had some armor skin. I only mention him because I seem to remember you playing for a short while and then something happened and you had to leave the site for a bit. I was just curious. And I don't remember Warren but I think Jamie was in GM Firehorse's game.
I guess it's possible, but I legitimately can't remember. Oh, man. The Oldmanitis. It's happening! o_o
Still interested, but you knew that
(12-31-2015, 11:15 PM)Aurum Wrote: [ -> ]Ok. I keep coming up against things I pick out being basically exactly like Fire Control/Generation. UNTIL, I thought about Vibration Control/Generation. They mention the potential Sonic uses in the book, but don't mention that vibration can create friction, which can create heat/fire. That, combined with the gas stove, could create an explosion.

Vibration is one of my favorite powers. You might want to add to your stat block a power stunt of a low rank combustion or fire generation. Just so you can already do the friction idea without actually having to create a power stunt.
Remember, I was planning on giving everyone 180 character points to start with but to keep in line with MiB's idea of weaker mutants, the 'school' will have a power dampener which will lower everyone's rank of their power with the likely minimum rank of Feeble. Players FASERIP Abilities will likely be less effected unless they start moving into the more advanced range (Excellent or higher). For example, if someone has an Incredible strength, likely it will be modified to an Excellent inside the security field. So you will be still stronger than most people but you won't be taking out security with a flick of your finger.
(02-17-2016, 05:23 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ] (12-31-2015, 11:15 PM)Aurum Wrote: [ -> ]Ok. I keep coming up against things I pick out being basically exactly like Fire Control/Generation. UNTIL, I thought about Vibration Control/Generation. They mention the potential Sonic uses in the book, but don't mention that vibration can create friction, which can create heat/fire. That, combined with the gas stove, could create an explosion.

Vibration is one of my favorite powers. You might want to add to your stat block a power stunt of a low rank combustion or fire generation. Just so you can already do the friction idea without actually having to create a power stunt.
Remember, I was planning on giving everyone 180 character points to start with but to keep in line with MiB's idea of weaker mutants, the 'school' will have a power dampener which will lower everyone's rank of their power with the likely minimum rank of Feeble. Players FASERIP Abilities will likely be less effected unless they start moving into the more advanced range (Excellent or higher). For example, if someone has an Incredible strength, likely it will be modified to an Excellent inside the security field. So you will be still stronger than most people but you won't be taking out security with a flick of your finger.
So Scott would probably be just as Clumsy in his Croc Alter Ego, but not gain as much Strength and Endurance.. remaining closer to his Scott baseline. (because of Alter Ego I have two stat blocks)
I'm still in this game. I think the girl that Mac was protecting, disappeared. So it's a non-issue.
I will most likely give you the -2cs agility and +1cs for Strength and Endurance. Human Maximum for strength is Excellent and (I think) Remarkable for Endurance. In MiB game a Remarkable stat was possible, depending upon the mutant you chose. So it's not a too big of a deal if you have a Remarkable Endurance. It doesn't effect the game as much as a Remarkable Strength.
Who was the girl you were protecting? Was it Cockatrice/ Penelope or something?
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