I have tentatively added points to my primary and secondary stats. I would like to keep Body Resistance as his lone power and keep up with the 'Brick' theme that was Mac when I last played him. He was a street fighter, so maybe Martial arts B, A and D. Still thinking of what to do with him.
I'll keep the Croc theme I was hoping to build him into with karma probably keep his stats pretty similar but add armor skin to th water freedom and self sustaining
Sorry for being longwinded...
The amount of character points I gave the new players in my current game was for a game that's been around for a long time with characters. I didn't want the newbies to be weaklings compared to the Old Characters. It really sucks when you join a game already in progress and you are noticeably weaker than most of the other players.
With this Game, MiB wanted it to be a little bit lower powered, I assume so the players weren't one-shotting the guards. Even the best trained "stock" human can usually be taken out of combat with one or two shots with even a Remarkable ranked or higher attack. So for now I think I'm going to say players will start with
180pts. Remember, you are teenagers so there should be a reason for stats that are Excellent or higher. For powers that don't seem to need a rank, you must buy a rank of at least Typical (16pts) and limit yourself to one or maybe two of such powers with the GM (ME

) giving final approval. The reason for this is all powers are subject to being manipulated or negated. So you need a Power Rank for those abilities/powers to effect your power. But if you want to create power stunts from those powers you might want a higher rank than a typical. Also remember what is your mutant origin: Random, Induced, or Breed. Some of you may remember what you were, others may have to roll again.
FYI: Try to stick with themes. If you want to be an artillery with Radiation, try leaning toward Radiation Control, Energy Sheath, or flight. On the other hand, picking Telepathy wouldn't make much sense. Usually only very powerful enemies have strange arrays of powers because they have to deal with many Heroes at the same time. But if you can make it work, for example electrical control with telepathy because you are manipulating or reading the electrical impulses in the human brain or Telekinesis but only working with Blood (Hemokinesis) so you can pull blood from victims or creating solidified weapons from your own blood, then I'm willing to work with you to create interesting new spins on powers.
*Scott already had Water Freedom and Self Sustenance and he has a theme (Crocodile) so I'm giving the ok with those powers.
*Mac, you have a lot of Excellent stats. You wanting to be a "Brick" is fine but you might want to lower your Fighting. Excellent is something like highly trained. If your theme was Infantry like Wolverine then that would make more sense.
Mac has Body Resistance at Rm 30. Should I lower that or is it fine? Also wanted to get Regeneration or maybe Hyper-Strength as it might fit. My original idea was sound based super strength (His name is going to be Megahurtz)
Decided to put Regeneration at Gd 10 tentatively. Up to your discretion. THOUGH as it looks, he could be an 'Infantry' rather than a 'Brick'
Well perhaps 180 points might be high. But I was thinking the prison would have a dampening field around it so powers and abilities were weakened a bit. So your power ranks would still be around what they were but if you escape you wouldn't be weak compared to Xavier's students. Future crossovers would be cool!
Mac, I believe Regeneration is a one star power which costs double. Hyper strength is possible but it effects the game more than any other hyper ability score so the cost would need to be adjusted slightly.
Yeah Regen costed me 20 points for the power and another 10 for Gd rank right? 30 points?
Not going with Hyper Strength as it apparently doesn't exist in the Ultimate powers book. Don't really need it when Mac can lift a TON already.
Excellent strength is 800 pounds. A star power I think costs double. So 20 plus 2/rank point.
Hyper strength was added later in the Ultimate addendum.
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I have been updating my signature/character sheet. He now has a Rm 30 Strength because he is an induced mutant. I will change his Regen in a bit then, possibly to Typical 5.
Have a tiny bit of history, still working on it.
I will have to look at that later. I can't see sigs from the Tapatalk app on my phone.
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