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[Image: h7UhLwHm.jpeg]

Sandpoint (NG Town) Settlement 4
Diverse Coastal Town Caught In The Middle of Sinister Plots
Government: Mayor (Elected Leader)
Population: 1,240 (89% Human, 3% Halfling, 2% Elf, 2% Dwarf, 1% Gnome, 1% Half-Elf, 1% Half-Orc, .5% Goblin, .5% Other)
Languages: Taldan/Chelaxian (Common) Varisian, Shoanti
Religions: Abadar, Calistria, Desna, Erastil, Gozreh, Saranrae, Shelyn
Threats: Ancient Hidden Dangers, Criminals, Goblins, Ghouls

Quick to Chat- The Majority of Sandpoint's citicens are eager to gossip and spread news. {The Gather Information exploration activity takes half as long as normal in Sandpoint (1 hour). If a character has the Hobnobber feat the it takes 1/4 as long while they are in Sandpoint (30 minutes)}

Major Persona
Abstalar Zantus Male Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna
Belor Hemlock Male Human (Shoanti) Sherrif
Kendra Deverin Female Human (Chelaxian) Mayor

Sandpoints Factions

1. Bunyip Club- Organized Band of Criminals Reputation: -4
Members met:
2. Runewatchers- Scholars of Ancient Thassilon Reputation: 4
Members Met:
3. Sandpoint Cathedral- Religious Leaders of The Town. Reputation: 12
Members Met: Abstalar Zanthus
4. Mercantile League- Town Merchants Reputation: 0
Members Met:
5. Scarnetti Consortium- One of the Founding Families with Criminal Ties Reputation: -8
Members Met:
6. Town Watch- To Serve and Protect Reputation: 0
Members Met:
7. Townsfolk- Represented by Mayor Deverin (another founding family) Reputation: 0
Members Met:

Reputation runs -50 to 50
-50 to -30 Hunted
-29 to -15 Hated
-14 to -5 Disliked
-4 to 4 Ignored
5 to 14 Liked
15 to 29 Admired
30 to 50 Revered
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1. Sandpoint Cathedral (60 Church St) {Multi-Denominational-Abadar, Desna, Erastil, Gozreh, Saranrae, and Shelyn} [Resources-5th]
Abstalar Zantus, High Priest <Varisian> 

2. Sandpoint Boneyard (60 Church St) {Graveyard} [Resources-3rd]
Naffer Vosk, Gravedigger <Casmaran> 

3. The White Deer (150 Church St) {Upscale Tavern/Inn} [Resources-4th]
Garriden Viskalai, Innkeeper <Shoanti> 

4. The Way North (140 Cliff St) {Cartographer} [Resources-4th]
Veznutt Parooh, Wizard <Gnome> 

5. Rings And Things (10 Church St) {Jewelry & Art} [Resources-3rd]
Maver Kesk, Jeweler <Taldan>

6. Junkers Edge {Junkyard} [Resources-3rd]

7. Gorvi's Shack (140 Tower St) {Waste Management} [Resources-3rd]
Gorvi, Dungsweeper <Half-Orc/Varisian>

8. Brodert's House (130 Tower St) {Respected Sage} [Resources-7th]
Brodert Quink, Sage <Taldan>

9. Locksmith (90 Tower St) {Lock Craftsman} [Resources-4th]
Volioker Briskalberd, Locksmith <Dwarf>

10. Sandpoint Garrison (210 Main St) {Secure Stone Fortress/Jail} [Resources-5th]
Belor Hemlock, Sherrif <Shoanti>

11. Sandpoint Townhall (140 Main St) {Town Meeting Place/Bank} [Resources-5th]
Shayliss Vinder, Town Clerk <Taldan>

12. Savah's Armory (20 Tower St) {Weapons and Armor} [Resources-4th]
Savah Bevanky, Retired Adventurer-Fighter <Mwangi/Chelaxian>

13. Risa's Place (100 Undercliff Way) {Tavern-Catering to Varisians} [Resources-3rd]
Lanalee Magravi, Innkeeper <Varisian>

