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Swimming Pool! [Open everyone] + Malcolm
"I suggest allowing TV, and radio signals in if possible, but no communication out. We don't want someone stumbling iunto the street to ask their neighbours if their TV is out too."
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"Start tracking his cell and point us in the right direction."
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Johnny nods to those speaking to him and then says to Cyclops, "Well if you don't mind, I'm going to connect to the Blackbird's on board computer.  It's a lot more efficient than my cell."  Then he looks over the top of his glasses and says with a slight cocky smirk, "Not that I couldn't do it with my cell.  I could.  But why show off."  

Suddenly his eyes turn into orbs of glowing silver and a spider web of circuitry creep out from the corners of his eyes.

" Attempting to connect to the Blackbird..."
  1. Connecting... Fail [3]  Johnny narrows his eyes.
  2. Connecting... Fail [30]  come on ya little...
  3. Connecting... Success [70]....
"Wow, the Blackbird is being a bit cranky tonight but I got it!  After this, me and you are going to have a long chat," he says to the Blackbird.

[OOC:  Johnny has Monsterous ability in computers which means he "Not only understands Alien Tech, but he can also Improve and modify such Technologies."  Unless the communication companies have upgraded to Alien Tech I don't believe there is any need to roll.  For comparison:  Johnny is smarter in computers than Tony Stark, Mister Fantastic and Doctor Doom and on par with Mephisto.Cool  But if I do need rolls a green feat is 21: I succeeded in 7 rolls. First 4 rolls failed twice.  Second 3 rolls all succeeded.]

Refocusing himself he then attempts to... 

  1. Break into the cell networks [Success]
  2. Locate Jack's cell [Success]
  3. Crash any wireless communication out of the area. [Success]
  4. Crash any landlines [Success]
  5. Disrupt any Police radios or equipment using similar technology. [Success] 
Finally finished, Johnny smiles and states, "It's done.  And Jack is..." [Johnny fills everyone in.]
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"Ready as soon as you touch us down Professor Summers.

The heat shimmering around Porsche blurs her features and occasionally seems to spark as some stray mote of dust in the air is ignited by contact with the heat.
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[FYI:  Mainly for the new players (but also reminding old players) with most feats, if your rank is at least 3 above what you need to succeed then you automatically succeed in what you're trying to do.  For example, Lets say you have an Amazing Acrobatics.  If I were to say you needed to make a Remarkable Acrobat feat to avoid a trap then you would be required to make a Green feat with your skill because it's within 2 ranks [Remarkable to Incredible (1rank) to Amazing (2ranks)].  But if I set the difficulty at Excellent, which your acrobatics is 3 ranks above [Excellent to Remarkable (1rank)  to Incredible (2rank) to amazing (3rank)] then you wouldn't have to make any rolls because it would be automatic.  

Strength feats are a little different because there are exact numbers of how many pounds someone can lift.  For example, Malcolm has has a Remarkable strength Telekinesis (1 ton or 2000 pounds) and he wants to lift up a box that weighs 800 pounds (which is excellent weight), then likely I will just say he can do it automatically.  When he starts getting close to 1 ton then I may make him roll a yellow strength feat to lift it especially if he's trying to lift more than 1 thing at a time.  

So far we have mainly talked about overcoming feats of lower rank.  When trying to overcome something of higher rank, you can normally only make a feat roll for something which is 1 rank higher.  Using Malcolm for example, lets say he wanted to use his telekinesis to lift up something which weighed up to 10 tons (incredible weight).  He would have to roll a Red feat with his Remarkable Telekinesis to get it off the ground and likely he would have a terrible headache afterwards and the lingering smell of burnt toast from frying a few of his brain cells.

