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OoC thread
I think the GM allowed Selina to heal Con points overnight. Or Mardak would still be at 8 Con
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It's a second level spell, so not til cleric level 3.If you are taking Crusader next level it may be awhile. Hopefully we can get a wand, scrolls or potions of it in Cantus. But within 2 days Mardak will naturally heal that Con damage so it'll likely be a moot point.
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It's unlikely we'll reach level 3 very soon, so we can all afford to consider our options in either case.
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I added a point to Strength. Mardak has a 14 Strength now. Editted it in my last OOC post as well.
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I have posted a list of Regional Feats in the House rules section.  I believe this is the list of Background feats I had used on Plothooks.  I will search for more and post them when I get the time.  I know there is a Dragon Magazine with Greyhawk Regional feats that I will locate and try to type up to be added tot the list.  If at that time you see a Regional feat that more suits your character concept then you can ask to make a switch. 

I had made a mistake when I guessed at Nacesh's regional feat bonuses to be +2 damage per dice. Actually, Bloodline of Fire gives +2 caster level for spells with the fire descriptor.  So basically when he is a 8th level caster he will max out his Fireball damage at 10d6.   In the last combat, Nacesh's burning hands would have done 3d4 damage and would max out when he is 3rd level caster at 5d4 damage.  It's too late now to make more changes to the posts except to say that instead of being unconscious they are now thoroughly Flambéd.  Tongue
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Just a reminder for EVERYONE to keep track of Hit Point rolls for EVERY level and for Increases in your Stats!  So if there are any mistakes or permanent level drains or permanent stat drains, we can be sure to be fair and accurate.  We are here to have fun so generally I don't like inflicting Permanent drains upon players.  Unfortunately we all are at the mercy of the dice so I can't promise they won't happen.  Especially with the bad Dice this group seems to roll.   Confused
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fixed also noted in your regional feats post that mine wasn't there. We had discussed if it was allowable as it is 3.0 rather than 3.5. Is it still ok?
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I believe your feat is from Player’s Guide to Faerûn which is fine.  I will update my Regional Feats.  But did we look at the Prerequisites?  

Fearless Prerequisites:

Aarakocra (the Stormhorns), elf (Elven Court or Snow Eagle Aerie), gloaming (Sphur Upra), gnome (Lantan), halfling (Channath Vale or the Western Heartlands), human (Anauroch or Impiltur), or orc (the Hordelands).

Your race isn't one of the ones listed even though I could see it fitting in with your culture.  Even Half races aren't listed even though they are listed in some other Regional Feats.  Did we decide that you could pick from Human feats because they wouldn't have your race?  Also, technically Fearless is a Forgotten Realms feat while your race comes from Ebberon.  Feel free to PM me if for whatever reason you want to discuss this in private.
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I recalled you were allowing me to use human feats. As far as I am aware there are no Eberron regional feats, it is a Forgotten Realms concept. If tbat means that Eberron races can't have the regional feat, can I have Action Points, since that s the Eberron concept that FR lacks? (joking dont allow AP unless you WANT player's breaking your game) .

The alternative regional feat we had dscussed based on background was Blooded.
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Wouldn't this pst make more sense in inth in-character thread for our responses to it.
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