14. Rovanky Tannery (10 Undercliff Way) {Tanner} [Resources-3rd]
Lars Rovanky, Leatherworker <Jadwiga>

15. Red Dog Smithy (190 Festival St) {Blacksmith} [Resources-4th]
Das Korvut, Smith <Ulfen>

16. Pillbugs Pantry (100 Tanglefoot Alley) {Alchemist} [Resources-6th]
Aliver 'Pillbug' Podiker, Apothecary <Chelaxian>

17. Bottled Solutions (60 Raven St) {Alchemist} [Resources-3rd]
Nisk Tander, Apothecary <Half-Elf/Taldan>

18. Cracktooths Tavern (50 Raven St) {Rowdy Tavern} [Resources-3rd]
Jesk 'Cracktooth' Berinni, Innkeeper <Chelaxian>

19. House of Blue Stones (30 Glass St) {Monestary} [Resources-4th}
Jabyl Sorn, Monk <Chelaxian>

20. Sandpoint Glassworks (10 Glass St) {Haunted Glassworks} [resources-5th]
---Founding Families Kaijitsu--- <Tian-Min/Chelaxian> 

21. Sandpoint Savories (90 Main St) {Bakery} [Resources-5th]
Alma Avertin, Baker <Taldan>

22. The Curious Goblin (40 Main St) {Bookshop} [Resources-5th]
Chask Haladan, Bard <Chelaxian>

23. Sandpoint Theater (90 Festival St) {Playhouse/Retired Adventurer} [Resources-6th]
Cyrdak Drokkus, Bard <Varisian>

24. Carpenter's Guild (60 Festival St) {Guildhall/Union Hall} [Resources-5th]
Aesrick Battlehorn, Carpenter <Dwarf>

25. Sandpoint Lumbermill (120 River St) {Lumbermill} [Resources-3rd]
Ibor Thorn, Logger <Shoanti>

26. General Store (30 Main St) {Most well stocked store in Sandpoint} [Resources-5th]
Ven Vinder, Grocer <Taldan>

27. Turandarok Academy (10 Main St) {School and Orphanage} [Resources-6th]
Ilsaori Gandethus, Wizard <Chelaxian>

28. Mvashti's Place (50 festival St) {Hostel for Varisians} [Resources-5th]
Jiolan Verneeth, Witch <Varisian>

29. Grocers Hall (20 Festival St) {Food and Farming Supplies} [Resources-4th]
Olmur Danavkus, Grocer <Halfling>

30. Vernah's Fine Clothing (70 Prickleback Lane) {Clothier} [Resources-5th]
Rynshinn Povalli, Tailor <Half-Elf/Varisian>

31. Wheen's Wagons (30 River St) {Wainwright} [Resources-3rd]
Bilver Wheen, Wainwright <Taldan>

32. Scarnetti Mill (40 River St) {Mill} [Resources-3rd]
Courrin Whesterwill, Miller <Taldan>

33. The Hagfish (70 Water St) {Popular Tavern} [Resources-4th]
Jergie Quinn, Innkeeper <Shoanti>

34. Valdemar Fish Market (10 Water St) {Open Air Fish Market} [Resources-5th]
Turch Sterglus, Fisher <Ulfen>

35. Sandpoint Market (Junction of Water St and Festival St) {Open Air Marketplace} [Resources-5th]
-------- Local Wares---- <Mostly Varisian and Shoanti>

36. Sandpoint Meat Market (120 Market St) {Slaughterhouse/Butcher} [Resources-3rd]
Chod Bevuk, Butcher <Taldan>

37. The Rusty Dragon (80 Market St) {Adventurers Inn} [Resources-5th]
Bethana Corwin, Innkeeper <Halfling> (was Ameiko Kaijitsu. Empress of Tian-Min/Retired Adventurer <Bard>)

38. Goblin Squash Stables (60 Market St) {Stable/Horse Trader} [Resources-4th]
Daviren Hosk, Ranger {retired Adventurer} <Taldan>

39. Two Knight Brewery (20 Market St) {Brewery} [Resources-4th]
Gaven Deverin, Paladin/Brewer {retired Adventurer} <Chelaxian>

40. Mercantile League (110 Market St) {Caravan Services/Ship Passage/Property Sales/Messenger Service/Shipping/Dock Services} [Resources-4th]
Jasper Korvaski, Paladin {retired Adventurer} <Varisian>

41. Sandpoint Boutique (90 Market St) {Oddity Store} [Resources-4th]
Hayliss Korvaski, Priestess {retired Adventurer} <Varisian>

42. The Feedbag (10 Salmon St) {Dangerous Tavern. Open Knowledge Front for Bunyip Club} [Resources-5th]
Jubrayl Vhiski, Rogue--Sczarni <Varisian>