There may be occasions where player characters will have to resist an overwhelming attack of more than 1 rank above their own ability or power rank.  For example, if Aurum (sorry Aurum) were to Psionic blast Static Charge (Typical Psyche) with a Psychic blast of Remarkable intensity (3 ranks difference).  Her Remarkable attack is within the 3 ranks rule of Static's Telepathy but over the maximum 1 rank of overcoming her power.  Normally he wouldn't have a chance to resist her attack because you can't resist over +1 column shift your own rank.  But because I'm a nice DM and I want to give people a chance, I would likely tell Static he can make a red psyche feat to resist but he can't use any Karma on the roll.  However, if Aurum were to use an Incredible rank Psychic blast then which is 4 ranks above his Typical Psyche then she would automatically knock him out.  Sorry but there are just some attacks which are too powerful to resist.

I know this is a little complicated but feel free to ask any questions in the OoC section.  There is also something called intensity feats which mean that no matter how many ranks there are difference you can try to roll for it.  But those usually only for specific powers or maneuvers.  Like wanting one extra attack is a Remarkable intensity feat.  You can try to get that extra attack no matter how low your fighting rank.  But there are hefty penalties if you fail.  If you have at least a Remarkable Fighting you would need a yellow roll to get that additional attack.  With a Remarkable fighting you could also try for 2 additional attacks but it is an Amazing intensity feat (Red result).  If you have an Amazing Fighting you can try for 3 additional attacks at an Unearthly intensity feat (red) or two additional attack with a green feat because your amazing fighting is better than the Remarkable intensity needed.  And so on...]

The plane has already landed which was why people were getting up out of their seats.

Johnny does indeed automatically overcome the various security measures of the phone company.  [He needed to beat at most a Remarkable rank which generally is maximum rank of terrain technology.  An Incredible Rank is understanding non-terrain tech.  Since his Monstrous is three ranks above Remarkable, it's automatic.]  And within 30 seconds he has accomplished everything he set out to do.  Johnny manages to triangulate Jack's cell by using communication satellites and various wifi towers.  Then checking with google maps/world he tells everyone that Jack is hanging out close to Lisa's house but he doesn't believe he's gone inside.  With a little extra work Johnny could tap into governmental Surveillance satellites. 

Cyclops replies, "No that will be alright.  I applaud your tenacity but right now we don't need to go that far to find Jack.  Mr. Sinister, maybe.  But Jack, not so much."  He then says to everyone, "Since the consensus is that Katrina would have the best chance of speaking with Jack, I'm putting her in charge of this operation."

Sebastian glances at Katrina and gives her a supportive but confident smile.  He was confident in Kat's leadership abilities even though this world's Katrina seemed much less sure of herself.  

[OoC: When was the last time I gave Karma awards?  I don't think I've given any for the Train station.  What about the blob fight?]
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[OoC we've gotten Karma from both.. the Train station was the most recent]
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[OoC: I made a mistake.  I thought the duration of the power was 1-100 minutes.  Which is why I thought every couple of minutes I would have to renew the transparency.  But apparently it's 1-100 HOURS!  So likely she will only need to apply the power once for each person.  Hopefully she won't roll bad.  Confused ]

While preparing to leave the Blackbird, Ashley says, "I've been thinking.  It can be time consuming to turn each of us perfectly transparent one at a time.  I would like to try to turn a bunch of us perfectly transparent at the same time.  [With a power stunt]  What do you think?  I don't believe I need to be visible for this excursion.  Are there any of you that would like to be invisible too?"
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"I'll take you up on that. If I'm invisible I can prevent any police from apprehending people, without harming the police."
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Katrina lets out a dismayed squeak at being put in charge, then slumps her shoulders in acceptance.

"Uuhhh... Ok. Gedeon, You're already invisible. Do... recon, or whatever. Report back what you see. Anyone else that goes invisible can follow, at a distance. Except Malcolm. He'll keep an eye on the perimeter..." She thinks a moment. "Trevor, you're with me to get Jack. Aurum, can you make sure to keep any bystanders out of harm's way? We might need to get Jack's girlfriend and her father out of here."
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There is a vague feeling of assent in the mindlink, and Gedeon's thought enters it. "I'm on it" Trevor feels a light squeeze of a hand on his arm, then the feeling goes away as soft footsteps pad in the direction Johnny indicated. They don't even need to try very hard to make out where Gedeon is, as she marks her progress through the mindlink, creating what might be considered a crude tactical map.
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.