43. The Pixies Kitchen (60 Salmon St) {Brotherl} [Resources-4th]
Kaye Tesarini, Sherrifs Wife/Madam <Chelaxian>

44. The Feathered Serpent (10 Rum St) {Curio} [Resources-5th]
Vorvashli Voon, Merchant <Casmaron>

45. Hannah's (30 Hook St) {Midwife/Herbalist} [Resources-4th]
Hannah Velerin, Priestess <Elf>

46. Sandpoint Shipyard (10 Hook St) {Ship Repair/Services} [Resources-4th]
Jhalevia Stensin, Harbormaster <Varisian>

47. Valdemar Manor (30 Schooner Gulch Rd) {Abandoned Manor} [Resources-1st]
----Founding Families Valdemar----<Chelaxian>

48. Scarnetti Manor (25 Schooner Gulch Rd) {Founding Family Manor} [Resources-4th]
Titus Scarnetti, Aristocrat <Chelaxian>

49. Kaijitsu Manor (35 Schooner Gulch Rd) {Founding Family Manor} [resources-5th]
Velarie Neserin, Caretaker <Taldan>

50. Deverin Manor (40 Schooner Gulch Rd) {Founding Family Manor} [Resources-6th]
Kendra Deverin, Mayor/Aristocrat <Chelaxian>
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Whos Who In Sandpoint

[Image: Dc1doPsm.jpeg]

Abstalar Zantus Cleric of Desna, High Priest of Sandpoint

[Image: cHRHd3tm.jpeg]

Naffer Vosk Gravedigger/Church Grounds Caretaker, Cleric of Saranrae
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[Image: wyb2yUim.jpeg]

Garridan Viskalai Innkeeper of The White Deer Inn, Brother of Belor Hemlock

[Image: c12tTjtm.jpeg]

Veznutt Parooh Owner of The Way North, Wizard and Cartographer

[Image: 9lBplfEm.jpeg]

Maver Kesk Owner of Rings and Things, Jeweler and Art Afficionado
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[Image: v0e1vJZm.jpeg]

Gorvi Dungsweeper and Waste Management for Sandpoint, Entrepeneur 

[Image: i729QOCm.jpeg]

Brodert Quink, Esteemed Sage of Sandpoint. Specialist In Ancient History of Thassilon

[Image: zwl1wFXm.jpeg]

Volioker Briskalberd Locksmith, Master Crastman
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[Image: 1BLuqBSm.jpeg]

Belor Hemlock (Viskalai) Sherrif of Sandpoint, {Caught 'The Chopper' 20 years ago as a Deputy}

[Image: Wo01K6Hm.jpeg]

Average Town Militia of Sandpoint

[Image: 3c9wDKpm.jpeg]

The Shroud, Vigilante of Sandpoint
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[Image: L2V9LwPm.jpeg]

Shayliss Vinder Town Clerk, Father owns General Store

[Image: z45Evwhm.jpeg]

Savah Bevaniky Owner of Savah's Armory, Retired Adventurer 

[Image: JCdRJmEm.jpeg]

Lanalee Magravi Owner of Risa's Place, Runs with her two brothers Besk and Vodger 
after her mother passed away during the assault on Sandpoint 17 years ago
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[Image: YhucCL2m.jpeg]

Larz Rovanky Tanner, Sergeant in Militia

[Image: MotNnQPm.jpeg]

Das Korvut Owner of Red Dog Smithy, Foul Tempered

[Image: TbUui9mm.jpeg]

Aliver 'The Pillbug' Podiker Owner of The Pillbugs Pantry, 
Ill Mannered but  Alchemy Skills are above dispute
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[Image: 1CIN46am.jpeg]

Nisk Tander, Owner of Bottled Solutions, Lesser Skilled Alchemist in Town

[Image: HrxW2IDm.jpeg]

Jesk 'Cracktooth' Berinni Owner of Cracktooths Tavern, Rowdy but well liked.

[Image: MheoT3sm.jpeg]

Jabyl Sorun Master at House of Blue Stones, Monastery
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[Image: p3BHm6sm.jpeg]

Tsuto Kaijitsu [Deceased] Ran The Glassworks for Kaijitsu Family. 
He was killed in the Goblin Assault during the Swallowtail Festival 17 years ago

[Image: Se3ok8Jm.png]

Alma Avertin Owner of Sandpoint Savories, Excellent Baker

[Image: VFJkS7gm.jpeg]

Chask Haladan Owner of The Curious Goblin, Well Organized Bookshop
Has Porch with chairs. Citizens sit and chat here.
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